Why is there so much violent crime at fast-food restaurants?
the fast-food-chain assault has become as iconic as the postal-worker shooting spree.

In January, Toledo, Ohio, resident Melodi Dushane punched out a McDonald's drive-through window when she was told they didn't sell Chicken McNuggets in the morning. Another woman recently drove through a crowd of people in a McDonald's parking lot, injuring four. In 2008, a Los Angeles man punched a 16-year-old girl in the face at a McDonald's after she complained about him cutting the line. A Wendy's customer reportedly assaulted a female clerk at a drive-through window in 2007 after she didn't tell him to "have a nice day." The list goes on. Spike Jonze even made a fast-food beating the centerpiece of his music video for Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs." (You can find a compilation of restaurant violence here.)

Fast-food restaurants haven't entirely replaced banks as crime targets, and criminal activity in such places is no longer on the rise. (Crimes like this, however, are.) The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the number of homicides at "limited service restaurants," which include fast-food chains like McDonald's and KFC, has declined from 35 in 2007 to 15 in 2009. But fast-food establishments like Wendy's and Burger King do see more crime than their "full-service" counterparts, like Ruby Tuesday's or the Olive Garden. BLS estimates that the rate of assaults at limited-service restaurants is more than twice as high as at full-service restaurants. Whereas sit-down restaurants had 0.8 assaults per 10,000 employees in 2009, fast-food joints had 1.8.

Why the difference? The primary reason is that fast-food chains are unusually vulnerable to robbery, which accounts for most of the violence at fast-food stores. Like gas stations and convenience stores, fast-food chains open early and close late. But customers there tend to use cash more than at gas stations, which have switched almost entirely to credit cards. And unlike convenience stores, fast-food places don't always limit the amount of cash that an employee can access. It doesn't help that fast-food workers are paid so little. More often than not, the robber is a friend of an employee or an employee himself. Location is a factor, too. What makes McDonald's restaurants so convenient to customers—they're located at major thoroughfares and intersections—also makes them great robbery targets. (Drive-throughs make for especially easy getaways.)

Demographics play a role as well. McDonald's bourgie makeovernotwithstanding, most fast-food chains cater largely to young, low-income customers. (Burger King's since-abandoned "The King" campaign was specifically aimed at "young adult male consumers.") Restaurants in high-crime areas will occasionally become crime scenes. Fast-food chains become easy places to loiter, which can lead to arguments or worse. "When you've got a relatively uneducated, young workforce and piss-poor management, put them in a high-stress situation—a burger-and-fries environment—and you'll get some improper conduct," says David Van Fleet, a professor of management at Arizona State University and co-author of The Violence Volcano: Reducing the Threat of Workplace Violence.

Customers may feel stressed out, too. Professors at the University of Toronto released a study in 2010 concluding that exposure to the logos of fast-food chains like Wendy's and Burger King made people hasty and impatient. When "fast" food doesn't live up to its name, people might lash out.

The "trend" of fast-food violence isn't really a trend. Any apparent uptick in domestic abuse at the Home of the Whopper probably owes more to YouTube and camera phones than to growing unruliness. But as with postal workers, all it takes are a few bad apples. Goodbye "going postal"; hello "McRage."

And destiny will bestow upon you eons of meat to eat ---and even better you will never need to report to a job again to get your rations.

Gee, thanks for noticing. :good4u:

Why Do Fast Food Outlets Have Higher Crime Rates?

Adrenaline, additives, and preservatives in the food, impatience in fast food drivethrough queues, corporate objectification of the customer, poverty are some reasons for the higher crime rate at fast food outlets.

What are some factors causing the higher crime rates in fast food restaurants?

1. The terror, fright, agony and anger experienced by mammals being murdered in slaughterhouses is manifested in higher secretions of adrenaline into their blood stream and muscle cells. This adrenaline, the links of whose molecule chains are only somewhat broken up by cooking, remain in the animals' flesh and continue to act as anger, terror and fright in the humans eating their flesh. At fast food outlets, many are consuming such flesh.

