japan became aggressive after the introduction of meat

How Japan went from being an almost entirely vegetarian country to a huge consumer of meat
Marta Zaraska, "Meathooked"

Mar. 7, 2016

The first East Asian country to develop an appetite for meat, and one that can offer a glimpse into the process of going from almost vegetarian to meat loving in a relatively short period of time, is Japan.

As late as 1939 a typical Japanese person ate just 0.1 ounce of meat per day.

That's a yearly average, of course.

Today, the daily meat portion of a typical Yamada Tarō (the Japanese equivalent of John Smith) is 4.7 ounces, and his favorite animal protein is pork, not tuna in a sushi roll. One reason behind this astounding change was the rise of Western influence.

Medieval Japan was practically vegetarian. ...

The national religions, Buddhism and Shintoism, both promoted plant-based eating, but what was likely more key to keeping the Japanese off meat was the shortage of arable land on the islands.

Growing livestock takes land away from more efficient plant agriculture, and already in medieval Japan, too many forests had been cleared for fields and too many draft animals were being killed for their flesh — which prompted Japan's rulers to issue meat-eating bans.

The first such ban was announced in 675 CE and meant no beef, monkey, chicken, or dog in Japanese pots from late spring until early autumn. Later, more bans followed. For some time, the Japanese could still satisfy their meat cravings with wild game, but as the population increased and forests gave way to cropland, deer and boars disappeared and so did meat from the plates of the Yamada Tarōs.

The winds of change started blowing, at first mildly, in the eighteenth century. It was the Dutch who sowed in Japanese minds the idea that eating meat is good for health. The Japanese came to see the meat-loaded diets of the tall Europeans as a symbol of progress, of breaking with feudal, hierarchical society.

In 1872, Japanese diets took a fast swerve toward meat. That year, on January 24, a feminine-looking, poetry-writing emperor Meiji publicly ate meat for the first time, giving the nation permission to follow his example.

Over just five years, beef consumption in Tokyo shot up more than thirteen times (what made it possible were imports from Korea). Meiji and his government saw meat not only as a way to modernize Japan and boost the health of the average citizen but also as a way to bolster the strength of the Japanese army. Back then, typical conscripts were small and thin—over 16% of candidates failed to meet the minimum height of four feet eleven inches.

The American occupation after the Second World War gave another powerful boost to the Japanese hunger for meat. The Japanese observed the war victors stuffing themselves with hamburgers, steaks, and bacon.

The first such ban was announced in 675 CE and meant no beef, monkey, chicken, or dog in Japanese pots from late spring until early autumn. Later, more bans followed. For some time, the Japanese could still satisfy their meat cravings with wild game, but as the population increased and forests gave way to cropland, deer and boars disappeared and so did meat from the plates of the Yamada Tarōs.

The winds of change started blowing, at first mildly, in the eighteenth century. It was the Dutch who sowed in Japanese minds the idea that eating meat is good for health. The Japanese came to see the meat-loaded diets of the tall Europeans as a symbol of progress, of breaking with feudal, hierarchical society.

In 1872, Japanese diets took a fast swerve toward meat. That year, on January 24, a feminine-looking, poetry-writing emperor Meiji publicly ate meat for the first time, giving the nation permission to follow his example.

Over just five years, beef consumption in Tokyo shot up more than thirteen times (what made it possible were imports from Korea). Meiji and his government saw meat not only as a way to modernize Japan and boost the health of the average citizen but also as a way to bolster the strength of the Japanese army. Back then, typical conscripts were small and thin—over 16% of candidates failed to meet the minimum height of four feet eleven inches.

The American occupation after the Second World War gave another powerful boost to the Japanese hunger for meat. The Japanese observed the war victors stuffing themselves with hamburgers, steaks, and bacon.

And of course the reader here knows the how Admiral Perry forced commercial trade upon Japan in 1853 ---and less than 90 years later the island of Japan [the size of Jamaica] sought to conquer the world.

I am pursuing a the calculus behind world peace ---not my own self-engrandisement.
They say you are what you eat.
I'd rather be a meat head than a damned vegetable.

You will get your wish.
The meat you are eating is raised on vegetation.

Too bad for your special abilities to bless dead flesh, and
Too bad for your special abilities to damn vegetables.

You are familiar with wood burning stoves?

You are familiar with fire and brimestone barbeque coal?
33 Foods That Make You Ugly

Cereal: Many of today's cereals are made from anemically "enriched" flours and refined grains, plus an excess of sugar and artificial flavors and colors. Ancient man didn't even eat grains: it's a relatively new phenomenon to eat flaky cereals that cause bloating and can contribute to obesity.

Milk: Whether or not you're completely lactose intolerant, milk can still cause gas. Milk can also cause face bloat or puffiness, and cramping.

Coffee: Coffee in moderation isn't harmful, but if you drink too much, it can stain your teeth, makes your breath smell wicked bad, and may even make you a little gassy. Too
much caffeine can also lead to dehydration, which leaves a pallid skin complexion.

Processed food: Processed food lacks natural nutrients, so if you're filling up on these foods, you're most likely not getting nutrients and vitamins you really need. That means your body — including your face — isn't as healthy as it needs to be, and cell repair slows.

Cocaine: Cocaine is obviously a troublemaker for lots of reasons, but it can also make you ugly. Cocaine — especially cocaine that isn't 100% pure — can lead to skin tissue death and a low white-cell count, as well as purple marks on your body.

Alcohol: Even a few drinks might leave you looking a little rough the next day — bloodshot eyes or bags under your eyes, and a weak looking complexion are the result of restless sleep and dehydration. Drinking heavily and often will also help you gain weight and makes you pudgy, as alcohol destroys muscle.

Margarine: Margarine is thought of as a healthier alternative to butter, but check the label. Many margarines contain trans fats, or hydrogenated oils. These are terrible for maintaining hormone balance in your body, and can cause you to break out.

