Meanwhile: the Trump economy is booming according to CNN

Actually, the coal miners I talk to realize the market will never totally recover. Unlike you and Hillary, I actually know some miners lol.

That said, these people realize Trump won’t set out to deliberately kill the industry like Obama did and Hillary would have. Since Trump’s policy isn’t designed to kill their jobs, that translates into at least some of the mining jobs returning. You, nor anyone else knows how long they will stay.

Trump vs Hillary was a very easy choice for these people and for blue collar workers more generally. Good luck getting them back.

You’re going to need it.

why woulod ANYONE believe what you claim without proof?
Job numbers released this week through the end of October show an increase of 1.4 million jobs and an unemployment rate of 4.1%.

After months of Obama's Reign of Error, 4.8 million jobs had been lost and unemployment skyrocketed to 10%.

DEMOCRATS blamed Bush then, and still do.

You don't hear this president whining like a whipped cur about "the mess he inherited".

But DEMOCRATS will cry that he inherited a strong economy from B. Hussein Obama. :palm:
Corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash...doing nothing with it besides an occasional stock buyback.

Corporations do not like sitting on a pile of cash. Idle cash does not benefit their bottom line.

But when your nation is run by a dumbfuck like Obama who thinks we should be grateful for what little cash the Government allows us to keep, they keep that money offshore for other investments outside of the US.

Meanwhile, Republicans keep demanding that a massive tax cut is needed in order to give these corporations more cash.

Once again; corporations do not pay taxes. They COLLECT them. The Democratic Party of the Jackass likes gullible idiots who don't realize that the taxes imposed on corporations are taxes on their supporters.

You lack the common sense to comprehend the OBVIOUS. Which is why you idiots on the left keep spouting off about corporate taxes as if you had even the slightest clue of what you are erupting about.
Corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash...doing nothing with it besides an occasional stock buyback. Meanwhile, Republicans keep demanding that a massive tax cut is needed in order to give these corporations more cash.

Not only are they sitting on cash, but record sales as well. Why do we need to add 1.5 trillion to our debt? Republicans hate debt, until they come into power.

Another leftist fool who thinks corporations pay taxes. How does a tax cut add $1.5 trillion to the debt? It doesn't; because history has shown that after every tax cut, we have had continued Government revenue growth.

We don't have a revenue problem in this country dumbass, we have a SPENDING problem.

I am amused by the moronic liberal argument that allowing people to keep more of what THEY earn is a bad idea and a detriment to Government revenue streams.

Liberals really are the most ignorant on the planet.
Corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash...doing nothing with it besides an occasional stock buyback. Meanwhile, Republicans keep demanding that a massive tax cut is needed in order to give these corporations more cash.

Not only are they sitting on cash, but record sales as well. Why do we need to add 1.5 trillion to our debt? Republicans hate debt, until they come into power.

Of course not, but they saw a bump under trump.

Two leftist idiots in a circle jerk. :rofl2:
You have to remember, these Trumpettes cannot point to any legislative accomplishments or profound and substantive economic measures their Orange Fat Ass has taken. So, they are reduced to piggy backing on the progress Obama made.

You know what else if funny? These Trumpettes are the exact same people who were cheerleading and waving pom poms for the Bush economy right up to the eve of the 2008 Great Republican Recession.

Another brain dead leftist moron who thinks Bush has something to do with the mortgage implosion manufactured by Liberal acts.
Trump economy my ass.

Even if this incompetent clown had accomplished something in his first year other than achieving THE LOWEST FIRST YEAR APPROVAL RATING OF ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY... he still would not have been in office long enough for the effects of his policies to have manifested themselves at this point.

What we are seeing are the results of THE OBAMA ECONOMY.
Trump economy my ass.

Even if this incompetent clown had accomplished something in his first year other than achieving THE LOWEST FIRST YEAR APPROVAL RATING OF ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY... he still would not have been in office long enough for the effects of his policies to have manifested themselves at this point.

What we are seeing are the results of THE OBAMA ECONOMY.
Obama's economy policy was fuelled in large part by Quantitative Easing.

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Trump economy my ass.

Even if this incompetent clown had accomplished something in his first year other than achieving THE LOWEST FIRST YEAR APPROVAL RATING OF ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY... he still would not have been in office long enough for the effects of his policies to have manifested themselves at this point.

What we are seeing are the results of THE OBAMA ECONOMY.
They conflate 'The Market' with 'The Economy'. Wall St. changes with the weather. The economy doesn't
Trump economy my ass.

Even if this incompetent clown had accomplished something in his first year other than achieving THE LOWEST FIRST YEAR APPROVAL RATING OF ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY... he still would not have been in office long enough for the effects of his policies to have manifested themselves at this point.

What we are seeing are the results of THE OBAMA ECONOMY.

You can credit ‘the Obama media’ for a large part of Trump’s poll numbers: even Jimmy Carter called them out on it.

The interesting question is how many people will vote against Trump and/or for democrats if the Trump economy stays booming.
I think a fair look is Obama created jobs and kept the economy from free fall -but he also throttled growth
with over-regulation.

Trump's challenge is to keep that GDP growth he started continuously moving forward,
I think a fair look is Obama created jobs and kept the economy from free fall -but he also throttled growth
with over-regulation.

Trump's challenge is to keep that GDP growth he started continuously moving forward,
Trump started the growth, bawahahaha, your ignorance is epic!
I think a fair look is Obama created jobs and kept the economy from free fall -but he also throttled growth
with over-regulation.

What specific economic policies did Obama implement that kept the economy from free-falling?

The economy would have stopped it's free-fall had the Government done NOTHING. The primary reason the economy free-fell in the first place was due to Government interference in the mortgage markets and insistence that people of color should be able to get loans even if they can't pay them back.
But the criticism has been that the recession lasted longer than it should have because of Obama’s policy.

Note that the best spin democrats will be able to put on it is that Trump hasn’t screwed it up. Good luck running on that message in 2018.

No, Darth. Once again, you are a bit factually challenged.

Obama actually ended the recession fairly quickly - pretty remarkable considering how everyone on your side said the stimulus would lead to a prolonged Depression.

The criticism of Obama had to do w/ the fact that the recovery itself was fairly weak. That's what happened, and if you check your talking points over the years, that's what you're supposed to focus on.

I'm trying to help.