McSame votes 100% with Bush in 2008

BS. Nobody skips the controversy like Obama. Again, only because of the few number of votes. Unlike, say, our Senator, McCain has never spent a year voting "with" Bush. They only use this one, which isn't even over and has had only 7 votes, because they couldn't say that about any full year of McCain's record while Bush was in office.

You know, I don’t know about that. I do know that McCain also skipped the Kyl-Lieberman vote, but since I never considered voting for the half-dead lunatic, I never looked into his skipped votes further. So, let’s see some evidence Damo.
1) Liar.

2) They pick this year because it shows that he actually is the same as Bush. Unlike Republican half-truth bullshit, it has the benefit of actually being true.

If that is the case, why not show his entire voting record during the two Bush terms???

McBush change you cant believe in

McCain Voted with President Bush 377 Times. Since 2001, John McCain has voted in support of the President's position 377 times. The table below outlines the number of votes cast, where the President's position was indicated by a Statement of Administration Policy, and the number of time McCain voted with the President:







I love the part where he pretended not to agree with him publically but cast his vote in favor anyway.
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McBush change you cant believe in

McCain Voted with President Bush 377 Times. Since 2001, John McCain has voted in support of the President's position 377 times. The table below outlines the number of votes cast, where the President's position was indicated by a Statement of Administration Policy, and the number of time McCain voted with the President:







It says back-up is available. Any idea where it is?
Yeah we can tell by how you went immediately into knee-jerk I’m not a McCain supporter McCain supporter defense mode, instead of going to look up what the votes were.
No, I already know he supports that inane War Powers Act. I just like pointing out transparent deception.
You know, I don’t know about that. I do know that McCain also skipped the Kyl-Lieberman vote, but since I never considered voting for the half-dead lunatic, I never looked into his skipped votes further. So, let’s see some evidence Damo.

You mean like this.......

""01-10-2008, 07:58 AM
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Because at one point Obama said that he didn’t know how he would have voted on the Iraqi resolution if he was in the Senate at the time, which he wasn’t.

Damo is touching on something here that many of us have shied away from because I know for myself, I don’t want to denigrate the first realistic black candidate we’ve had, I’m very excited about it. (one of the large points of my post is that it has not escaped my notice that liberal men do not feel the same way about the first realistic woman candidate we’ve had).

The fact is Obama has not done one thing which would even imply he’s going to step for the big fights. He has avoided controversy as if it were the plague!

He ducked Jena
He ducked the moveon/Petraus vote
He ducked the Iran vote

Not once has he been there to take the shit. Guess what? Hillary has. And she’s taken the shit for it. Obama sees controversy he ducks. No one can find him. Pat Buchanon has been congratulating him on MSNBC for being smart enough to duck “that Jena nonsense”. Except to a lot of people, it’s not nonsense.

Like I said, I put the both of them about on par with each other."

You mean like this.......

""01-10-2008, 07:58 AM
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Because at one point Obama said that he didn’t know how he would have voted on the Iraqi resolution if he was in the Senate at the time, which he wasn’t.

Damo is touching on something here that many of us have shied away from because I know for myself, I don’t want to denigrate the first realistic black candidate we’ve had, I’m very excited about it. (one of the large points of my post is that it has not escaped my notice that liberal men do not feel the same way about the first realistic woman candidate we’ve had).

The fact is Obama has not done one thing which would even imply he’s going to step for the big fights. He has avoided controversy as if it were the plague!

He ducked Jena
He ducked the moveon/Petraus vote
He ducked the Iran vote

Not once has he been there to take the shit. Guess what? Hillary has. And she’s taken the shit for it. Obama sees controversy he ducks. No one can find him. Pat Buchanon has been congratulating him on MSNBC for being smart enough to duck “that Jena nonsense”. Except to a lot of people, it’s not nonsense.

Like I said, I put the both of them about on par with each other."

I had no idea that Damo was so head-over-heels in love with McCain.

Damo - you've gotta "hide your love away," as the Beatles sang. It's really goopy & hard to watch....
I had no idea that Damo was so head-over-heels in love with McCain.

Damo - you've gotta "hide your love away," as the Beatles sang. It's really goopy & hard to watch....
I don't have to be in love to point out things like "Most Liberal Senator" and this inane rubbish.

I'm not voting for the guy.

You guys see it through your own tint. You support one of them so anybody saying anything about your post must support the other. It isn't true. I just point out how this is misleading political "talking points". I'd even bet she got it in her e-mail under the very same title she put here.
You mean like this.......

""01-10-2008, 07:58 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Because at one point Obama said that he didn’t know how he would have voted on the Iraqi resolution if he was in the Senate at the time, which he wasn’t.

