ME War Troops against a pull-out...!

Anything to avoid the question eh'

Is there any confusion in your mind that Iraq was not one of the greatest blunders in American military and political history?

Air America is just as guilty about bashing as Rushes show are predjudice and a Biggott!
Oh boy a WEBSITE proves that a MAJORITY of vets want to remain there. Nice logic. Ranks right up there with, the bible is true because it is gods word for logic

Oh boy a WEBSITE proves that a MAJORITY of vets want to remain there. Nice logic. Ranks right up there with, the bible is true because it is gods word for logic

and your five drunks in a bar story ranks down there with 'Friends in low places'...:rolleyes:
If you want to see what a Going Concern this organization is look at this part of their website and see how many states don't have anyone as contact information. Shit Illinois' "State Captain" served from the late 60's to 1975 so he has NO IDEA what is going on in Iraq. MOST states have NO info at all. My mind has been changed. Look at all the support from actual Iraqi veterans
You sure are dense today....!

well now that reply was right on target as a reply from what you quoted there BB.. NOT!

take a nap or lay off the 'Moonshine'...I quoted this BAC comment because this is the answer he gave to my question about AA and RL shows!:confused:
:stup2:Most of the states with info have one or two people on it and their e-mail. When I have time I am going to count all the actual email address and names and see what percentage of ALL the vets that have served in Iraq is and maybe BB is right. Maybe this is a HUGE groundswell of support.

See the existence of this website PROVES it's so. Wow what a relief this will be. To prove something true all one has to do know is point to a website that says that thing and it is true! I love this logic.


So the link I gave was ligit...and this is your sad you are snoopy! Go have another beer with the mysterious drunk five 4/1 cav guys!:rolleyes:
So the link I gave was ligit...and this is your sad you are snoopy! Go have another beer with the mysterious drunk five 4/1 cav guys!:rolleyes:
You have real reading comprehension problems there wino. I NEVER said it was not legit. I just said there was hardly anyone involved with it. But instead of addressing that you get into going and having another beer. You are the most intellectually dishonest poster on this board. You try to prove that because there are maybe 100 people attached to this site they constitutes a majority of vets that support the war. I would call your logic faulty but you have no logic. Your debate tactics revolve around calling people bimbo and snoopy and other names. Instead why don't you show me that there is a MAJORITY of Iraq vets associated with this. And again this is not a RANDOM selection. You sought people out that believe as you. I never sought anyone out but instead ran into them randomly and ALL of them think this war is a goatscrew.
Sure snoopy.............

You have real reading comprehension problems there wino. I NEVER said it was not legit. I just said there was hardly anyone involved with it. But instead of addressing that you get into going and having another beer. You are the most intellectually dishonest poster on this board. You try to prove that because there are maybe 100 people attached to this site they constitutes a majority of vets that support the war. I would call your logic faulty but you have no logic. Your debate tactics revolve around calling people bimbo and snoopy and other names. Instead why don't you show me that there is a MAJORITY of Iraq vets associated with this. And again this is not a RANDOM selection. You sought people out that believe as you. I never sought anyone out but instead ran into them randomly and ALL of them think this war is a goatscrew.

Like your mysterious five drunks in a bar 4/1 cav...yeah baby liberal logic at it's worst...they are the majority not a ligit blog site for vets! Do you ever win any cases in court?...Probably not thats why you spend so much time in here with your silly diatribes and counter rebuttals!

You have real reading comprehension problems there wino. I NEVER said it was not legit. I just said there was hardly anyone involved with it. But instead of addressing that you get into going and having another beer. You are the most intellectually dishonest poster on this board. You try to prove that because there are maybe 100 people attached to this site they constitutes a majority of vets that support the war. I would call your logic faulty but you have no logic. Your debate tactics revolve around calling people bimbo and snoopy and other names. Instead why don't you show me that there is a MAJORITY of Iraq vets associated with this. And again this is not a RANDOM selection. You sought people out that believe as you. I never sought anyone out but instead ran into them randomly and ALL of them think this war is a goatscrew.

Is this guy for real? after looking at his profile picture i'm not quite sure if he is a mushroom or a sand flea(crab) I would not trust him with my ex! second thought would be hell yes,i would win for sure.:cof1:
Is this guy for real? after looking at his profile picture i'm not quite sure if he is a mushroom or a sand flea(crab) I would not trust him with my ex! second thought would be hell yes,i would win for sure.:cof1:

Well hello, BB jr. Welcome!