2. The vibrations of those handling, cooking, and serving food also enter the food. Fast food employees in the US have not been allowed to unionize. For the most part they receive minimum wage with no pension, no health insurance, no other benefits. Their working conditions create anger.

3. Besides animal flesh, artificial colors and preservatives have negative effects on behavior. "Artificial colors and preservatives added to food can influence how a child behaves, according to a 2009 article published in the "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition." Foods that contain large amounts of saturated fats, trans fats or sodium can also play a role."

4. In their attempt to market to as many people as possible, fast food outlets are often built in poor neighborhoods in which the rate of violent crime is higher. Eric Schlosser writes in Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the American Meal: "the vast majority of restaurant robberies occur in fast food restaurants because they are open late, staffed by teenagers, full of cash and convennient."

5. Those who live in poorer neighborhoods have less access to full service grocery stores, to fresh fruits and vegetables, not only because these stores avoid the crime, and because the poor have fewer transportation options.

6. Drive through queues lead to impatience, and in some cases to actions such as throwing the food back at the clerk.

7. Fast food outlets are more easily accessible for desperate people resorting to theft.

8. Fast food drive through queues are not conducive to personal service. Customers are upset when exceptions can't be made.

The Bureau Of Labor Statistics estimates that the rate of assaults at limited-service restaurants is more than twice as high as at full-service restaurants

9. The assembly line character of food food outlets ieads to less personal contact with the customer, more objectification. Those who sense they are being objectified are more likely to have an angry response.

From the Huffington Post:

Melodi Dushane... demanded nuggets instead of hashbrowns. When she was met with a "no," Dushane used her fists instead of her words, punched the McDonald's drive-thru employee and ended up in court with a vandalism charge.

Examples Of Violence:

From the online edition of Slate:

"In January, Toledo, Ohio, resident Melodi Dushane punched out a McDonald's drive-through window when she was told they didn't sell Chicken McNuggets in the morning. Another woman recently drove through a crowd of people in a McDonald's parking lot, injuring four. In 2008, a Los Angeles man punched a 16-year-old girl in the face at a McDonald's after she complained about him cutting the line. A Wendy's customer reportedly assaulted a female clerk at a drive-through window in 2007 after she didn't tell him to "have a nice day." The list goes on. Spike Jonze even made a fast-food beating the centerpiece of his music video for Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs" "

From the online edition of Livestrong:

"Artificial colors and preservatives added to food can influence how a child behaves, according to a 2009 article published in the "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition." Foods that contain large amounts of saturated fats, trans fats or sodium can also play a role."

Below are links to a few of many thousands of articles on the correlation between fast food outlets and crime, or the correlation between meat and anger.

Obesity too is correlated to fast food eating.
Isocaloric studies indicate the average vegan weighs 23 lbs. less than nonvegetarians.

10 bizarre fast food crimes
Deadly night shift at fast food outlets


Effects of junk food on children's behavior

Eric Schlosser author of Fast Food Nation




Fast Food is known to be energy dense, high in saturated fat and have low micronutrient content [7–12] and its consumption is associated with other poor food choices

Now, as evidence mounts that the Los Angeles City Council's ban on new fast-food restaurants is so far failing, leaders and thinkers are again scrutinizing the role restaurants of all kinds play or could play in this historically troubled cluster of largely low-income neighborhoods.
Seven years ago, the city pushed through the nation's first ordinance to focus on public health and fast food, at least in part because a community health nonprofit had lobbied tenaciously for the regulation as a way to fight obesity — a problem that is typically worse in poorer neighborhoods.

Vermont, Washington D.C., Maine, Montana and Rhode Island have the most fast food spots per capita, while less surprisingly, California, New York, Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania have the most total fast food locations.


Why is there so much violent crime at fast-food restaurants?
the fast-food-chain assault has become as iconic as the postal-worker shooting spree.

