McConnell says Repukes won't raise debt ceiling


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[FONT=&quot]"Three times – during the administration of the former president – three times House Democrats cooperated in raising the debt ceiling," Jeffries said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Now all of a sudden, they want to jam up the American people and the American economy and our full faith and credit, because they're playing politics?" Jeffries said of Republicans in the Senate.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Senate Republicans should be hearing from their friends in the big banks and big business, as to how catastrophic a default on our debt would be for industry, for commerce, for the economy and most importantly for the American people," Jeffries added.[/FONT]
every change of power we deal with the same bullshit about the debt ceiling......all the while we sit here divided about who is and isn't fiscally wary............why are you morons destroying our country?

"Three times – during the administration of the former president – three times House Democrats cooperated in raising the debt ceiling," Jeffries said.
"Now all of a sudden, they want to jam up the American people and the American economy and our full faith and credit, because they're playing politics?" Jeffries said of Republicans in the Senate.
"Senate Republicans should be hearing from their friends in the big banks and big business, as to how catastrophic a default on our debt would be for industry, for commerce, for the economy and most importantly for the American people," Jeffries added.
If this isn’t a sign the Trumpublicans want to crash and burn America, I don’t know what is.
[COLOR=#333333][FONT="]"Three times – during the administration of the former president – three times House Democrats cooperated in raising the debt ceiling," Jeffries said.[/FONT]

[FONT="]"Now all of a sudden, they want to jam up the American people and the American economy and our full faith and credit, because they're playing politics?" Jeffries said of Republicans in the Senate.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][FONT="]"Senate Republicans should be hearing from their friends in the big banks and big business, as to how catastrophic a default on our debt would be for industry, for commerce, for the economy and most importantly for the American people," Jeffries added.[/FONT]

SSI and disability payments will stop, not good for the trumpanesses
[COLOR=#333333][FONT="]"Three times – during the administration of the former president – three times House Democrats cooperated in raising the debt ceiling," Jeffries said.[/FONT]

[FONT="]"Now all of a sudden, they want to jam up the American people and the American economy and our full faith and credit, because they're playing politics?" Jeffries said of Republicans in the Senate.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][FONT="]"Senate Republicans should be hearing from their friends in the big banks and big business, as to how catastrophic a default on our debt would be for industry, for commerce, for the economy and most importantly for the American people," Jeffries added.[/FONT]

every change of power we deal with the same bullshit about the debt ceiling......all the while we sit here divided about who is and isn't fiscally wary............why are you morons destroying our country?
Someone keeps voting for the duopoly of idiots.
I would actually just raise it if I was mcconnel. Biden is handling like 3++ active criseses usually of his own making. Theres really no need to add another one and have them blame the GOP for everything. Its best that the entire country is focused on the bumbling of Biden.

I mean you can always just do this down the road after a year or two when Biden is not in full meltdown mode.
I would actually just raise it if I was mcconnel. Biden is handling like 3++ active criseses usually of his own making. Theres really no need to add another one and have them blame the GOP for everything. Its best that the entire country is focused on the bumbling of Biden.

I mean you can always just do this down the road after a year or two when Biden is not in full meltdown mode.

What exactly are the "3+ active crises?"