ME War Troops against a pull-out...!


Unfortunately a few do join the military to kill people....
They make such good LE types when they get out too :rolleyes:

Here we go again...clue: People who join the military thinking it is a boy scout camp are living in a false sense of reality...good soldiers may not like the killing part but they do know the potential is there! This also applies to LE...and for the record in all the years I served in LE I never took a life...came close a few times...but it did not happen!
Calm down, I did say unfortunately a few....
but conisdering the direction our society is taking that number is probably growing.

You're confusing the military with Hollywood sir.

There are a whole host of duties and responsibilities the military performs and killing people pales in comparison.

You may have joined the military to kill people, but most sane people who join do not.

I did not join the military to kill people anymore than I joined LE to kill serve and protect was my is for most in LE and the military...however most do realize that taking a life in the course of duty can and will most likely happen! Not so much in LE as as in the think otherwise is lacking reality!
Calm down, I did say unfortunately a few....
but conisdering the direction our society is taking that number is probably growing.

However BAC paints a totally different picture...your comment about a few was not needed we all know there are bad apples in all walks of life...the innuendo was there us cit!
I did not join the military to kill people anymore than I joined LE to kill serve and protect was my is for most in LE and the military...however most do realize that taking a life in the course of duty can and will most likely happen! Not so much in LE as as in the think otherwise is lacking reality!

as per usual you are fixated and missing the point BB.

The current point is that a few do join the military to kill legally.
and a few in LE are the same way.

as per usual you are fixated and missing the point BB.

The current point is that a few do join the military to kill legally.
and a few in LE are the same way.

I did not miss the point...I clarified the innuendo both you and BAC made...always looking for the worst in LE and Military...Just for once could you point out something good LE and the Military and your ilk always focus on the few bad apples...just a fact ucs cit!
Once again..............

Yeah gloss over those inconvenient facts there BB.
It is your way.

This is exactly what you and your ilk do...gloss over all the bad few...and attach all arguments to the whole...this applies to every issue on this is always conservatives do bad things,religion does bad things,LE does bad things,Military does bad things...never do Liberals/demos do bad things always the opposite side of the fence who is guilty...again just for once can you post something good about your foes...did everything you witnessed in Nam was never saw a compassionate act by a fellow soldier?
This also applies to every aspect of this forum...try google there are as many +as - aspects to every argument!