ME War Troops against a pull-out...!

Oh boy a WEBSITE proves that a MAJORITY of vets want to remain there. Nice logic. Ranks right up there with, the bible is true because it is gods word for logic
Why do people find it surprising that a large percentage of soldiers sent into a battle zone would desire to stay and finish the job? We're talking men who volunteered for the military, knew what joining the military means (contrary to a lot of bullshit coming from the anti-war crowd), almost all of whom have at the very least seen first hand a buddy or acquaintance injured or killed.

When one goes into battle, getting shot at, watching buddies die, there is a strong desire to make the horrible events of warfare mean something; to draw something positive out of going through the hell of battle.

So of course there would be many soldiers stationed in Iraq who desire to stay until the mission they were given is accomplished. And there will also be among many of those soldiers a strong resentment against those who would prevent them from accomplishing their mission - even if that mission is not politically or militarily feasible.

Nina, you are his niece?

maybe not,a little mystery here please.According to epidurmis or curus or whatever we are just inbred toothless and useless,all us BB's. Epi must have had or is having a horrible life, he hates and wishes the mature, death within twenty years! I think I will avoid conversing with him in the future,he is too depressing and weird!
Why do people find it surprising that a large percentage of soldiers sent into a battle zone would desire to stay and finish the job? We're talking men who volunteered for the military, knew what joining the military means (contrary to a lot of bullshit coming from the anti-war crowd), almost all of whom have at the very least seen first hand a buddy or acquaintance injured or killed.

When one goes into battle, getting shot at, watching buddies die, there is a strong desire to make the horrible events of warfare mean something; to draw something positive out of going through the hell of battle.

So of course there would be many soldiers stationed in Iraq who desire to stay until the mission they were given is accomplished. And there will also be among many of those soldiers a strong resentment against those who would prevent them from accomplishing their mission - even if that mission is not politically or militarily feasible.

No one wants to admit they were wrong. Like the people who voted for Bush in 2004.
No one wants to admit they were wrong. Like the people who voted for Bush in 2004.
In what way are the soldiers who volunteered to go in harm's way "wrong"? Were they wrong to volunteer for military service? Were they wrong to accept the orders given them? Tell me, exactly what "wrong" is it the American service people are supposed to have difficulty accepting?
Their beliefs that the war was a just effort has been proven wrong.

I have nothing against the troops, I support them more than most. I hate the war and it's supporters though.
Since when is it up to the troops to determine whether a war is just or not? I sure as hell didn't have much to say about justice when I was slogging it through Viet Nam. Just war or not, the bullet that ruined a kidney and my right hip was part of the costs I paid, as was watching buddies die.

And yes, I resent the fact that we (the boys doing the fighting) were not allowed to do the job we were told were were sent to do. And I resent the way the boys over there now are not allowed to do the job they were told they are over there to do.

I also resent the manner in which the anti-war crowd pursued their agenda, then and now. You may think you're supporting the troops with your anti-war rhetoric. But stop and think how a platoon sergeant or squad leader is supposed to address his men and get them ready for the day's foray into battle when most of what they hear from home is how what they are doing is a crime, and it's a hopeless situation, and there is no way they can possibly win, etc., etc., etc.

Troop morale, believe it or not, is a BIG factor in combat. A troop with low morale will inevitably come back with more casualties that a troop with high morale. A soldier with low morale is worried, distracted, emotionally weary. The one with low morale is more likely to get injured or killed, and/or drop his end of the stick and allow his buddy and possibly the entire unit to get injured or killed.

A trooper with high morale is alert, oriented, ready. He knows the mission and knows his part in it. He is less likely to get injured because he is alert. He is less likely to screw up because he is oriented and emotionally ready to do the job.

I know what I am talking about. I had to fight the morale battle in Viet Nam. It was not too bad my second tour, and my first tour I was on the receiving end of the morale speeches. But that last tour in '71 was fucked royally. And the fucking was not all due to Charlie.

Since when is it up to the troops to determine whether a war is just or not? I sure as hell didn't have much to say about justice when I was slogging it through Viet Nam. Just war or not, the bullet that ruined a kidney and my right hip was part of the costs I paid, as was watching buddies die.

And yes, I resent the fact that we (the boys doing the fighting) were not allowed to do the job we were told were were sent to do. And I resent the way the boys over there now are not allowed to do the job they were told they are over there to do.

I also resent the manner in which the anti-war crowd pursued their agenda, then and now. You may think you're supporting the troops with your anti-war rhetoric. But stop and think how a platoon sergeant or squad leader is supposed to address his men and get them ready for the day's foray into battle when most of what they hear from home is how what they are doing is a crime, and it's a hopeless situation, and there is no way they can possibly win, etc., etc., etc.

Troop morale, believe it or not, is a BIG factor in combat. A troop with low morale will inevitably come back with more casualties that a troop with high morale. A soldier with low morale is worried, distracted, emotionally weary. The one with low morale is more likely to get injured or killed, and/or drop his end of the stick and allow his buddy and possibly the entire unit to get injured or killed.

A trooper with high morale is alert, oriented, ready. He knows the mission and knows his part in it. He is less likely to get injured because he is alert. He is less likely to screw up because he is oriented and emotionally ready to do the job.

I know what I am talking about. I had to fight the morale battle in Viet Nam. It was not too bad my second tour, and my first tour I was on the receiving end of the morale speeches. But that last tour in '71 was fucked royally. And the fucking was not all due to Charlie.

nor the NVA...however Lt.Kerry,Jane(Hanoi)Fonda and quite a few others played a big role...just in this forum alone it reeks of the cit VN vet turn coat,kissn' Code Pinks arse...enough to make a grunt puke!