Salt: Eating salty snacks can make your whole body bloat, including your tummy, face and fingers. That tissue-swelling and then deflating makes your skin less elastic over time.

Sugar: Some sugars, like raffinose, lactose, fructose and sorbitol cause gas. And on top of that, high-glycemic foods, like waffles, white breads, Corn Flakes, potatoes, and dates, are what really make you break out.

Soft drinks: Regular 12 oz. sodas have up to 10 teaspoons of sugar, and often contribute to tooth decay and obesity. But even diet sodas with caffeine dehydrate your skin and contain lots of toxins and artificial sweeteners that aren't good for you, either.

Salad dressing: Always check the label before buying salad dressing. Many contain MSG, or include a listing of ingredients that are used to make MSG (a trick used to make you think you're buying something that's MSG-free). The flavor enhancer can cause nausea and headaches, but also sweating, facial tightness and a burning sensation in your face. And even salad dressings without MSG may cause gas, or be mixed with mayonnaise and lots of sugar, which are bad for your skin.

Barbecue sauce: Barbecue sauces are also red flags for MSG. They're also full of sugar and carbs, so check the label.

Trans fats: Cooking oils, microwave popcorn, and packaged or baked goods contain trans fats which clog your arteries and restrict oxygen flow to the brain and your heart.
Check the label, but know that some boxes that say "0 Trans Fats" actually do have some trans fats. Food companies can get away with sneaking a half gram of trans fats into a serving, without disclosing the information to the consumer.

Soy sauce: Just one tablespoon of soy sauce can contain over 40% of your daily value of sodium. Many soy sauces also contain MSG, so you'll be a sweaty, bloated mess after all that dipping.

White bread: White breads and rice can lead to inflammation and break outs, so opt for whole-grain, low-glycemic substitutions if you have to eat bread.

Mystery meats: Sausages and other processed meats are packed with fat and salt which are not conducive to beauty.

Cake: Chocolate probably won't make you break out, but cake will. Made with white flour, it leads to inflammation.

Pasta: Pasta is another food that can lead to inflammation, bloating and break outs. Pick whole grain pastas high in dietary fiber if possible.

Doughnuts: Doughnuts are terrible for your skin and your figure. They're packed with refined sugar, refined oils and refined flour. All those refined ingredients lead to break outs, and the intense sugar high you'll feel will be followed by a major crash, giving you headaches and more cravings.

White rice: Unless you want puffiness and pimples, eliminate white rice from your diet.

Artichokes: A staple in many Mediterranean dishes, artichokes naturally contain fructose, which causes gas.

Gelatin: Gelatin, which is used to make Jell-O, candy corn, cream cheese, yogurt, jams, marshmallows and other foods, is a hidden source of MSG.

Palm oil: Another cooking ingredient that might make your date run away is palm oil, which is high in saturated fat and not a safe substitute for trans fat. It amps up cholesterol and promotes heart disease. Check labels on packaged foods like cookies and crackers to make sure they weren't made with palm oil.
French fries: French fries contain gross levels of salt and either saturated fat or hydrogenated vegetable oil (or both). You might notice your fingers swell just a couple of hours after eating french fries, so don't order them on a date.

Chewing gum: Sugary gum can actually make your breath smell worse, so don't pop a stick in right before a kiss if you're hoping the minty freshness will overpower your dinner. The sugar in gum, mints and candy might make your mouth taste good to you, but the sugar helps bacteria reproduce, making your breath reek.

Soy oil: Soy oil is considered an industrial oil, which can break skin down — and out. Always look for unsaturated fat in oils.
Flavored jerky: Besides containing unbelievable amounts of sodium — oftentimes half your daily value or more — flavored jerky usually contains MSG to keep it, well, tasting good for ridiculous amounts of time.
High protein foods: Foods that are high in protein are good for controlling appetite, but they also contribute to bad breath. It's a common problem for people on low-carb diets who rely on fatty, high-protein foods like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy for nutrition. These foods can also lead to dehydration, and later, keto breath.

Garlic: Garlic gets under your skin in a way few foods do. It can make you sweat and stink, even after taking showers and brushing your teeth.

Cabbage: Cabbage is another food that makes you sweat and can give you bad breath. Members of the cruciferae food family — like cabbage — contain sulfur compounds, which make us sweat — and it's the stinky kind of sweat.

Starchy foods: Starchy carbohydrates are very closely linked with bad breath, so avoid potatoes and other starches.

Broccoli: Also part of the cruciferae family, broccoli can make you sweaty and smelly.
Hot wings: Extra spicy foods make you sweat visibly. What date wants to see you dripping over your messy, saucy meal? If you go out for wings, don't try to impress your date by ordering the hottest sauce: stick with something mild.

There are all kinds of stories and research studies conducted to tell us how to look younger and more beautiful. But instead of scouring the grocery store for every acai berry or skin-saving product you can get your hands on, you can also avoid certain foods that do damage to your appearance. Some of the foods below are bad for your insides and outsides, while others just make you stinky or sweaty. You might be inclined to cut out certain foods and oils altogether, while others can be saved for nights alone at home.
You will get your wish.
The meat you are eating is raised on vegetation.

Too bad for your special abilities to bless dead flesh, and
Too bad for your special abilities to damn vegetables.

You are familiar with wood burning stoves?

You are familiar with fire and brimestone barbeque coal?

Just needs a grill to cook on and nice big juicy steak. :good4u:
The cow is sacred because her milk nurses human babies...and her husband is the best beast of burden for agrarian living.

Wed 19 Oct 2016

Hundreds of thousands of women in Argentina are expected to join a national protest over violence against women on Wednesday, after a horrifying attack in which a 16-year-old girl was raped and tortured.

Organizers of Wednesday’s “women’s strike” called for every woman in the country to stop work, study and other activities for an hour at 1pm.

