Largest burger.

Monsieur, Chef wants to know if you think it tastes like young baby ---as would be expected?
Chef considers your feedback as valuable information to pass on to future diners. RSVP

I've already said yes, baby calf.

Are you so myopic, that you didn't see it; because it is what you responded to?
Milk her for all she got. Kidnap the baby.:innocent:

Yum Yum Eat em up.


Are you a tit or ass man?


  • Udder-Cow-Calf-Farm-Free-Image-Beef-Breeding-Milk--8631.jpg
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Meat eating causes wars, illness, un-controllable lust, draught ---but this knowledge is above the head and shoulders of western civilisation's grand-parentage.

The karmic-payback for enmass meat eating is documented generation after generation ---just analyse the last two centuries by counting and comparing pound-for-pound the mutual losses ---cadaver-to-cadaver.

Such societies will incur enemies that may or may not seem befitting the "Good-guys" side.

Vandal vs Romans perennially.

In regards to "be like your father in Heaven" ---do you suppose that "fox-hunting" & factory farming & gentlemen-Farmers all occur in heaven?

How does one Logically compute via,
"By each according to his works",
the cosmic "Price" accured to one-self [or to a mass of patrons],
the "cost" of a beast's carcass for thanksgiving?

How long does it take to tally-up mass karmic pay-back?

Mis-translated Bible terms infavor of meat eating?

As a long-standing member of the Hare Krishna Movement, I have learnt by some of my Hindu Vaishnav scholars that certain Bible terms are mis-translated:

Indeed, My ulterior motive is to get nations to turn swords to Plowshares ---this is done by ultimately having a "Change of Heart" as to the reality of fostering Flesh eating [meat in German is 'Fleisch']. Flesh eating begets violence and non-compassion and the illogic fantasy of obtaining peace in an enviroment of butcher-based society.

Vegetarianism as a sublime means of eating, is borne of ordhodox yoga disiplines ---therefore the higher goal of "a-himsa" (No-violence) ergo, "shanti" (peace) can be achieved.

Please review the Greek & hebrew terms, and kindly, verify or deny their veracity:

I'd like to cut and paste the whole Bible text, but for here are the Chapter/Verse of mention of NONE-FLESH EATING:

Old Testiment RE-CAP:

gen 1:29 [vs. Gen 9:3 ~immediately after recovery from the flood].

gen 9:4-5

num 11:33

Isaiah 1:11,15

Isaiah 66.3

Leviticus 3:17

Regarding, "Thou shall not Kill" ---reference:

The hebrew words are: 'Lo tirtzach' ---according to Dr Reuben Alcalay's 'Complete Hebrew/English Dictionary', 'tirtzach' refers to any kind of killing.

Christ was vegetarian ---there are 19 Gospel referneces to 'meat' all have been mis-translated from the original Greek Bible text:

Greek (3 of references) - English meaning:
Broma (4) - 'food' Romans 14:15, 20-21; I Corinthians 8:8, 10:3
Brosis (4) - 'the act of eating' Romans 14:17
Brosimos (1) - 'that which may be eaten'
Phago (3) - 'to eat' Luke 8:55
Prosphagon (1) - 'anything to eat'
Trophe (6) - 'nourishment' John 4:8, Acts 9:19, Acts 27:33-36
Trapesa (?) - 'table' "...They set a table before him ..." Acts 16:34

Thus, John 21:5 "Have ye any meat" ---is incorrect. it should have been translated:
"Have ye 'anything to eat'"

Regarding, "FISH" ---reference: The secret & mystical symbol/Password for "Christian" in Roman Prosecution Times, derived from the Greek word for fish, ICHTHUS ---forming the acronym: Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter (Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour)

New Testiment RE-CAP:

Matt 3:4 ~(the word 'locusts' used here means Locust beans, aka, carob, aka, St John's bread)
Luke 8:55 ~the word used here is 'phago' (to eat).
Isaiah 7:14,15 ~prophets predict Jesus's diet: "... Butter & Honey shall he eat ..."
Luke 24:41-43 ~Note the words used, Jesus was offered two things 'Fish and a honeycomb' "... and he took it . . ." indicates that he choose one of the two judging from Isaiah 7:15 [the word used here is 'brosimos' (eatable)].

