Meanwhile: the Trump economy is booming according to CNN must be super intelligent. Where's the growth coming from? And inflated market? All the speculation about a tax cut that isn't going to pass, has already been factored into the growth. What happens if this cut does actually go through, and wages remain stagnant?

Never in history, has a cut to corporate taxes, resulted in more jobs, or higher wages.
Yeh tell that to Ireland, they love blarney over there!

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"Food stamps" is one of the most bogus GOP talking points out there.

They're a lagging indicator. There is a gap between the time the economy tanks, and people actually need food stamp assistance.

The economy tanked in 2008 (in case anyone forgot). Millions of jobs were being lost when Obama was inaugurated. Obama also expanded eligibility for food stamps as part of the stimulus (the logic being that food stamp money goes right back into the economy).

Not a big stretch that there were a lot of people on food stamps during his years in office.
And the rust belt won't get their country back without a Democrat.

The final Bush budget ended in October with a National debt of $12 trillion. Most of the rest you can blame on republicans.
Now tell us why you are so concerned with deficits as you welcome "tax relief" with a 1.5 trillion price tag to the debt.

This idjiot is chugging the DNC koolaid.
I read a sad story recently how PA coal miners aren’t taking advantage of retraining programs because they believe Trump will return coal mining to its glory days. This hampers new industry in developing in PA because there arent trainer personnel. There has been a small upswing in coal and this has given them false hope. It is very unfortunate they trust Trump. He should tell them to take advantage of the programs.

Link us up dumbfuck. (formerly known as Cybercast News Service) is a politically conservative American news and commentary website founded by L. Brent Bozell III and owned by Media Research Center, Bozell's Reston, Virginia-based organization.[
Trump has deleted much of Obama’s regulatory morass and many of these regulations affected businesses. And since businesses do the hiring, you might as well get used to having to explain-away good economic news.

For example, consumer confidence is higher than it has been in 17 years.

And I’m still waiting for the democrats economic message they will need in 2018. Are they going to run on bringing back the Obama era regulations lol?

Will you hail Trump, Comrade?
"Food stamps" is one of the most bogus GOP talking points out there.

They're a lagging indicator. There is a gap between the time the economy tanks, and people actually need food stamp assistance.

I know, right?.......its going to take forever to get around to cutting you off now that we're actually doing something about the fucked up economy.....

WAYNESBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - When Mike Sylvester entered a career training center earlier this year in southwestern Pennsylvania, he found more than one hundred federally funded courses covering everything from computer programming to nursing.
He settled instead on something familiar: a coal mining course.
"I think there is a coal comeback,” said the 33-year-old son of a miner.
Despite broad consensus about coal's bleak future, a years-long effort to diversify the economy of this hard-hit region away from mining is stumbling, with Obama-era jobs retraining classes undersubscribed and future programs at risk under President Donald Trump’s proposed 2018 budget.

Trump has promised to revive coal by rolling back environmental regulations and moved to repeal Obama-era curbs on carbon emissions from power plants.
"I have a lot of faith in President Trump," Sylvester said.
But hundreds of coal-fired plants have closed in recent years, and cheap natural gas continues to erode domestic demand. The Appalachian region has lost about 33,500 mining jobs since 2011, according to the Appalachian Regional Commission.