“In your office, school, hospital, law court, newsroom, shop, factory, or wherever you are working, stop for an hour to demand ‘no more machista violence’,” wrote the march organizers.

Government statistics show that crimes against women have risen 78% since 2008 in Argentina, a rise that may be partly attributable to growing awareness of the phenomenon, but has prompted a national debate over sexist attitudes....

Every 30 hours a woman is killed in such crimes, according to statistics kept by La Casa del Encuentro, an NGO that helps female victims of violence.

The murder of Lucía Pérez came only a few days after a march by tens of thousands of women protesting about crimes against women in the central city of Rosario ended in violence when police fired rubber bullets and teargas into the crowd gathered outside the city’s cathedral.

The strike starts at 1pm, with the ceasing of all work and private activities, followed by a march congregating on the main Plaza de Mayo square in Buenos Aires.

Three suspects have been arrested in the Pérez case, but her family has since reported receiving death threats.

“We have to gather strength and take to the streets,” wrote Matías Pérez in his open letter. “We all have to shout together, more than ever: “Not one less.”

But Pérez’s murder is just the latest in a harrowing sequence of “femicides”, crimes usually committed by husbands, boyfriends, family members or acquaintances of the victim. In more than one case, the woman has been set on fire by her partner.

“This violence is trying to teach us a lesson, it wants to put us back in a traditional role into which we don’t fit any more,” says Cantabria. “It’s not a specific blow by a specific man against one woman in particular, it’s a message to all women to return to our stereotypical roles.”

Cartabia is a member of the collective Ni Una Menos (Not One Less – meaning not one more woman lost to male violence), which organized Argentina’s first march against gender-related crimes in June last year.

That protest and a second one in June drew hundreds of thousands of
women to the street in a growing movement to fight male violence against women.

In 2012, Argentina passed legislation against “femicide”, a legal term encompassing domestic violence, “honor” killings and other categories of hate crimes against women.

But campaigners warn that machista attitudes have been slow to change: in the last 18 days alone, 19 women have been killed in Argentina.
Meat eating causes wars, illness, un-controllable lust, draught ---but this knowledge is above the head and shoulders of western civilisation's grand-parentage.

The karmic-payback for enmass meat eating is documented generation after generation ---just analyse the last two centuries by counting and comparing pound-for-pound the mutual losses ---cadaver-to-cadaver.

Such societies will incur enemies that may or may not seem befitting the "Good-guys" side.

Vandal vs Romans perennially.

In regards to "be like your father in Heaven" ---do you suppose that "fox-hunting" & factory farming & gentlemen-Farmers all occur in heaven?

How does one Logically compute via,
"By each according to his works",
the cosmic "Price" accured to one-self [or to a mass of patrons],
the "cost" of a beast's carcass for thanksgiving?

How long does it take to tally-up mass karmic pay-back?

Mis-translated Bible terms infavor of meat eating?

As a long-standing member of the Hare Krishna Movement, I have learnt by some of my Hindu Vaishnav scholars that certain Bible terms are mis-translated:

Indeed, My ulterior motive is to get nations to turn swords to Plowshares ---this is done by ultimately having a "Change of Heart" as to the reality of fostering Flesh eating [meat in German is 'Fleisch']. Flesh eating begets violence and non-compassion and the illogic fantasy of obtaining peace in an enviroment of butcher-based society.

Vegetarianism as a sublime means of eating, is borne of ordhodox yoga disiplines ---therefore the higher goal of "a-himsa" (No-violence) ergo, "shanti" (peace) can be achieved.

Please review the Greek & hebrew terms, and kindly, verify or deny their veracity:

I'd like to cut and paste the whole Bible text, but for here are the Chapter/Verse of mention of NONE-FLESH EATING:

Old Testiment RE-CAP:

gen 1:29 [vs. Gen 9:3 ~immediately after recovery from the flood].

gen 9:4-5

num 11:33

Isaiah 1:11,15

Isaiah 66.3

Leviticus 3:17

Regarding, "Thou shall not Kill" ---reference:

The hebrew words are: 'Lo tirtzach' ---according to Dr Reuben Alcalay's 'Complete Hebrew/English Dictionary', 'tirtzach' refers to any kind of killing.

Christ was vegetarian ---there are 19 Gospel referneces to 'meat' all have been mis-translated from the original Greek Bible text:

Greek (3 of references) - English meaning:
Broma (4) - 'food' Romans 14:15, 20-21; I Corinthians 8:8, 10:3
Brosis (4) - 'the act of eating' Romans 14:17
Brosimos (1) - 'that which may be eaten'
Phago (3) - 'to eat' Luke 8:55
Prosphagon (1) - 'anything to eat'
Trophe (6) - 'nourishment' John 4:8, Acts 9:19, Acts 27:33-36
Trapesa (?) - 'table' "...They set a table before him ..." Acts 16:34

Thus, John 21:5 "Have ye any meat" ---is incorrect. it should have been translated:
"Have ye 'anything to eat'"

Regarding, "FISH" ---reference: The secret & mystical symbol/Password for "Christian" in Roman Prosecution Times, derived from the Greek word for fish, ICHTHUS ---forming the acronym: Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter (Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour)

New Testiment RE-CAP:

Matt 3:4 ~(the word 'locusts' used here means Locust beans, aka, carob, aka, St John's bread)
Luke 8:55 ~the word used here is 'phago' (to eat).
Isaiah 7:14,15 ~prophets predict Jesus's diet: "... Butter & Honey shall he eat ..."
Luke 24:41-43 ~Note the words used, Jesus was offered two things 'Fish and a honeycomb' "... and he took it . . ." indicates that he choose one of the two judging from Isaiah 7:15 [the word used here is 'brosimos' (eatable)].

See the Offence for fleash eating:

Greek word for FLESH is: 'kreas'
I Corinthians 8:13


Can someone be brave enough to address these words ---for it is the next portal to world peace.


a learned person sees all living entities equally panditah sama-darsinah because he sees the same soul within the different varieties of bodies.