See the Offence for fleash eating:

Greek word for FLESH is: 'kreas'
I Corinthians 8:13


Can someone be brave enough to address these words ---for it is the next portal to world peace.


a learned person sees all living entities equally panditah sama-darsinah because he sees the same soul within the different varieties of bodies.

'We want brotherhood, but what does it mean to be brothers? It means we have the same father.' Only when we recognize God as the supreme father can we have real brotherhood.

Knowing God to be the supreme father, we can understand that if we deal with God's other children nicely, God will be pleased. But if we try to exploit and commit violence upon one another, how will the supreme father be pleased? And if God is not pleased, how can we expect peace and prosperity in the world?

"Animals are also children of God, although they have less developed intelligence. They resemble human children, who also do not have developed intelligence, or developed speech. Nor can they defend themselves.

But in a family the strong are meant to protect the weak. For a stronger older brother to torture or massacre a baby is a terrible crime. How upset and angry the father would be!

So animals should be treated like our younger brothers or sisters, to be protected, not exploited or slaughtered so we can eat their flesh.

Oh how stupid.. Vaccinations for polio, brain surgery, automobiles, airplanes etc.. don't exist in heaven either.
Oh how stupid.. Vaccinations for polio, brain surgery, automobiles, airplanes etc.. don't exist in heaven either.

Vegans were often on the top of the douchebag list before the Trumpkins came along. Just look up vegan meme's and you can see. So what's the difference between eating a chickens eggs, or eating fruit? Unfortunately for them not a thing, outside of the obvious. Vegans don't realize what a spoiled idea veganism is. It's only an option now because of abundance, and only if you have access. In the old day's you ate what little you could farm, hunt, or find. I'd love to hear what they think Eskimos in northern Alaska should do. They're some of the few people aloud to harvest whale meat in America. I like animals more than people, and I'm still a serious meat eater.
Vegans were often on the top of the douchebag list before the Trumpkins came along. Just look up vegan meme's and you can see. So what's the difference between eating a chickens eggs, or eating fruit? Unfortunately for them not a thing, outside of the obvious. Vegans don't realize what a spoiled idea veganism is. It's only an option now because of abundance, and only if you have access. In the old day's you ate what little you could farm, hunt, or find. I'd love to hear what they think Eskimos in northern Alaska should do. They're some of the few people aloud to harvest whale meat in America. I like animals more than people, and I'm still a serious meat eater.

I don't have a problem with a vegetarian diet.. I just can't stand these religious vegans..
Milk her for all she got. Kidnap the baby.:innocent:

Yum Yum Eat em up.[IMG]

[SIZE=7][B]Are you a tit or ass man?[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Vegans were often on the top of the douchebag list before the Trumpkins came along. Just look up vegan meme's and you can see. So what's the difference between eating a chickens eggs, or eating fruit? Unfortunately for them not a thing, outside of the obvious. Vegans don't realize what a spoiled idea veganism is. It's only an option now because of abundance, and only if you have access. In the old day's you ate what little you could farm, hunt, or find. I'd love to hear what they think Eskimos in northern Alaska should do. They're some of the few people aloud to harvest whale meat in America. I like animals more than people, and I'm still a serious meat eater.

And if being Vegan is so great, then why do they NEED to take supplements to stay healthy??

Could it be that grass doesn't give them all the body requires or that meat supplies??

Here's a vegan having his meal.

He's an idiot.. People in the Middle East really do eat locusts and feed them to their livestock.. I never at them, but my brothers did.. roasted on a metal tray behind the taxi stand.. Locust beans, indeed.
He's an idiot.. People in the Middle East really do eat locusts and feed them to their livestock.. I never at them, but my brothers did.. roasted on a metal tray behind the taxi stand.. Locust beans, indeed.

And if being Vegan is so great, then why do they NEED to take supplements to stay healthy??

Could it be that grass doesn't give them all the body requires or that meat supplies??

Here's a vegan having his meal.


1] I am not a vegan. I am a vegetarian. I eat no meat, fish nor eggs.

2] You dont get anything from eating meat that the body requires. Junk food is mafia food. And a great earner for mutual funds.
99% of prescription medications are actually supplements to stay healthy.
No vitamins nor minerals are derived from cadavers.