Damo is touching on something here that many of us have shied away from because I know for myself, I don’t want to denigrate the first realistic black candidate we’ve had, I’m very excited about it. (one of the large points of my post is that it has not escaped my notice that liberal men do not feel the same way about the first realistic woman candidate we’ve had).

The fact is Obama has not done one thing which would even imply he’s going to step for the big fights. He has avoided controversy as if it were the plague!

He ducked Jena
He ducked the moveon/Petraus vote
He ducked the Iran vote

Not once has he been there to take the shit. Guess what? Hillary has. And she’s taken the shit for it. Obama sees controversy he ducks. No one can find him. Pat Buchanon has been congratulating him on MSNBC for being smart enough to duck “that Jena nonsense”. Except to a lot of people, it’s not nonsense.

Like I said, I put the both of them about on par with each other."


I have always said that about Obama, and in fact, you didn’t even have to reveal what a stalker you are, you could have used a post of mine from today, where I said much the same thing. Of course, back then bac agreed with me, especially about Jena.

My point was, I have not looked into McCain’s record, and if Damo is going to make the claim that he shows up for the important votes, let’s see some evidence. I know he skipped the Kyl-Lieberman amendment. What else?
Does McCain want to extend the tax cuts to the wealthy?

Does McCain want to continue with the Iraq War?

Does McCain want to continue the same economic plan as Bush?

Is McCain willing to go into another war with Iran even if it turns out they aren't the nazis?

Does McCain want to continue the same healthcare plan as Bush?

Does McCain want to appoint strict judges so Roe V Wade can be overturned?

Does McCain approve of Guantanamo Bay and others we don't know about?

Does McCain defend Bush on the warrantless wiretapping?

No long ass answers! A paragraph at the most!
I have always said that about Obama, and in fact, you didn’t even have to reveal what a stalker you are, you could have used a post of mine from today, where I said much the same thing. Of course, back then bac agreed with me, especially about Jena.

My point was, I have not looked into McCain’s record, and if Damo is going to make the claim that he shows up for the important votes, let’s see some evidence. I know he skipped the Kyl-Lieberman amendment. What else?
In his 20 years or so in the Senate McCain has participated in more controversial votes than you even remember. It isn't that hard to look at them. Many of them were the ones that made most of the heavy "Conservatives" (read: neo-cons) hate him as he supported the "left" side of things.

Now the one thing that will get me not to vote for him, we already know about. This thread shouldn't be taken as an endorsement. It is simply mocking people who would take 7 out of over 400 votes to say that he voted "with" Bush blah, blah...

Now let's look at Obama's record. Controversial votes in IL were met with "Present" and since he has been in the Senate of the US, they are met with silence.
I have always said that about Obama, and in fact, you didn’t even have to reveal what a stalker you are, you could have used a post of mine from today, where I said much the same thing. Of course, back then bac agreed with me, especially about Jena.

My point was, I have not looked into McCain’s record, and if Damo is going to make the claim that he shows up for the important votes, let’s see some evidence. I know he skipped the Kyl-Lieberman amendment. What else?

1) I thought you were asking for evidence on Obama not showing up... my fault on that

2) Stalker? LMAO... right. Who was the one talking about my package (or lack there of) today? Talk about stalker. ;)
I think it's hilarious that McCain supporters are criticizing Obama for ducking issues when McCain has missed 60% of the votes in this Congress. Hilarious.
In his 20 years or so in the Senate McCain has participated in more controversial votes than you even remember. It isn't that hard to look at them. Many of them were the ones that made most of the heavy "Conservatives" (read: neo-cons) hate him as he supported the "left" side of things.

Now the one thing that will get me not to vote for him, we already know about. This thread shouldn't be taken as an endorsement. It is simply mocking people who would take 7 out of over 400 votes to say that he voted "with" Bush blah, blah...

"Many" is somewhat misleading. Conservatives hate campaign finance & the gang of 14. He has also flip flopped on immigration a few times.

On the big issues of the day - that is this day - he is in lockstep with Bush.
In his 20 years or so in the Senate McCain has participated in more controversial votes than you even remember. It isn't that hard to look at them. Many of them were the ones that made most of the heavy "Conservatives" (read: neo-cons) hate him as he supported the "left" side of things.

Now the one thing that will get me not to vote for him, we already know about. This thread shouldn't be taken as an endorsement. It is simply mocking people who would take 7 out of over 400 votes to say that he voted "with" Bush blah, blah...

Forget his 20 years in the Senate and your claims about what I’ve forgotten. The man has demonstrably changed since only the year 2000. How brave has he been lately?