Meanwhile: the Trump economy is booming according to CNN

WAYNESBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - When Mike Sylvester entered a career training center earlier this year in southwestern Pennsylvania, he found more than one hundred federally funded courses covering everything from computer programming to nursing.
He settled instead on something familiar: a coal mining course.
"I think there is a coal comeback,” said the 33-year-old son of a miner.
Despite broad consensus about coal's bleak future, a years-long effort to diversify the economy of this hard-hit region away from mining is stumbling, with Obama-era jobs retraining classes undersubscribed and future programs at risk under President Donald Trump’s proposed 2018 budget.

Trump has promised to revive coal by rolling back environmental regulations and moved to repeal Obama-era curbs on carbon emissions from power plants.
"I have a lot of faith in President Trump," Sylvester said.
But hundreds of coal-fired plants have closed in recent years, and cheap natural gas continues to erode domestic demand. The Appalachian region has lost about 33,500 mining jobs since 2011, according to the Appalachian Regional Commission.

Coal miners in Pennsylvania are choosing to hold out hope that President Donald Trump's promised revival of the coal industry will come to fruition instead of taking advantage of federally funded retraining opportunities, according to Reuters .
Though an Obama-era program aimed at providing former miners the training required to seek employment outside of the mines offers coursework in a wide variety of in-demand jobs, retraining sign-up rates in southwestern Pennsylvania remain below 20 percent.
I know, right?.......its going to take forever to get around to cutting you off now that we're actually doing something about the fucked up economy.....

We? As far as I can tell, your only contribution to the economy is using internet service to call females cunts and bitches.

Let's take a trip down memory lane, and look back at the economy the guy you voted for left for us....your hero, George Dumbya Bush
Yeah, I'd like to see that story as well, especially since I live near PA's coal region and it's BS.

this crap is really simple. if trump made a promise assume he lied and a coal come back is one of his many lies. jobs have been lost account of automation in coal. Coal will still be needed for export and to make steel but it is indeed fading. if you are a coal miner or a peripheral business you are dead meat.
Why couldn't Obama achieve what has happened to the economy since Trump took office?

this is the point were having an education comes into play. educated people know that financial collapses recover slowly...econ 101. Econ is short for economics. I will also point out Obama had several months of 3% GDP so again the issue is your lack of education.
this is the point were having an education comes into play. educated people know that financial collapses recover slowly...econ 101. Econ is short for economics. I will also point out Obama had several months of 3% GDP so again the issue is your lack of education.

Obama failed. Your comparisons paled. Now the market is booming instead of food stamps mushrooming.
I read a sad story recently how PA coal miners aren’t taking advantage of retraining programs because they believe Trump will return coal mining to its glory days. This hampers new industry in developing in PA because there arent trainer personnel. There has been a small upswing in coal and this has given them false hope. It is very unfortunate they trust Trump. He should tell them to take advantage of the programs.
Absolutely. Which is ironic, because a large part of Hillary's plan was to do just that. Spend money on alternatives to the coal industry.

But they believed trump over Crooked Hillary. I have a summer neighbor who's been here since the '70s. He's a Russian born immigrant who speaks English very well, but still struggles with certain phrasing. I helped him over the summer with some light carpentry, and every time I said the word 'crooked', referring to his house, he said 'Crooked Hillary'.

He's a Fox News watcher, mainly because coming from Communism, he believes the nonsense about Obama being a Socialist.

But he's brainwashed to the point where the word 'crooked' will always trigger him back to the election.