McConnell says Repukes won't raise debt ceiling

The debt ceiling does not refer to new debt. You reds do know that much don't you? It is to pay for previous programs like Trump's tax cut and everything else the government has already done. Fighting raising the ceiling is just a show. This is the 80th time we are raising it and arguments against it are ridiculous. But McConnell is dealing with people who know very little and are easily led. Normally, you expect the reds to make a show and then capitulate. Shutting down the government is serious business. It stops military paychecks, Social Security checks, and many other from going out. That is not good politics.

You don't have to pay for tax cuts. The debt ceiling is about new debt.
Hello Nordberg,

The debt ceiling does not refer to new debt. You reds do know that much don't you? It is to pay for previous programs like Trump's tax cut and everything else the government has already done. Fighting raising the ceiling is just a show. This is the 80th time we are raising it and arguments against it are ridiculous. But McConnell is dealing with people who know very little and are easily led. Normally, you expect the reds to make a show and then capitulate. Shutting down the government is serious business. It stops military paychecks, Social Security checks, and many other from going out. That is not good politics.

Republicans must be voted out of office.

America must learn just how bad they are.

One thing is for sure.

They do not care about you.

If you are a regular American, they simply do not care at all.

You mean nothing to them.

All they want is your vote. They will twist any situation, look for the political angle to make it to their advantage of that of their super-rich masters. Anything to get or retain any kind of power.

Every day people's lives are meaningless to them.
Hello Nordberg,

Republicans must be voted out of office.

America must learn just how bad they are.

One thing is for sure.

They do not care about you.

If you are a regular American, they simply do not care at all.

You mean nothing to them.

All they want is your vote. They will twist any situation, look for the political angle to make it to their advantage of that of their super-rich masters. Anything to get or retain any kind of power.

Every day people's lives are meaningless to them.

Modern R's are exactly on the side of the American people, unlike the Authoritarian left in Washington which clearly does not care what Americans want, or our rights, as for instance proven by our open borders...which are illegal.

Also, the D party is now the party of the Wealthy and those who depend on the government for handouts...the R party is for everyone else.
At this point anyone who believes Cocaine Mitch probably has multiple screws loose. He is a Swamp Creature through and through.
Can we stop funding the kennedy center ... and aid to muzziesc ... and all the other idiot thing the dims tack on legislation ???
Can we stop funding the kennedy center ... and aid to muzziesc ... and all the other idiot thing the dims tack on legislation ???

I feel your rant, but the bulk of wasted spending goes to socialism and paying for huge bureaucracies to implement fascism. Money to build Senator Boondoggle's Monument to Government Waste and Stupidity is really chicken feed.
your link says it isn't going to happen on a partisan basis........I guess most would take that as an invitation to negotiate.......of course, no lib'rul would ever agree to something like a bipartisan agreement, would they?.......

So far it has been only your "conservatives" that have spent the last 10 years f**king over the people in favor of the wealthy, and refusing to work with others.
Let us try to put the big picture in a nutshell.

Republicans are out of power. They will do anything to get back in power. That includes screwing up the economy if they can find a way to do that, because a screwed up economy makes the in-power party look bad.

The House passed a debt ceiling hike along party line vote, and sent it to the Senate.

Even though a budget resolution bill requires only a simple majority vote in the Senate, a debt-ceiling hike is not a budget resolution bill (go figure) so it requires a 60-40 vote to pass the Senate.

That is the only form of power Republicans currently have at their disposal, so our financial lives now become at their disposal.

They are going to make a big stink about it, pretending to care about the federal debt, when really, their goal is to screw up the economy, and make the Democrats appear responsible for it because the poorly informed public can told by RWNJ talk pundits that the in-power Democrats are to be blamed for it, and thus convince voters to bring Republicans back into power.

Failure to pass a debt ceiling hike will really screw up the economy by weakening the credit of USA.

President Biden should call their bluff, allow the federal government to go into technical default, shut down essential services, spill the beans, tell the public what's going on, and wait for Republicans to come to their senses.

Get ready for a wild ride.
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So far it has been only your "conservatives" that have spent the last 10 years f**king over the people in favor of the wealthy, and refusing to work with others.

really?....because it seems obvious to the rest of us that the demmycunts have rejected anything bipartisan since Obama said "elections have consequences" and crafted Obamacare without any Republican input........
[COLOR=#333333][FONT="]"Three times – during the administration of the former president – three times House Democrats cooperated in raising the debt ceiling," Jeffries said.[/FONT]

[FONT="]"Now all of a sudden, they want to jam up the American people and the American economy and our full faith and credit, because they're playing politics?" Jeffries said of Republicans in the Senate.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][FONT="]"Senate Republicans should be hearing from their friends in the big banks and big business, as to how catastrophic a default on our debt would be for industry, for commerce, for the economy and most importantly for the American people," Jeffries added.[/FONT]

Your shit is extra dumb.

And you should not put amnesty in a funding bill.

America says no, globalist fuckbar.
Understanding the debt ceiling squabble:

Think of America as a human body. We are all part of the same body.

The left side of our body is the Democrats, and the right side of our body is the Republicans.

Democrats envision all these things we could do to make our life better.

Republicans can't allow Democrats to do good things and get credit for that.

There is a gun in our right hand.

Republicans are willing to shoot us in the foot to get their way.

It hurts the whole body, but Republicans would successfully prevent Democrats from doing more because then we wouldn't even be able to walk.

"Three times – during the administration of the former president – three times House Democrats cooperated in raising the debt ceiling," Jeffries said.
"Now all of a sudden, they want to jam up the American people and the American economy and our full faith and credit, because they're playing politics?" Jeffries said of Republicans in the Senate.
"Senate Republicans should be hearing from their friends in the big banks and big business, as to how catastrophic a default on our debt would be for industry, for commerce, for the economy and most importantly for the American people," Jeffries added.

political theater... they will suspend the ceiling as they did before but it will be all on the donkeys to own it.
Red states are the ones with the biggest bowls in fed govt soup line.
Blue states also generate more revenue because they are more productive and generate more economic activity
and taxes.

Repugnants complain about the system that spills over in their favor to the detriment of blue states.
Special kind of dumb.
Understanding the debt ceiling squabble:

Think of America as a human body. We are all part of the same body.

The left side of our body is the Democrats, and the right side of our body is the Republicans.

Democrats envision all these things we could do to make our life better.

Republicans can't allow Democrats to do good things and get credit for that.

There is a gun in our right hand.

Republicans are willing to shoot us in the foot to get their way.

It hurts the whole body, but Republicans would successfully prevent Democrats from doing more because then we wouldn't even be able to walk.

Extend the metaphor time!

Dems have a cure in the left hand and Repugnants are arm wrestling the jab away.
The planet is on fire and Republicans are pouring accelerant.
Dems want to express the political will of the entire body politic and Republicans are duct taping Uncle Sam's mouth.
Dems earned the money to feed America's children and Republicans stole the money and bought bombs to blow up the poor of the world!