In January, Toledo, Ohio, resident Melodi Dushane punched out a McDonald's drive-through window when she was told they didn't sell Chicken McNuggets in the morning. Another woman recently drove through a crowd of people in a McDonald's parking lot, injuring four. In 2008, a Los Angeles man punched a 16-year-old girl in the face at a McDonald's after she complained about him cutting the line. A Wendy's customer reportedly assaulted a female clerk at a drive-through window in 2007 after she didn't tell him to "have a nice day." The list goes on. Spike Jonze even made a fast-food beating the centerpiece of his music video for Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs." (You can find a compilation of restaurant violence here.)

Fast-food restaurants haven't entirely replaced banks as crime targets, and criminal activity in such places is no longer on the rise. (Crimes like this, however, are.) The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the number of homicides at "limited service restaurants," which include fast-food chains like McDonald's and KFC, has declined from 35 in 2007 to 15 in 2009. But fast-food establishments like Wendy's and Burger King do see more crime than their "full-service" counterparts, like Ruby Tuesday's or the Olive Garden. BLS estimates that the rate of assaults at limited-service restaurants is more than twice as high as at full-service restaurants. Whereas sit-down restaurants had 0.8 assaults per 10,000 employees in 2009, fast-food joints had 1.8.

Why the difference? The primary reason is that fast-food chains are unusually vulnerable to robbery, which accounts for most of the violence at fast-food stores. Like gas stations and convenience stores, fast-food chains open early and close late. But customers there tend to use cash more than at gas stations, which have switched almost entirely to credit cards. And unlike convenience stores, fast-food places don't always limit the amount of cash that an employee can access. It doesn't help that fast-food workers are paid so little. More often than not, the robber is a friend of an employee or an employee himself. Location is a factor, too. What makes McDonald's restaurants so convenient to customers—they're located at major thoroughfares and intersections—also makes them great robbery targets. (Drive-throughs make for especially easy getaways.)

Demographics play a role as well. McDonald's bourgie makeovernotwithstanding, most fast-food chains cater largely to young, low-income customers. (Burger King's since-abandoned "The King" campaign was specifically aimed at "young adult male consumers.") Restaurants in high-crime areas will occasionally become crime scenes. Fast-food chains become easy places to loiter, which can lead to arguments or worse. "When you've got a relatively uneducated, young workforce and piss-poor management, put them in a high-stress situation—a burger-and-fries environment—and you'll get some improper conduct," says David Van Fleet, a professor of management at Arizona State University and co-author of The Violence Volcano: Reducing the Threat of Workplace Violence.

Customers may feel stressed out, too. Professors at the University of Toronto released a study in 2010 concluding that exposure to the logos of fast-food chains like Wendy's and Burger King made people hasty and impatient. When "fast" food doesn't live up to its name, people might lash out.

The "trend" of fast-food violence isn't really a trend. Any apparent uptick in domestic abuse at the Home of the Whopper probably owes more to YouTube and camera phones than to growing unruliness. But as with postal workers, all it takes are a few bad apples. Goodbye "going postal"; hello "McRage."

"...When "fast" food doesn't live up to its name, people might lash out..."

Thanks for admitting that it's a customer problem and not a business problem. :good4u:
The story of Cain's murder of Abel and its consequences is told in Genesis 4:1-18:
Abel became a herder of sheep while Cain was a tiller of the soil. 3 And it happened in the course of time that Cain brought from the fruit of the soil an offering to the Lord. 4 And Abel too had brought from the choice firstlings of his flock, and the Lord regarded Abel and his offering 5but did not regard Cain and his offering.

Genesis 1:29:
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Genesis 9:4-5:
4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.

Isaiah 1:11
To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.

Isaiah 1:15
And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.

Isaiah 66:3
He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man;

Leviticus 3:17
It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.

Leviticus 17:10
And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.
The story of Cain's murder of Abel and its consequences is told in Genesis 4:1-18:
Abel became a herder of sheep while Cain was a tiller of the soil. 3 And it happened in the course of time that Cain brought from the fruit of the soil an offering to the Lord. 4 And Abel too had brought from the choice firstlings of his flock, and the Lord regarded Abel and his offering 5but did not regard Cain and his offering.

Genesis 1:29:
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Genesis 9:4-5:
4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.

Isaiah 1:11
To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.

Isaiah 1:15
And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.