'We want brotherhood, but what does it mean to be brothers? It means we have the same father.' Only when we recognize God as the supreme father can we have real brotherhood.

Knowing God to be the supreme father, we can understand that if we deal with God's other children nicely, God will be pleased. But if we try to exploit and commit violence upon one another, how will the supreme father be pleased? And if God is not pleased, how can we expect peace and prosperity in the world?

"Animals are also children of God, although they have less developed intelligence. They resemble human children, who also do not have developed intelligence, or developed speech. Nor can they defend themselves.

But in a family the strong are meant to protect the weak. For a stronger older brother to torture or massacre a baby is a terrible crime. How upset and angry the father would be!

So animals should be treated like our younger brothers or sisters, to be protected, not exploited or slaughtered so we can eat their flesh.

Meat, fish and animal-derived foods, such as milk, are the only foods that naturally provide vitamin B 12. ... Red meat contains a number of B vitamins: thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), pantothenic acid, folate, niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin B6 and B12.

So, you can be a sickly vegetarian if you like. I like my meat. Sorry if that offends you. Well, actually, I'm not.
Those in the Vitamin industry are sure to provide tracts for distribution.

But sincerely I confide to you here that Meat Eaters [imo the Vegan movement is a fad that will later find its own level in time] cannot become vegetarian [regular lacto-vegetarian].

It can only happen if superior food stuff is obtainable. The meat eaters are 99% un-able to change to vegetarianism due to life-long lethargy. Ironically many folks are forced by national health standards' insurance liability laws aka your doctor told you you "must become vegetarian"! ---but they simply put it thus: Cut out this and this and that from your diet and then they say pay as you leave.
Killing animals and meat eating is a practice of Asur.

Thousands of Mleccha cults like islam and christianity who followed anti-Vedic way of life came and got diminished with each passing 1000’s of years, the learnings of Hindu texts re-emerged time to time so that Humans know the real purpose of their existence and they do not indulge in anti-Vedic activities which include killing animals for meat eating.

There is continous fight of Devta and Asur within our body and mind.

Teachings of Hindu texts is meant for all. Wherever discussion about meat is done, it is to inform meat-eaters that they should abstain meat eating as it is not healthy for mind, body and soul.

Hindu Texts on Vegetarianism

What Bhagavad Gita (Words of Bhagwan Himself) Teaches on Vegetarianism

“The devotees of the Bhagwan are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food which is offered first for Yagna. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin.” (Bhagavad Gita.3.13)

“If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it. O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me. In this way you will be freed from all reactions to good and evil deeds, and by this principle of renunciation you will be liberated and come to Me.” (Bhagavad Gita 9.26-28)

“Even food of which all partake is of three kinds, according to the three modes of material nature. The same is true of Yagnas, austerities and charity. Listen, and I shall tell you of the distinctions of these. Foods in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify one’s existence and give strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. Such nourishing foods are sweet, juicy, fattening and palatable. Foods that are too bitter, too sour, salty, pungent, dry, and hot, are liked by people in the mode of passion. Such foods cause pain, distress, and disease. Food cooked more than three hours before being eaten, which is tasteless, stale, putrid, decomposed and unclean, is food liked by people in the mode of ignorance.” (Bhagavad Gita 17.7-10)

“The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater [chandaal].” (Bhagavad Gita 5.18)

“Ahimsa or nonviolence is one of the transcendental qualities that belong to godly men endowed with divine nature.” (Bhagavad Gita 16.2-3)

Manu Samhita on Vegetarianism and Abstaining Meat

“The sinful reaction for animal slaughter is received by six kinds of participants, which include, (1) the killer of the animal, (2) one who advocates or promotes meat-eating, (3) one who transports the meat, (4) one who handles or packages the meat, (5) one who prepares or cooks the meat, and (6) one who eats it.” (Manu-samhita)

“Meat can never be obtained without injury to living creatures, and injury to sentient beings is detrimental to the attainment of heavenly bliss; let him therefore shun the use of meat. Having well considered the disgusting origin of flesh and the cruelty of fettering and slaying corporeal beings, let him entirely abstain from eating flesh.” (Manu-samhita 5.48-49)

“He who permits the slaughter of an animal, he who cuts it up, he who kills it, he who buys or sells meat, he who cooks it, he who serves it up, and he who eats it, must all be considered as the slayers of the animal. There is no greater sinner than that man who though not worshiping the gods or the ancestors, seeks to increase the bulk of his own flesh by the flesh of other beings.” (Manu-samhita 5.51-52)

“If he has a strong desire (for meat) he may make an animal of clarified butter or one of flour (and eat that); but let him never seek to destroy an animal without a (lawful) reason. As many hairs as the slain beast has, so often indeed will he who killed it without a (lawful) reason suffer a violent death in future births.” (Manu-samhita 5.37-38)

“He who injures harmless creatures from a wish to give himself pleasure, never finds happiness in this life or the next.” (Manu-samhita 5.45)

“By subsisting on pure fruits and roots, and by eating food fit for ascetics in the forest, one does not gain so great a reward as by entirely avoiding the use of flesh.” (Manu-samhita 5.54-55)

“He who does not seek to cause the sufferings of bonds and death to living creatures, (but) desires the good of all (beings), obtains endless bliss. He who does not injure any (creature) attains without an effort what he thinks of, what he undertakes, and what he fixes his mind on.” (Manu-samhita 5.46-47)

“By not killing any living being, one becomes fit for salvation.” (Manu-samhita 6.60)

Rig Veda on Vegetarian diet

“One who partakes of human flesh, the flesh of a horse or of another animal, and deprives others of milk by slaughtering cows, O King, if such a fiend does not desist by other means, then you should not hesitate to cut off his head.” (Rig-veda 10.87.16)

“The cow gives milk each year, O Man-regarder let not the Yātudhāna ever taste it.
If one would glut him with the biesting, Agni, pierce with thy flame his vitals as he meets thee.

