McConnell says Repukes won't raise debt ceiling

I would actually just raise it if I was mcconnel. Biden is handling like 3++ active criseses usually of his own making. Theres really no need to add another one and have them blame the GOP for everything. Its best that the entire country is focused on the bumbling of Biden.

I mean you can always just do this down the road after a year or two when Biden is not in full meltdown mode.

It'll be raised. McConnell might be a dork but he's not dumb. He's just signaling marginal resistance for the record. Biden's on the ropes and repubs would be stupid to let that advantage slip away.
It'll be raised. McConnell might be a dork but he's not dumb. He's just signaling marginal resistance for the record. Biden's on the ropes and repubs would be stupid to let that advantage slip away.

He'd better get his caucus in line. Because not raising the debt ceiling is economic AND political suicide. It's stupid theatrics.
if one is not a couch potato, pre existing conditions don't come into play you fucking idiot, already had free physicals, already had great coverage with a $1200 deductible and then paid 100%, NOW SINCE ACA I have 1750 deductible but can be out $12k before coverage is 100%. Fuck you idiots for supporting that piece of shit

no, you didn't. you are so mind fucked you can't remember shit.
ACA fucked everyone that had good insurance, OBama wrecked coverage for 85 % of the country for 15%, fuck that motherfucker and fuck you for support that ignorant shit

And f**k you mother of lies. The ACA screwed up nothing, and your kind of sit head had been promising (lying as is usual for your type of anti-American) that they would, and could, ever since Gingrich first told the lie in 1994. Get over yourself. The ACA has provided healthcare for millions, and since they are the poor , and mostly Black, white supremacists like you hate it. But f**kheads like you find it hard to do anything for the common man, just lay down in front of your masters until they tell you when to shit.
He'd better get his caucus in line. Because not raising the debt ceiling is economic AND political suicide. It's stupid theatrics.

You have to think Mitch has a long-range plan that destroying the economy is another part of. He is old and will not stop working for billionaires and corporations. He is already rich as hell. He just keeps plugging away for the plutocracy. That must be what he thinks is a great model for conquering the country and then the world. deny that the Republicans were ignored then admit all their amendments were rejected........what a dunce......

And another lying piece of shit speaks out of his worthless ass. YOU were the lying f**k that said the Republicunts were not given the opportunity to participate. I showed that to be a lie. And if you lying c**nts had half a brain you would be able to comp0rehend the written word. I said MOST were rejected, not all. And still you choose to lie. Truth is not your friend:
DUDE.....Biden topped that in six months.......

Current national debt is $27.8 trillion, with trump leaving $27.7 trillion of that. Which means that under Biden, $1.1 trillion has been added, not over $4 trillion.

trump rose the national debt by a total of $7.8 trillion. So far, Biden has grown the national debt by less than a trillion. While it has grown by $1.1 trillion while he was in office, some of that is for appropriations made by trump.
Current national debt is $27.8 trillion, with trump leaving $27.7 trillion of that. Which means that under Biden, $1.1 trillion has been added, not over $4 trillion.

trump rose the national debt by a total of $7.8 trillion. So far, Biden has grown the national debt by less than a trillion. While it has grown by $1.1 trillion while he was in office, some of that is for appropriations made by trump.

I think this sites method results in lower numbers than are accurate, but it makes the relationship clear.......

meanwhile, Biden has already has the following........stimulus 3 $2T.........infrastructure 1 $1T........proposed federal budget of $6T which will likely pass with demmycrat control of Congress......and he wants another $3.5T for "infrastructure"......

that doesn't even count money lost or spent because of his executive much has he spent dealing with the million illegals who've crossed the border since January......
meanwhile, Biden has already has the following........stimulus 3 $2T.........infrastructure 1 $1T........proposed federal budget of $6T which will likely pass with demmycrat control of Congress......and he wants another $3.5T for "infrastructure"......

So you have nothing. You think future spending has already happened, and is debt. Neither is true, or more accurately neither is completely true.

Lets talk about the actual debt. At the end of 2020, it was $27.748 trillion. Right now it is $28.794 trillion. I do not need calculus to come up with an increase of debt of $1.048 trillion.

Now PMS will try to talk about how 10 year budgets spending must all be debt that must all be added to the debt now... But that is simply not true. The debt has increased by $1.048 trillion since December 31st. Some of that happened before January 20th. Some was budgeted before January 20th. In the end, Biden's number is less than $1 trillion, so far.
So you have nothing. You think future spending has already happened, and is debt. Neither is true, or more accurately neither is completely true.

Lets talk about the actual debt. At the end of 2020, it was $27.748 trillion. Right now it is $28.794 trillion. I do not need calculus to come up with an increase of debt of $1.048 trillion.

Now PMS will try to talk about how 10 year budgets spending must all be debt that must all be added to the debt now... But that is simply not true. The debt has increased by $1.048 trillion since December 31st. Some of that happened before January 20th. Some was budgeted before January 20th. In the end, Biden's number is less than $1 trillion, so far.

I know you will never admit what is going on.......demmycunts never do.......its enough that I have provided everyone the facts.......NONE of the Biden spending since January has been in the budget, which was already in deficit.....