Meanwhile: the Trump economy is booming according to CNN

the same thing finacial experts would say if we stayed at 3%

that the economy was overheating idiot

Ok, let’s run with that.

So, democrats should run on 3% GDP being ‘bad news’ in the sense the number should be brought down lol? How do you think such rhetoric will fly in the Rust Belt and amongst the working class, more generally?
It was Bush who took the elevator to the basement and Obama the penthouse.

really?....because two things stick out in my took Obama six years to get unemployment back to what it was when he was inaugurated......and, he doubled the national debt.......
We could save TD & God loads of time by just having their 2-3 trite insults as buttons or something, like emojis - posters could take shifts inserting them repetitively into threads. That way they wouldn't have to linger around here 24x7. I hate to see them waste their lives away like this.
Funny...we've discussed that on other boards w/respect to Minty, and Dogshit. Simply insert a number off of a menu, instead of doing all the typing.
I did not say it was bad news you fucking idiot liar

if growth remains too high for too long you will have an economic crash idiot.

every time Obama had good numbers you lying fucks would claim they were not GOOD ENOUGH numbers.

you wanted an overheated economy

because your fucking assholes
really?....because two things stick out in my took Obama six years to get unemployment back to what it was when he was inaugurated......and, he doubled the national debt.......

its you assholes who always crash it and us who always fix it

so shut the fuck up about fixing things

your shits never do it
really?....because two things stick out in my took Obama six years to get unemployment back to what it was when he was inaugurated......and, he doubled the national debt.......
The national debt was never doubled, but any increases in that debt mostly stemmed from Republicans who wrote and passed spending bills
In practical terms, why does it matter what you call it?

The economy was stagnant until Trump took over. Who care what the most accurate term is. Like a few of us predicted, things changed for the better after Trump took over. How’s that?

What’s the democrats selling point on the economy going to be, Thingy?

Blame Bush?
Can you give us a chronology of the last 9 years please? Making silly generalizations does no good for your argument. The economy is actually creating less jobs now, than during Obama's tenure. The market is up, but that doesn't reflect the economy.

So let's see your data.
The national debt was never doubled, but any increases in that debt mostly stemmed from Republicans who wrote and passed spending bills

really?.....because it was under $10T when he was inaugurated and it hit $20T before October, which is still on Obama's last budget......that looks like double to me......
Has Trump pulled off unlikely economic miracle? US economy confounds forecasters

AGAINST the experts’ forecasts Donald Trump seems to be turning the US economy around recording THREE per cent growth for the second quarter in a row. must be super intelligent. Where's the growth coming from? And inflated market? All the speculation about a tax cut that isn't going to pass, has already been factored into the growth. What happens if this cut does actually go through, and wages remain stagnant?

Never in history, has a cut to corporate taxes, resulted in more jobs, or higher wages.
really?.....because it was under $10T when he was inaugurated and it hit $20T before October, which is still on Obama's last budget......that looks like double to me......

The final Bush budget ended in October with a National debt of $12 trillion. Most of the rest you can blame on republicans.
Now tell us why you are so concerned with deficits as you welcome "tax relief" with a 1.5 trillion price tag to the debt.
Closer to nothing, not a single piece of major legislation promised has been delivered. nada.
Many industries are enjoying reduced regulations on the environment/finance. That's bumping the market in certain sectors. But at the street level, nothing has changed....nor will it.
Can you give us a chronology of the last 9 years please? Making silly generalizations does no good for your argument. The economy is actually creating less jobs now, than during Obama's tenure. The market is up, but that doesn't reflect the economy.

So let's see your data.

I’m trying to get at the *democrats* political argument they will use in 2018 and beyond if the economic trends continue. Yours seems to be that nothing significant has happened with the economy over the last year.

My counterpoint to that is, that argument will be a tough sell in precincts that Trump won.

And I’m pretty sure I’m right.
So, democrats should say it’s not really all that that high now?

What will democrats say if the GDP stays at 3% or above?
Hah. So easy to speculate, isn't it. Why not ask what happens when it doesn't? Even you don't believe that tax cuts equate to anything other than higher dividends/corporate exec. pay.
I’m trying to get at the *democrats* political argument they will use in 2018 and beyond if the economic trends continue. Yours seems to be that nothing significant has happened with the economy over the last year.

My counterpoint to that is, that argument will be a tough sell in precincts that Trump won.

And I’m pretty sure I’m right.

That must be why Trump is "enjoying" the lowest approval numbers of any 1st year in office.
The final Bush budget ended in October with a National debt of $12 trillion. Most of the rest you can blame on republicans.
Now tell us why you are so concerned with deficits as you welcome "tax relief" with a 1.5 trillion price tag to the debt.

sorry, you can't include Obama's "stimmyless" in Bush's budget and why would I blame Obama and the demmycrats mess on Republicans? far as tax relief, I expect the tax changes to result in increased revenue (as they always have)and leave us with no price tag of $1.5T which by the way was over ten years, right?.....isn't that around ten percent of Obama's deficits?......
sorry, you can't include Obama's "stimmyless" in Bush's budget and why would I blame Obama and the demmycrats mess on Republicans? far as tax relief, I expect the tax changes to result in increased revenue (as they always have)and leave us with no price tag of $1.5T which by the way was over ten years, right?.....isn't that around ten percent of Obama's deficits?......

Tell us just how successful the Bush tax cuts were. All we get from your kind are empty promises and lies. The Obama stimulus was not in the Bush budget but every other piece of spending was all on the republicans
Quote Originally Posted by Darth Omar View Post
I’m trying to get at the *democrats* political argument they will use in 2018 and beyond if the economic trends continue. Yours seems to be that nothing significant has happened with the economy over the last year.

My counterpoint to that is, that argument will be a tough sell in precincts that Trump won.

And I’m pretty sure I’m right.
That must be why Trump is "enjoying" the lowest approval numbers of any 1st year in office.

actually, his approval numbers look golden next to the approval numbers of Congress.....