Most food photography is made with fake synthetic props cast in plastic and styrofoam and covered in a glaze of vaseline petroleum jelly to make it shine under the lights. At one point in my career I did product and food photography, and believe me, what makes the mouth water in print ads is the last thing in the world anyone would want to eat.

Everytime I see a mass murderer go before the judge I think, "There goes those vegetarians again"

After it's Miller-Time:

every time i see school girls in a cat fight, I think to myself, "There goes those vegetarians again"

Every man needs his own pussy!

every time i see school girls in a cat fight, I think to myself, "There goes those vegetarians again"

Every man needs his own pussy!

Have you eaten Bull's testicles? Give us a hint if you have.

D'ya think the terrorist's like fresh meat too?

Meat eater are not racists! They'll eat any species' BODY's body male or female or potluck surprise.
Yeah. Just the other day as I was eating a burger I remember invading a small country because, well..., meat.
Is this your substitution, for when you can't get the real thing?? :D

Dude, I am posting in the

Religion, Philosophy, and Ethics forum

You are posting Food-Porn and advocating something that is simple based on your opinion and mass-consciousness.

I post:
The Four Noble Truths comprise the essence of Buddha's teachings, though they leave much left unexplained. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

I post:
In Buddhist texts Ahimsa is part of the Five Precepts, the first of which has been to abstain from killing. This precept of Ahimsa is applicable to both the Buddhist layperson and the monk community.

The Ahimsa precept is not a commandment and transgressions did not invite religious sanctions for layperson, but their power has been in the Buddhist belief in karmic consequences and their impact in afterlife during rebirth.[116]

Killing, in Buddhist belief, could lead to rebirth in the hellish realm, and for a longer time in more severe conditions if the murder victim was a monk.[116] Saving animals from slaughter for meat, is believed to be a way to acquire merit for better rebirth. These moral precepts have been voluntarily self-enforced in lay Buddhist culture through the associated belief in karma and rebirth.[117] The Buddhist texts not only recommended Ahimsa, but suggest avoiding trading goods that contribute to or are a result of violence:

These five trades, O monks, should not be taken up by a lay follower: trading with weapons, trading in living beings, trading in meat, trading in intoxicants, trading in poison.

Unlike lay Buddhists, transgressions by monks do invite sanctions.[119] Full expulsion of a monk from sangha follows instances of killing, just like any other serious offense against the monastic nikaya code of conduct.

You post:
the body and blood of beasts served with napkins ---that you suppose that you can get away with because you are a defiler of Religion, Philosophy, and Ethics forums...correct? You do know the original use of the term: "9/11" ?

In November 1967, the FCC met with the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) to find a means of establishing a universal emergency number that could be implemented quickly. In 1968, AT&T announced that it would establish the digits 9-1-1 (nine-one-one) as the emergency code throughout the United States.

Later came the ironic historical event.
Dude, I am posting in the

Religion, Philosophy, and Ethics forum

You are posting Food-Porn and advocating something that is simple based on your opinion and mass-consciousness.

I post:
The Four Noble Truths comprise the essence of Buddha's teachings, though they leave much left unexplained. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

I post:
In Buddhist texts Ahimsa is part of the Five Precepts, the first of which has been to abstain from killing. This precept of Ahimsa is applicable to both the Buddhist layperson and the monk community.

The Ahimsa precept is not a commandment and transgressions did not invite religious sanctions for layperson, but their power has been in the Buddhist belief in karmic consequences and their impact in afterlife during rebirth.[116]

Killing, in Buddhist belief, could lead to rebirth in the hellish realm, and for a longer time in more severe conditions if the murder victim was a monk.[116] Saving animals from slaughter for meat, is believed to be a way to acquire merit for better rebirth. These moral precepts have been voluntarily self-enforced in lay Buddhist culture through the associated belief in karma and rebirth.[117] The Buddhist texts not only recommended Ahimsa, but suggest avoiding trading goods that contribute to or are a result of violence:

These five trades, O monks, should not be taken up by a lay follower: trading with weapons, trading in living beings, trading in meat, trading in intoxicants, trading in poison.

Unlike lay Buddhists, transgressions by monks do invite sanctions.[119] Full expulsion of a monk from sangha follows instances of killing, just like any other serious offense against the monastic nikaya code of conduct.

You post:
the body and blood of beasts served with napkins ---that you suppose that you can get away with because you are a defiler of Religion, Philosophy, and Ethics forums...correct? You do know the original use of the term: "9/11" ?
View attachment 6174

In November 1967, the FCC met with the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) to find a means of establishing a universal emergency number that could be implemented quickly. In 1968, AT&T announced that it would establish the digits 9-1-1 (nine-one-one) as the emergency code throughout the United States.

Later came the ironic historical event.

You should talk to Damo then. :good4u:

There it is! By Jove you might have a convert over to your side here.

Where is this photo? Where are they allowed to already be eating babies?

Does it taste like Veal? Is there 'dark' meat on babies?

Yes indeed that's where it is headed. There will be tattooed and arrogant pygmies specialising in purveying the best baby meat the world has to offer. And the chutzpah part of it is that Dante's Infernal Ristorante delivers & caters too.