Let the fiends drink the poison of the cattle; may Aditi cast off the evildoers.
May the God Savitar give them up to ruin, and be their share of plants and herbs denied them.

Agni, from days of old thou slayest demons never shall Rakshas in fight o’ercome thee.
Burn up the foolish ones, the flesh-devourers let none of them escape thine heavenly arrow.” (Rig Veda 10.87.17-19)

Teachings of Bhagawat Puran, Garga Samhita and Tirukkural on Embracing Vegetarianism

“Those who are ignorant of real dharma and, though wicked and haughty, account themselves virtuous, kill animals without any feeling of remorse or fear of punishment. Further, in their next lives, such sinful persons will be eaten by the same creatures they have killed in this world.” (Bhagavat Puran 11.5.14)

The saar of this chapter of Garga Samhita is selfless bhakti and offering to Bhagwan thereby remaining Vegetarian: 1) Aupacharika is external worship such as offering incense and waving ghee lamps, fanning etc. 2) Samsparsika is tactual service such as garlanding, applying ungents, smearing sandalwood paste, etc. 3) Abhyaaharika is offering of vegetarian food such as milk products, fruits and vegetables. After performing puja, bhakt can intake vegetarian foods. Garga Samhita (Canto 10, Chapter 61, Verses 23, 24, 25, 26 1)

Based on Vedic teachings, “How can he practice true compassion who eats the flesh of an animal to fatten his own flesh?” (Tirukkural)

“If the world did not purchase and consume meat, no one would slaughter and offer meat for sale. When a man realizes that meat is the butchered flesh of another creature, he will abstain from eating it.” (Tirukkural)

Message of Mahabharat on Practicing Vegetarianism

Even today, smart Indians practice this method of learning wherein discussion with elders help them to gain knowledge about major aspects of life. It is not necessary that an alcoholic need to be educated about ill-effects of alcoholism, it is important for the teetotaler also to know about it so that he can spread the knowledge with others. The shortest way to control an urge to eating meat, is to stop visiting places where meat is served, stop sitting beside friends on lunch/dinner who eat meat, slowly and gradually it will help you in abstaining it.

There is beautiful conversation between Bhisma and Yudhishthira on the habit of meat-eating (adharmic, asurpana) and abstaining from it. The discourse provide insights on the ill-effects of meat-eating for the people and society.

Bhisma said to Yudhisthira what Rishis explained on vegetarianism “The highly wise seven celestial Rishis, the Valakshillyas, and those Rishis who drink the rays of the sun, all speak highly of abstention from meat. The self-created Manu has said that the man who does not eat meat, or who does not kill living creatures, or who does not cause them to be killed, is a friend of all creatures. Such a man is incapable of being oppressed by any creature. He enjoys the confidence of all living beings. He always enjoys the praise of the pious. The virtuous Narada has said that that man who wishes to multiply his own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures meets with disaster.” (Mahabharata, Anu. 115.9-12)

“That man, who having eaten meat, gives it up afterwards wins merit by such a deed that is so great that a study of all the Vedas or a performance, O Bharata, of all the Yagnas [Vedic rituals], cannot give its like.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.16)

“That learned person who gives to all living creatures the gift of complete assurance is forsooth regarded as the giver of lifebreaths in this world.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.18)

“Men gifted with intelligence and purified souls should always treat others as they themselves wish to be treated. It is seen that even those men who are endued with learning and who seek to acquire the greatest good in the shape of liberation, are not free of the fear of death.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.20)

“What necessity be said of those innocent and healthy creatures gifted with love of life, when they are sought to be killed by sinful wretches living by slaughter? Therefore, O King, know that the discarding of meat is the highest refuge of dharma, of the celestial region, and of happiness. Abstention of injury [to non-sinners] is the highest dharma. It is, again, the highest penance. It is also the highest truth from which all duty emanates.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.21-23)

“Flesh cannot be had from grass or wood or stone. Unless a living creature is killed it cannot be procured. Hence is the fault of eating flesh. The celestials who live upon Svaha, Svadha, and nectar, are given to truth and sincerity. Those persons, however, who are for satisfying the sensation of taste, should be known as Rakshasas [flesh-eating demons] pervaded by the quality of Darkness.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.24-25)

“If there were nobody who ate flesh, then there would be nobody to slay living creatures. The man who slays living creatures kills them for the sake of the person who eats flesh. If flesh were not considered as food, there would then be no destruction of living creatures. It is for the sake of the eater that the destruction of living entities is carried on in the world. Since, O you of great splendor, the period of life is shortened by persons who kill living creatures or cause them to be killed, it is clear that the person who seeks his own good should give up meat altogether. Those dreadful persons who are engaged in the destruction of living beings never find protectors when they are in need. Such persons should always be molested and punished even as beast of prey.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.29-32)

“The sins generated by violence curtail the life of the perpetrator. Therefore, even those who are anxious for their own welfare should abstain from meat-eating.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.33)

“That man who seeks to multiply his own flesh by (eating) the flesh of others has to live in this world in great anxiety, and after death has to take birth in indifferent races and families (anti-Vedic cults). High Rishis given to the observance of vows and self-control have said that abstention from meat is worthy of praise, productive of fame and Heaven, and a great satisfaction itself. This I heard formerly, O son of Kunti, from Markandeya when that Rishi discoursed on the sins of eating flesh.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.34-36)

“He who purchases flesh, kills living creatures through his money. He who eats flesh, kills living beings through his eating. He who binds or seizes and actually kills living creatures is the slaughterer. These are the three sorts of slaughter through each of these acts. He who does not himself eat flesh but approves of an act of slaughter, becomes stained with the sin of slaughter.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.38-39)