Isaiah 66:3
He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man;

Leviticus 3:17
It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.

Leviticus 17:10
And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.

Do you always cherry pick, in order to try to make your comments appear sensible; because the "Exodus" has already occurred and animals are normally no longer sacrificed. :D
Do you always cherry pick, in order to try to make your comments appear sensible; because the "Exodus" has already occurred and animals are normally no longer sacrificed. :D

So we have a scholar in our humble thread? I must confess that I can read what the Book says. It says it. I understand it.
There are Laws that are absolute ---and there are laws that are "provisional". Yes. Facts of Life.

These 4 groups of acts are specifically delineated as the four categories of activities that ALL Species/Form of living being occupy themselves in every act at every moment of their lives.

There are animalistic levels of doing these acts; brutish levels of doing these acts; palatial levels of doing these acts; celestial levels of doing these acts; etc ---and that's just us Humans. Aspiration for HIGHER objective opulences and/or standard of living is an expression of the above 4 activities ---we organise efforts to create abundance ---as if it were a sacrifice to do so, replete with remnants for our consumption.

But surely we agree 'a man should not act like an animal'.

Funny, I am reminded that when I have heard someone say "He acted like an animal" ... I always laugh to my self: He acted like a luncheon sandwich.

So it is written:
Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. And you shall not make yourselves unclean with any of the swarming things that swarm on the earth.

You shall be holy, for I am holy

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
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So we have a scholar in our humble thread? I must confess that I can read what the Book says. It says it. I understand it.
There are Laws that are absolute ---and there are laws that are "provisional". Yes. Facts of Life.

You keep telling yourself that; because at least you'll have your delusions to keep you warm, at night. :palm:
Blood, spit, sweat, skin flakes and
other misc "bodily fluids"
---one person to the other.


That's why your doctor's insurance carrier insists that rubber gloves and a mask be donned when seeing a client [patient].
Blood, spit, sweat, skin flakes and
other misc "bodily fluids"
---one person to the other.


That's why your doctor's insurance carrier insists that rubber gloves and a mask be donned when seeing a client [patient].

Not mine; but maybe yours has good reason. :whoa:
AT first it is obvious that you are an un-informed John Doe trolling without purpose.

52,289 Posts in 11 years

= 4754 posts/year

= 396 posts/mo

= 13 posts/day

My math needs to be checked. You posted 13 times in my one thread.

Anyway you do see how you are a bonefide troll.
Let everyone know, when you decided to use some intellect. :good4u:

What gender is the meat-head?

You have any preference of which gender?

Male meat, female meat, babyling, grandma, dopey, mentally retarded, ugly, pretty, crippled, dog, horse, turtle ---and again do you care for both genders???

Anyway there are plenty of Eyes, limbs and stuffed intestines which are always welcomed.

Too bad there aren't a little chunk of gold found in the belly of each roast a pearl.

You'd be rich, and the meek would be on the run.
AT first it is obvious that you are an un-informed John Doe trolling without purpose.

52,289 Posts in 11 years

= 4754 posts/year

= 396 posts/mo

= 13 posts/day

My math needs to be checked. You posted 13 times in my one thread.

Anyway you do see how you are a bonefide troll.

While the first part of your equation is fairly accurate and can be confirmed by looking to the right hand side of my posts, the rest is just pure speculation and conjecture on your part; but I am glad that you're allowing me to live rent free in your cranium, seeing as how I do enjoy the quiet time. :good4u:

The dust and cobwebs are kind of thick though. :D
1. What gender is the meat-head?

2. You have any preference of which gender?

3. Male meat, female meat, babyling, grandma, dopey, mentally retarded, ugly, pretty, crippled, dog, horse, turtle ---and again do you care for both genders???

4. Anyway there are plenty of Eyes, limbs and stuffed intestines which are always welcomed.

5. Too bad there aren't a little chunk of gold found in the belly of each roast a pearl.

You'd be rich, and the meek would be on the run.

1. I wasn't aware that "meat" had a gender. :whoa:

2. Refer to 1

3. Dog be a fine meal

4. Stew

5. NAH - makes it hard to chew