If you convert me to eat male and female and downed babies ---does that make you my Guru?
There it is! By Jove you might have a convert over to your side here.

Where is this photo? Where are they allowed to already be eating babies?

Does it taste like Veal? Is there 'dark' meat on babies?

Yes indeed that's where it is headed. There will be tattooed and arrogant pygmies specialising in purveying the best baby meat the world has to offer. And the chutzpah part of it is that Dante's Infernal Ristorante delivers & caters too.

If you convert me to eat male and female and downed babies ---does that make you my Guru?

You could always treat my genitals like a lollypop and just lick them. :D
Colon cancer. Ha ha ha.

And the oxalate in vegetation is what can cause my kidney stones. It's not meat, it's not veggies, it's the American way of excess. Apparently there is no food, or drink that excess consumption can't develop issues. Even water, as too much dilutes the blood, making electrolytes, etc less effective, and taxing the kidneys.
Why Do Fast Food Outlets Have Higher Crime Rates?

Adrenaline, additives, and preservatives in the food, impatience in fast food drivethrough queues, corporate objectification of the customer, poverty are some reasons for the higher crime rate at fast food outlets.

What are some factors causing the higher crime rates in fast food restaurants?

1. The terror, fright, agony and anger experienced by mammals being murdered in slaughterhouses is manifested in higher secretions of adrenaline into their blood stream and muscle cells. This adrenaline, the links of whose molecule chains are only somewhat broken up by cooking, remain in the animals' flesh and continue to act as anger, terror and fright in the humans eating their flesh. At fast food outlets, many are consuming such flesh.

2. The vibrations of those handling, cooking, and serving food also enter the food. Fast food employees in the US have not been allowed to unionize. For the most part they receive minimum wage with no pension, no health insurance, no other benefits. Their working conditions create anger.

3. Besides animal flesh, artificial colors and preservatives have negative effects on behavior. "Artificial colors and preservatives added to food can influence how a child behaves, according to a 2009 article published in the "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition." Foods that contain large amounts of saturated fats, trans fats or sodium can also play a role."

4. In their attempt to market to as many people as possible, fast food outlets are often built in poor neighborhoods in which the rate of violent crime is higher. Eric Schlosser writes in Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the American Meal: "the vast majority of restaurant robberies occur in fast food restaurants because they are open late, staffed by teenagers, full of cash and convennient."

5. Those who live in poorer neighborhoods have less access to full service grocery stores, to fresh fruits and vegetables, not only because these stores avoid the crime, and because the poor have fewer transportation options.

6. Drive through queues lead to impatience, and in some cases to actions such as throwing the food back at the clerk.

7. Fast food outlets are more easily accessible for desperate people resorting to theft.

8. Fast food drive through queues are not conducive to personal service. Customers are upset when exceptions can't be made.

The Bureau Of Labor Statistics estimates that the rate of assaults at limited-service restaurants is more than twice as high as at full-service restaurants

9. The assembly line character of food food outlets ieads to less personal contact with the customer, more objectification. Those who sense they are being objectified are more likely to have an angry response.

From the Huffington Post:

Melodi Dushane... demanded nuggets instead of hashbrowns. When she was met with a "no," Dushane used her fists instead of her words, punched the McDonald's drive-thru employee and ended up in court with a vandalism charge.

Examples Of Violence:

From the online edition of Slate:

"In January, Toledo, Ohio, resident Melodi Dushane punched out a McDonald's drive-through window when she was told they didn't sell Chicken McNuggets in the morning. Another woman recently drove through a crowd of people in a McDonald's parking lot, injuring four. In 2008, a Los Angeles man punched a 16-year-old girl in the face at a McDonald's after she complained about him cutting the line. A Wendy's customer reportedly assaulted a female clerk at a drive-through window in 2007 after she didn't tell him to "have a nice day." The list goes on. Spike Jonze even made a fast-food beating the centerpiece of his music video for Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs" "

From the online edition of Livestrong:

"Artificial colors and preservatives added to food can influence how a child behaves, according to a 2009 article published in the "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition." Foods that contain large amounts of saturated fats, trans fats or sodium can also play a role."

Below are links to a few of many thousands of articles on the correlation between fast food outlets and crime, or the correlation between meat and anger.

Obesity too is correlated to fast food eating.
Isocaloric studies indicate the average vegan weighs 23 lbs. less than nonvegetarians.

10 bizarre fast food crimes
Deadly night shift at fast food outlets


Effects of junk food on children's behavior

Eric Schlosser author of Fast Food Nation




Fast Food is known to be energy dense, high in saturated fat and have low micronutrient content [7–12] and its consumption is associated with other poor food choices

Now, as evidence mounts that the Los Angeles City Council's ban on new fast-food restaurants is so far failing, leaders and thinkers are again scrutinizing the role restaurants of all kinds play or could play in this historically troubled cluster of largely low-income neighborhoods.
Seven years ago, the city pushed through the nation's first ordinance to focus on public health and fast food, at least in part because a community health nonprofit had lobbied tenaciously for the regulation as a way to fight obesity — a problem that is typically worse in poorer neighborhoods.

Vermont, Washington D.C., Maine, Montana and Rhode Island have the most fast food spots per capita, while less surprisingly, California, New York, Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania have the most total fast food locations.