“The purchaser of flesh performs violence by his wealth; he who eats flesh does so by enjoying its taste; the killer does violence by actually tying and killing the animal. Thus, there are three forms of killing. He who brings flesh or sends for it, he who cuts off the limbs of an animal, and he who purchases, sells, or cooks flesh and eats it – all these are to be considered meat-eaters.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.40)

These verses is again in the Anushasana Parva section where there is a conversation between Yudhisthira and Grandfather Bhishma about the merits of abstaining from meat eating and the demerits and consequences for doing so. It is quite revealing. Some quotes are: “That wretched man who kills living creatures for the sake of those who would eat them commits great sin. The eater’s sin is not as great. That wretched man who, even knowing the path of dharmic rites and yagnas as laid down in the Vedas, would kill a living creature from a desire to eats its flesh, will certainly go to hell. That man who having eaten flesh abstains from it afterwards acquires great merit on account of such abstention from sin. He who desires to augment his own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures, lives in misery in whatever species he may take his [next] birth. He who arranges for obtaining flesh, he who approves of those arrangements, he who kills, he who buys or sells, he who cooks, and he who eats it, [acquire the sin of those who] are all considered as eaters of flesh. [Therefore] that man who wishes to avoid disaster should abstain from the meat of every living creature.” (Mahabharata, Anu.115.44-48)

“Listen to me, O king of kings, as I tell you this, O sinless one, there is absolute happiness in abstaining from meat, O king. He who practices severe austerities for a century, and he who abstains from meat, are both equally meritorious. This is my opinion. (Mahabharata, Anu.115.52-53)

Yudhisthira said “Alas, those cruel men who, not caring for various other sorts of food, want only flesh, are really like Asuras/Rakshasas [meat-eating demons].” (Mahabharata, Anu.116.1)

Bhishma said “That man who wishes to increase his own flesh by the meat of another living creature is such that there is none meaner and more cruel than him. In this world there is nothing that is dearer to a creature than his life. Hence, one should show mercy to the lives of others as he does to his own life. Forsooth, O son, flesh has its origin in the vital seed. There is great sin attached to its eating, as, indeed, there is merit in abstaining from it.” (Mahabharata, Anu.116.11-13)

“There is nothing, O delighter of the Kurus, that is equal in point of merit, either in this world or in the next, to the practice of mercy to all living creatures.” (Mahabharata, Anu.116.19)

“Hence a person of purified soul should be merciful to all living creatures. That man, O king, who abstains from every kind of meat from his birth forsooth, acquires a large space in the celestial region. They who eat the flesh of animals who are desirous of life, are themselves [later] eaten by the animals they eat. This is my opinion. Since he has eaten me, I shall eat him in return. This, O Bharata, forms the character as Mamsah [meaning flesh of the natural product synonym to even some fruits] of Mamsah [me he, or “me he” will eat for having eaten him]. The destroyer is always slain. After him the eater meets with the same fate. (Mahabharata, Anu.116.32-35)

“He who acts with hostility towards another becomes victim of similar deeds done by that other. Whatever acts one does in whatever bodies, he has to suffer the consequences thereof in those bodies. (Mahabharata, Anu.116.36-37)

“Abstention from cruelty (to innocents) is the highest dharma. Abstention from cruelty is the greatest self-restraint. Abstention from cruelty is the highest gift. Abstention from cruelty is the highest penance. Abstention from cruelty is the highest sacrifice. Abstention from cruelty is the highest power. Abstention from cruelty is the greatest friend. Abstention from cruelty is the greatest happiness.” (Mahabharata, Anu.116.38-39)

“Gifts made in all Yagnas, ablutions performed in all sacred water, and the merit which one acquires from making all kinds of gifts mentioned in the scriptures, all these do not equal in merit abstention from cruelty.” (Mahabharata, Anu.116.40)

Bhism said to Yudhishthir “The merit that is acquired by a person by abstaining from meat, we have heard, is superior to that of one who makes presents of gold, of kine, and of land. There is not the slightest doubt that a person by eating meat goes to Hell.”

What Vedas and Other Hindu Commentaries Teaches on Abstaining Meat

Based on Vedic teachings, Mahaparinirvana Sutra states, “The eating of meat extinguishes the seed of great compassion.”

“Cow killers are condemned to rot in hellish life for as many thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of the cow.” Sri Caitanya-caritamrita (Adi-lila, Chapter 17, verse 166)

“Anaagaaohtyaa vaO BaImaa kRkshtyao maa naao gaamaSvaM paurYaM vaQaI”

“It is definitely a great sin to kill innocents. Do not kill our cows, horses and people.”


Oh violent man
It is the most heinous sin
To kill the innocent creatures,
Kill not our cows
Our horses and our men.
(Atharva Veda 10.1.29)

“O teeth! You eat rice, you eat barley, you eat gram and you eat sesame. These cereals are specifically meant for you. Do not kill those who are capable of being fathers and mothers.” Atharvaveda 6.140.2

“May all bipeds (men) and quadrupeds (animals) gain strength and nourishment.” Yajurveda 11.83

On loving all creatures and not killing them. “Those who see all beings as souls do not feel infatuation or anguish at their sight, for they experience oneness with them”. Yajurveda 40.7

Hinduism fully advocates vegetarianism and love for nature. Vegetarianism is the pivot round which Vedic philosophy revolves. According to Vedas, flesh-eating is strictly prohibited. It is not only unnatural food, but also detrimental to body and soul.

Mlecchas who want to continue meat eating distort meanings of Hindu text references to justify their meat eating habits. now its time to give jaw-breaking punches to the false claims made by some leftist and muslim academicians.
Those in the Vitamin industry are sure to provide tracts for distribution.

But sincerely I confide to you here that Meat Eaters [imo the Vegan movement is a fad that will later find its own level in time] cannot become vegetarian [regular lacto-vegetarian].

