Meanwhile: the Trump economy is booming according to CNN

Ok, let’s run with that.

So, democrats should run on 3% GDP being ‘bad news’ in the sense the number should be brought down lol? How do you think such rhetoric will fly in the Rust Belt and amongst the working class, more generally? think American steel is going to make a comeback? You think auto manufacturers are still afraid of trump's grandstanding?
I’m trying to get at the *democrats* political argument they will use in 2018 and beyond if the economic trends continue. Yours seems to be that nothing significant has happened with the economy over the last year.

My counterpoint to that is, that argument will be a tough sell in precincts that Trump won.

And I’m pretty sure I’m right.
You are making a common error. You're conflating an inflated market, with 'the economy'. Precincts that trump won have no more for a few token coal jobs that won't healthcare due directly to trump, and no outlook for change in the future. trump's wild eyed plans only benefit the wealthy, who are driving the stock market...not the economy. think American steel is going to make a comeback? You think auto manufacturers are still afraid of trump's grandstanding?
I read a sad story recently how PA coal miners aren’t taking advantage of retraining programs because they believe Trump will return coal mining to its glory days. This hampers new industry in developing in PA because there arent trainer personnel. There has been a small upswing in coal and this has given them false hope. It is very unfortunate they trust Trump. He should tell them to take advantage of the programs.
storm rebuilding is not a great way to boost the economy

IMAGINE if we had done infrastructure building that could withstand storms

OH YEAH republicans would not allow any infrastructure building after the crash
So, democrats should say it’s not really all that that high now?

What will democrats say if the GDP stays at 3% or above?

Who said anything about what 'Democrats should say'?

The topic is what the chart shows - that is skyrocketed under Clinton and Obama, and seems to have stayed pretty steady under trump, no longer shooting up.
How many times does it have to be explained? Take the number of voters from your state, now divide your state's number of electoral votes by the number of voters... You now have the electoral value of your vote. Not all states votes are equal in this sense, so when you complain about Hillary getting more votes, it's a bit like crying that you have more coins with your pile of pennies that the other guy has in dimes.

TLDR?: Your votes are not worth the same amount as other votes

clinton won the popular vote so your moron in chief is unpopular...get it?
Who said anything about what 'Democrats should say'?

The topic is what the chart shows - that is skyrocketed under Clinton and Obama, and seems to have stayed pretty steady under trump, no longer shooting up.

This is my thread so I’ll decide what the topic is.

And for several pages I’ve been asking what the democrats economic message is going to be when the economy is doing well under a republican president. Nobody seems interested in answering it. Maybe because they don’t have a good answer.

Do you have any suggestions for democrat contenders?
the economy grew for years under Obama

what did your fucking ass say about that shitbox?

It was because of all those "shovel ready" jobs, wasn't it?
(but in reality, it never grew nearly as much as you think)
stock market

job growth

and you assholes refused to help it grow and stated out loud that is what you were doing idiot