Meanwhile: the Trump economy is booming according to CNN

  • The U.S. economy added 261,000 jobs in October, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports.
  • The unemployment rate fell to 4.1 percent as labor conditions returned to normal following the storm-weakened September.

Joblessness that includes discouraged workers and those at work part -time for economic reasons fell sharply, from 8.3 percent to 7.9 percent after being at 9.5 percent just a year ago.

In all, employment in the manufacturing sector has increased by 156,000 since President Donald Trump's election in November 2016. Trump has made blue-collar growth a priority of his economic agenda.

Stock market futures nudged higher following the report.

Will you hail Trump?

did you hail Obama month after month after month after month after month after month

I would have to keep going for over 70 months to track all the Obama sucess you shits pretended was a bad thing.

momentum towards the up swing was given to trump

the country was in freefall when Obama took office
True, but the jobs numbers are due in large part to an increase in coal jobs. A flash in the pan, but you're correct. trump has them relying on a false premise

The coal industry has lost over 35,000 jobs in the past 5 years. It will never recover despite Trump lies.
  • The U.S. economy added 261,000 jobs in October, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports.
  • The unemployment rate fell to 4.1 percent as labor conditions returned to normal following the storm-weakened September.

Joblessness that includes discouraged workers and those at work part -time for economic reasons fell sharply, from 8.3 percent to 7.9 percent after being at 9.5 percent just a year ago.

In all, employment in the manufacturing sector has increased by 156,000 since President Donald Trump's election in November 2016. Trump has made blue-collar growth a priority of his economic agenda.

Stock market futures nudged higher following the report.

Will you hail Trump?
You do make me laugh, you used to post regular odes to Obama when you were a liberal troll.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 Note using Tapatalk
I wouldn't have expected any other answer. A booming stock market, 15 million new jobs, and record corporate profits, as well as a return of the home values decimated by the Bush housing crash.
Corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash...doing nothing with it besides an occasional stock buyback. Meanwhile, Republicans keep demanding that a massive tax cut is needed in order to give these corporations more cash.
Corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash...doing nothing with it besides an occasional stock buyback. Meanwhile, Republicans keep demanding that a massive tax cut is needed in order to give these corporations more cash.
Not only are they sitting on cash, but record sales as well. Why do we need to add 1.5 trillion to our debt? Republicans hate debt, until they come into power.
Trump inherited a very healthy economy unlike what Obama got from Bush.

You have to remember, these Trumpettes cannot point to any legislative accomplishments or profound and substantive economic measures their Orange Fat Ass has taken. So, they are reduced to piggy backing on the progress Obama made.

You know what else if funny? These Trumpettes are the exact same people who were cheerleading and waving pom poms for the Bush economy right up to the eve of the 2008 Great Republican Recession.
Not only are they sitting on cash, but record sales as well. Why do we need to add 1.5 trillion to our debt? Republicans hate debt, until they come into power.
Correction...they hate debt that is generated by increasing programs that feed/house the elderly, children, and veterans.

They love debt that is generated by giving billions in tax cuts to donors.
You have to remember, these Trumpettes cannot point to any legislative accomplishments or profound and substantive economic measures their Orange Fat Ass has taken. So, they are reduced to piggy backing on the progress Obama made.

You know what else if funny? These Trumpettes are the exact same people who were cheerleading and waving pom poms for the Bush economy right up to the eve of the 2008 Great Republican Recession.

If this excuse for a tax plan doesn't pass Congress, look out below, for the stock market.
[FONT=&quot]U.S. coal production last year reached its lowest level since 1978, but miners have bounced back in 2017. The nation’s output of coal fell about 10% in 2015 and 17% in 2016, according to the Energy Information Administration. Production in the first eight months of 2017 was sharply higher, rising 14% to 528 million short tons. The EIA projects an 8% increase for the full year.[/FONT]
You have to remember, these Trumpettes cannot point to any legislative accomplishments or profound and substantive economic measures their Orange Fat Ass has taken. So, they are reduced to piggy backing on the progress Obama made.

You know what else if funny? These Trumpettes are the exact same people who were cheerleading and waving pom poms for the Bush economy right up to the eve of the 2008 Great Republican Recession.
And then criticized Obama's efforts to stimulate the economy
they hate debt so they can shrink the government

they lie about why they claim debt is evil

Debt is a tool

A country building for the future never oges completely out of debt

its stupid to do so

a family needs to clear debt because eventually the people grow old and die.

the right wants to clear all debt to keep the country from spending on infrastructure

why do they do that ?

because if the left builds on infrastaucture things get better


tax revenue goes up

new jobs created by the results of new needed infrastructure

tax revenue goes up

people begin to love their government

the right wants people to hate government

that way the right can shrink government and keep the people at bay

they want a weak government that is unable to protect the people very well

they want then CEOs to be more powerful than the government of the people
15 million new jobs and your kind calls it Malaise.

For eight years Democratic liars told us we needed to pass higher minimum wage laws and spend another half trillion due to a laggard economy.

You can't have it BOTH ways shit-for-brains. Democrats lost the House, the Senate and the White House doubling down on stupid.

A 12, ooo pint run up in the stock market which to your kind is malaise.

Dear idiot; I didn't call the stock market malaise, I clearly stated that the run up was built on the Fed policy of buying up US debt and enriching the wealthiest among us. Few at the lower end of the economic spectrum, the very people liberals claim to champion, benefited from this false economy.

You probably still believe that Bush did a wonderful job!

You still probably believe that Bush had something to do with the mortgage implosion.

Yes, you really are that Dumb.
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Trump’s economy: Unemployment at 17 year low, 1.4 million new jobs, more Americans working than ever before.

DEMOCRATS: You didn't build that. :rofl2:
Just read an article this AM about all the coal miners still waiting for Trumps promise to revive their industry. Those poor schmucks still haven't realized that trump lied to them as he has done so often to everyone.

Actually, the coal miners I talk to realize the market will never totally recover. Unlike you and Hillary, I actually know some miners lol.

That said, these people realize Trump won’t set out to deliberately kill the industry like Obama did and Hillary would have. Since Trump’s policy isn’t designed to kill their jobs, that translates into at least some of the mining jobs returning. You, nor anyone else knows how long they will stay.

Trump vs Hillary was a very easy choice for these people and for blue collar workers more generally. Good luck getting them back.

You’re going to need it.