It can only happen if superior food stuff is obtainable. The meat eaters are 99% un-able to change to vegetarianism due to life-long lethargy. Ironically many folks are forced by national health standards' insurance liability laws aka your doctor told you you "must become vegetarian"! ---but they simply put it thus: Cut out this and this and that from your diet and then they say pay as you leave.

Has anyone ever suggested to you, that you might want to seek professional help; because you might want to consider it. :good4u:

Nadia Murray-Ragg
Social Media Coordinator and Freelance Journalist | Wellington, New Zealand | Contactable via
Jan 9, 2018

Oprah Winfrey’s acceptance speech at 2018’s Golden Globe awards has taken the world by storm, in the most uplifting way possible. With her articulate words on hot-topic issues that truly matter and the now-famous speech that represents so much compassion and kindness towards others – it seems only natural that this industry-changing, honest and inspiring celeb would be willing to align her values with actions.
In light of this, we’re here to talk about Oprah’s previous efforts as an empathetic eater, her advocacy for the vegan lifestyle and why Oprah would make one of the greatest vegans to date.


Oprah is well-supported by her strong values against animal cruelty. As animal agriculture is full of cruelty and death – replacing her favorite foods with vegan alternatives should be an easy move for Oprah. Whether you choose to educate yourself on the matter or not, the evidence is widespread and increasingly hard to turn a blind eye to. Books,documentaries, TV series, articles, news features and many high-profile names are speaking out and explaining their reason for choosing vegan – there’s no shortage of educational resources and information available. Oprah too has spoken about cruelty to animals and the benefits of a vegan lifestyle, but she is not yet vegan herself.
Don’t worry Oprah, it’s never too late!

During 1996, the year the world freaked out over the mad cow disease outbreak, Oprah invited Howard Lyman, a cattle rancher turned vegan, onto her show to discuss how cow organs are turned into food for other cattle, called “rendering”.Oprah was so moved by the ex-ranchers account, this “stopped [her] cold from eating another hamburger”. Half a month after the episode aired, US beef sales dropped to their lowest in 10 years, a group of Texas cattle ranchers filed a lawsuit against Oprah for $10.3 million – the jury ruled in her favor. Undeterred, the talk show host then stated: “Free speech not only lives, it rocks, I’m still off hamburgers”.
So Oprah, why stop at hamburgers? Giving up all other meat and animal products will be much less of a jump now, plus – your favorite foods can easily be swapped for a vegan alternative.


Can you imagine how many people would try veganism, inspired by her example? Oprah is simply a household name, and not just for Americans. All across the globe, Oprah and her whirlwind career have touched hearts, lives and entertained the world. With such as reputable, well-known name and hundreds of millions of collective social media followers – joining the vegan movement now would sure be gracing headlines everywhere. Considering the world is at such a pivotal time and has never been easier to eat plant-based foods – Oprah surely wouldn’t be the only one to make a lifestyle change.


Oprah and her 378 staffers undertook a 21-day vegan challenge way back in 2008, their progress featured on her television show. During the challenge, Oprah hosted vegan author Kathy Freston and vegan chef Tal Ronnen onto her show. Freston showed Oprah how to incorporate an assortment of delicious new vegan foods into her diet. When the challenge ended, Oprah wrote in an essay about what she knows for sure after a “vegan cleanse”. Her essay states: “I learned a lot about how animals are treated and mistreated before they get to our tables. It is appalling and beneath our humanity to allow the torture of animals for the sake of our gluttony. We’ve neglected basic human decency on such a large scale, and it really does bleed over into every other aspect of life.”
Oprah, you’ve done it before, are you willing to give the lifestyle another go?


Oprah’s support for the “Meatless Monday” movement began in 2009, the concept is designed to reduce the quantity of meat consumers are eating and encourage people to see how easy vegetarian eating can be. It is estimated if everybody in America ate meatless at least one day per week, that would be the equivalent of taking 20 million midsize sedans off the road. In 2016, after interviewing Wayne Pacelle from The Humane Society on her show “SuperSoul Sunday”, Oprah hopped on Twitter and said “.@waynepacelle That I can do. Have ‘Meatless’ Mondays! Who will join me? #SuperSoulSunday”
Oprah, why not extend that pledge and commit to enjoying regular plant-based meals?

There are arguably few stamps of approval in this world more powerful than Oprah’s, this woman knows quality and what people want. Tal Ronnen, a vegan chef and restaurant owner, received Oprah’s blessing as “the best vegan chef in America,” which of course, is no accolade to be taken lightly. Fellow talk show host Ellen Degeneres also approves of Ronnen, after cooking with him on her show – she employed him as the chef at her wedding to Portia de Rossi.
Oprah, you say you love vegan food already – so why not eat the plant-based foods you love every day?

Oprah’s weight-loss efforts have been well publicized over the years, including her famously wheeling a wagon with 67lbs of fat on it during an episode of her show – for the audience to see exactly how much she lost. However, a whole-foods plant-based diet is known for being optimal for human health – if Oprah wants to stop short-term dieting, maintain a healthy weight and nourish her body, vegan diets have no cholesterol and are generally lower in calories than diets heavy with animal products.
Oprah, the world wants you around for a long time – a vegan diet can help you stay healthy and prolong your lifespan.
dude. it is an agreeance fact that meat eating beast flesh is a symptom of failed man [alpha/ king of the hill stupid]. you, me, the damned UN, any and or all gov.s of failed man cannot legislate it away. it is almost over. you do what you think is right. Jesus will receive you if you call upon His name. don't worry. do not sweat it. I could be banned from jpp for being the bible spammer. you better appreciate the danger I am in and peril [not] for going out of the way to try and yank your ass out of the fire.
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Buddhist vegetarianism

The Mahayana schools generally recommend a vegetarian diet; according to some sutras the Buddha
himself insisted that his followers should not eat the flesh of any sentient being.[1] Monks of the
Mahayana traditions that follow the Brahma Net Sutra are forbidden by their vows from eating flesh of any kind.

