Meanwhile: the Trump economy is booming according to CNN

Originally Posted by Thing1


Thingy posting selfies for us.....kool......
You could save us even more time not being a gullible lying leftist on steroids bombarding the forum with stupidity that causes everyone but the dumbest among us to point at you and laugh.

I find it amusing that idiots like you think you're intelligent. Especially after your election predictions and Trump eruptions. You really are too stupid to be embarrassed aren't you?

100% accurate, T-D! :thup:
Trump started the growth, bawahahaha, your ignorance is epic!
I wrote "GDP growth" you moron -as in getting it up to 3% ..
in you constant haste to "gotcha" my posts you don't even read them. Look again

by anatta
I think a fair look is Obama created jobs and kept the economy from free fall -but he also throttled growth
with over-regulation.

Trump's challenge is to keep that GDP growth he started continuously moving forward,

You are becoming 'Runish'ly stupid. Don't be Runish
LOL@ "everything wrong." I said Comey's letter would win him the election.

Comey's letter had nothing to do with it you moron. We may have to dredge up your idiot predictions just for shits and giggles. But then, your such a sociopathic lying dunce, you'll claim it wasn't you.

Oh - and I don't think anyone was more right than me about how much of an incompetent buffoon he would be as Prez. This is all exactly as I predicted.

You're such a dullard you don't even comprehend that the incompetence is coming from the lying Democratic Party of the Jackass and idiots like you who moronically think you can just stomp your feet loudly, impugn our election processes and the office of the President with impunity and change the results of an election.

You're an asshole of epic proportions who lacks the basic intelligence to be embarrassed you are a lying asshole on steroids and who still thinks no one remembers all the stupid claims and predictions you make here.

You haven't been right for even a moment in this forum and when trapped with that reality, go into a whine fest little babies would be envious of.

Ryun along assclown. Life's too short to engage a lying asshole of such epic proportions.
Re: the bolded. Don't lump most voters in w/ yourself.

I'm willing to bet that over 50% of the voting public understands that distinction, and understands it well.

In practical terms, why does it matter what you call it?

The economy was stagnant until Trump took over. Who care what the most accurate term is. Like a few of us predicted, things changed for the better after Trump took over. How’s that?

What’s the democrats selling point on the economy going to be, Thingy?

Blame Bush?
In practical terms, why does it matter what you call it?

The economy was stagnant until Trump took over. Who care what the most accurate term is. Like a few of us predicted, things changed for the better after Trump took over. How’s that?

What’s the democrats selling point on the economy going to be, Thingy?

Blame Bush?

Trump Tweet: Unemployment is down to 4.1%, lowest in 17 years. 1.5 million new jobs created since I took office. Highest stock Market ever, up $5.4 trill

In practical terms, why does it matter what you call it?

The economy was stagnant until Trump took over. Who care what the most accurate term is. Like a few of us predicted, things changed for the better after Trump took over. How’s that?

What’s the democrats selling point on the economy going to be, Thingy?

Blame Bush?

This entire post if factually inaccurate, if not an outright lie.

What does it matter "what we call it?" Because people are losing jobs in a recession. During a recovery - even a slow one - they're gaining jobs.

And people were gaining jobs under Obama, by the millions, despite your side's best efforts to talk the economy down. We were within a tick of full employment by the time Obama left office.

So, you can continue to lie about the economy under Obama for as long as you want. I don't care. Call it the longest recession EVAH. It would be just as accurate as what you're saying now.
CNN business correspondent Richard Quest gave President Trump credit for the booming U.S. economy, and said anyone who denies Trump’s contributions is being “mealy-mouthed.”

Who wants to be the first to be mealy-mouthed lol?

A continuation of the Obama/Yellen economy, including the stock market.

Yellen Will Leave Top Fed Post With Solid Record