Meanwhile: the Trump economy is booming according to CNN

In practical terms, why does it matter what you call it?

The economy was stagnant until Trump took over. Who care what the most accurate term is. Like a few of us predicted, things changed for the better after Trump took over. How’s that?

What’s the democrats selling point on the economy going to be, Thingy?

Blame Bush?

your post is a lie
Why do you think the rest of CNN, and the MSM aren't talking about it?

When it was Bush, and the economy was tanking it was front page everyday. Now that it's booming, under an R, backpage. Corruption of the msm never ends.
Why do you think the rest of CNN, and the MSM aren't talking about it?

When it was Bush, and the economy was tanking it was front page everyday. Now that it's booming, under an R, backpage. Corruption of the msm never ends.

The media is infested with DEMOCRATS who put party over professionalism.
This entire post if factually inaccurate, if not an outright lie.

What does it matter "what we call it?" Because people are losing jobs in a recession. During a recovery - even a slow one - they're gaining jobs.

And people were gaining jobs under Obama, by the millions, despite your side's best efforts to talk the economy down. We were within a tick of full employment by the time Obama left office.

So, you can continue to lie about the economy under Obama for as long as you want. I don't care. Call it the longest recession EVAH. It would be just as accurate as what you're saying now.

Are the present economic indicators lying lol?

And I’m still waiting on the democrats message on the economy. If you don’t think they have one, that’s fine, just tell the class.
Are the present economic indicators lying lol?

And I’m still waiting on the democrats message on the economy. If you don’t think they have one, that’s fine, just tell the class.

Uh-oh. I bet he calls you "really dopey" or something now.

Democrats need to take back Rust Belt states like PA, MI and WI to win in 2020.

So what do they spend their time doing?

Blaming white people for everything. Talking about muh Russia and liberal social engineering while Trump pushes a big economic rebound.

Uh-oh. I bet he calls you "really dopey" or something now.

Democrats need to take back Rust Belt states like PA, MI and WI to win in 2020.

So what do they spend their time doing?

Blaming white people for everything. Talking about muh Russia and liberal social engineering while Trump pushes a big economic rebound.


Good point on the Rust Belt.

The democrats won’t get the WH back without it.
The media pays attention to Russia and the daily noise as does The Resistance lol.

The voters? I say they pay attention to the economy.

Because....? Lol

But muh popular vote.
Trump inherited a very healthy economy unlike what Obama got from Bush.

Something else to be clear about is that the last OBAMA budget is in effect through September, 2017. trump deserves credit or blame for what he does - and that has been very little.