The earliest surviving written accounts of Buddhism are the Edicts of Asoka written by King Asoka,
a well-known Buddhist king who propagated Buddhism throughout Asia and is honored by both
Theravada and Mahayana schools of Buddhism. The authority of the Edicts of Asoka as a historical
record is suggested by the mention of numerous topics omitted as well as corroboration of numerous
accounts found in the Theravada and Mahayana Tripitakas written down centuries later. [2] Asoka
Rock Edict 1 dated to c. 257 BCE mentions the prohibition of animal sacrifices in Asoka’s Maurya Empire
as well as his commitment to vegetarianism; however, whether the Sangha was vegetarian in part or in
whole is unclear from these edicts. However, Asoka’s personal commitment to and advocating of vegetarianism
suggests Early Buddhism (at the very least for the layperson) most likely already had a vegetarian
tradition (the details are of what that entailed besides not killing animals were not mentioned and therefore is unknown.)

In China, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan and their respective diaspora communities monks and nuns are expected
to abstain from meat and, traditionally, eggs and dairy, in addition to the fetid vegetables – traditionally garlic,
Allium chinense, asafoetida, shallot, and Allium victorialis (victory onion or mountain leek), although in modern times
this rule is often interpreted to include other vegetables of the onion genus, as well as coriander – this is called
pure vegetarianism (純素, chúnsù). Pure Vegetarianism is Indic in origin and is still practiced in India by some
adherents of Dharmic religions such as Jainism and in the case of Hinduism, lacto-vegetarianism with the
additional abstaintion of pungent or fetid vegetables. A minority of Buddhist lay believers are year-long vegetarians
in the monastic way. Many lay followers followed monastic style vegetarianism on Lunar New Year's Eve,
Saints days and ancestral feast days as well as the 1st and 15th day of the lunar calendar. Some lay followers
also followed monastic style vegetarianism on the six-day,ten-day, Guan-yin (Avalokitesvara) vegetarian,
etc., set lunar calendar schedule. Other Buddhist lay-followers also follow less stringent forms of vegetarianism.
Most Buddhist lay-followers however are not vegetarians. Some Zhaijiao lay adherents also do not eat any meat.
The origin of Shaolin Kung Fu is generally credited to an Indian monk named Tat Moh,
who is also sometimes known as Boddhidharma, a 28th-generation disciple of
Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha.

Bodhidharma was a Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century. ... According to Chinese legend,
he also began the physical training of the monks of Shaolin Monastery that led to the creation of Shaolin kungfu.
In Japan, he is known as Daruma.
What world Scriptures include recipes?

I only know of recipes as commonplace in the Vedic scriptures of India [which btw includes many other misc formulas and invocations also].
I found this online :

But this is not recipes ---its recipes named after the Bible’s mentioning of food eaten by different folks in the New & Old Testiment.
At best these are menu suggestions.
I mean a real old-fashion recipe.

The Hindu use of food in Temple operations is central to Hinduism so I know the value of this topic.

So I looked this up:
Saying Grace ---what is it’s origin?

A grace is a short prayer or thankful phrase said before or after eating.

I found this comment online:
Grace before meals is a Jewish tradition that was in some respects followed by Jesus and also Paul, but is not technically 'commanded' in a legal sense from scripture.

As far as the overall origin of 'grace before meals' I would say it was established in all the ancient sacrifices which included eating portions of the sacrifice. Very early under the Levitical ceremonies food was associated with religious significance. It is no wonder then that a tradition around food has always accompanied various forms of Judaism and Christianity.

Almost 240 shootings took place at U.S. schools during the 2015-16 year,
according to figures published in April by the Department of Education.
Think about that number: 240.
That’s tens of thousands of American children exposed to mortal danger.

In 2016, there were a total of 437 referrals for terroristic threats.
That number went up slightly to 473 in 2017.
But in 2018, the number of referrals made over five months was 1,212, the report said.


"1940's: 8

1950's: 17

1960's: 18

1970's: 30

1980's: 39

1990's: 62

2000's: 63

2010's: 145 - as of February 20, 2018. We are 7 years and change into this decade and we've already doubled the amount of school-based shootings according to the list even if you take out some of them for "not qualifying".

​This represents a grand total of 473 school shootings and as you can see, the frequency is increasing dramatically. Very dramatically.

In 254 years of our history, we haven't learned one thing, not one thing about keeping our kids safe in school.

We keep wringing our hands, praying for families and the nation to heal and "we gotta get the guns" which, of course, is never going to happen, although, clearly, some changes need to be made.

What is going on that has lead to this? There are so many obvious factors including that we've doubled our population since 1953 and the divisiveness driven by forces both internal and external to our country are creating a level of mental illness and rage not seen before. You know the see them on the news and hear about them in talk radio every day."

Active-shooter drills are scaring children away from school
By New York Post Video September 6, 2018

These drills typically involve turning off the lights, locking the classroom doors, pulling down all the window shades and having the children group together in a corner or even a closet. This is all to prevent a potential shooter not just from entering the room, but even being able to see if children are present.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, over 90 percent of public schools practiced lockdown drills during the 2015-2016 school year.

Obviously, no one is happy about students preparing to deal with active shooters ...
Genesis 9:4-5 King James Version (KJV)

4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.


Isaiah 1:11 King James Version (KJV)

11 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. ...

15 And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.


Isaiah 66:3 King James Version (KJV)

3 He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine's blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.
Genesis 9:4-5 King James Version (KJV)

4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.


Isaiah 1:11 King James Version (KJV)

11 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. ...

15 And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.


Isaiah 66:3 King James Version (KJV)

3 He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine's blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.

Explain Peter's dream in Acts that all things are Kosher!
Or Jesus feeding the multitudes with bread and fish