Melania and Barron Trump are staying in New York City

You're a hypocrite. You condemn the right for their attacks and turn around and attack Melania and Trumps kids. Going so low as to link to fake porn pics.

You're a cretin.

Fuck you.

What's taking you so long to post your admonitions to the right-wing about their attacks on Obama and his family, including his kids? Where is it?

Did you worry about the 'truth' of their attacks?

What goes around, comes around
:0) Fuck you asswipe.

You didn't say shit when Michelle Obama was being attacked.

You're just another pussy-ass right-winger who can't take the heat. Must have been fun attacking Mrs. Obama .. now your punk ass is whining about an uneducated porno slut who most of the world has seen up the crack of her ass. :0)

Kiss my ass mr twinkle.

still haven't seen your links to these attacks....
Yup .. I sure am mr twinkle.

Republicans Go FULL RACIST, Attack Obama’s Daughters For Attending Wedding (IMAGES)

Racist commenters attack Malia Obama after news of her going to Harvard

Republican Hypocrites Launch A Hateful Attack On President Obama’s Daughters

.. but it was OK for republicans to attack Obama's CHILDREN, huh? you need to hunt down some posts on another board to support your idiotic claims......lord how far the Democraps have removed themselves from integrity......
I call the Trumpettes sluts .. this is politics.

I've raised two daughters by myself .. and my admonitions about how they look, act, and carry themselves in society were absolutely necessary in a society such as this .. AND it worked. I'm very proud of them both .. one of whom just became E8 in the military.

I'm sure they're embarrassed by their asshole of a father......

I'm consistent ..

yes you lie about what people here have said about Michelle, then use it as an excuse to spread more lies about Melania......generally speaking your posts are worth slightly less than week old garbage.....

its no wonder the Dems can't field a candidate who could beat Trump......
MO was not a successful lawyer. She received a law degree, but didn't do much with it. She was what was known in Chicago as a "Jesse Hire". An "untouchable hire", meaning this is someone on the City payroll who can never be fired or even disciplined in any way because their employment was a political favor to someone. These types of hires weren't expected to do magazines all day, take a few lunch breaks, etc. She actually hated being a lawyer.

Then a fellow "Jesse hire" Valerie Jarrett took her over to the U of C Medical Center to "work." They wanted Barry's wife on the payroll so that they could funnel money to him through her as rewards for steering legislation towards passage that would benefit U of C. This is how Chicago works.

Michelle didn’t do any more work at the Medical Center than she did for the City and her job duties involved trying to keep black people from going to the emergency room at the hospital for treatment without insurance and instead go to these sub-par "medical clinics" that the Medical Center wanted them steered towards instead. At one point, Michelle received a ridiculously large raise right around the time that the U of C received a massive funding infusion for the Medical Center from Springfield, where Barry was on his way to becoming a United States Senator. Surely this was just a coincidence and was not a way for U of C to buy favor from the next US Senator representing Illinois by dramatically increasing his wife’s pay to over $300,000/year for doing relatively nothing all hmm.

After Michelle vacated her position in 2007 to join the Obama presidential campaign full-time the Medical Center did not bother replacing her and eventually eliminated her old job since there was no need for this position or the expenditure as it was only there in the first place to buy influence from Michelle’s husband.

Fuck you.

What's taking you so long to post your admonitions to the right-wing about their attacks on Obama and his family, including his kids? Where is it?

Did you worry about the 'truth' of their attacks?

What goes around, comes around

there haven't been couldn't even find any and had to go hunting at other boards.....
Fuck you.

What's taking you so long to post your admonitions to the right-wing about their attacks on Obama and his family, including his kids? Where is it?

Did you worry about the 'truth' of their attacks?

What goes around, comes around
You stupid shit, I just did in a post or two ago that you quoted of me.

You're a loser troll.
No it is not okay. You're an asshole. Posting fake porn pics of his daughter, that is totally uncalled for.

You are as deplorable as those who made those hateful comments.
BlackasTroll is a lying POS.
Fuck you.

What's taking you so long to post your admonitions to the right-wing about their attacks on Obama and his family, including his kids? Where is it?

Did you worry about the 'truth' of their attacks?

What goes around, comes around
Links to nudity go in the NSFW area, and faked nudity from a site currently being sued by celebrities for faking "nude" photos are generally frowned upon. Lawsuits are not pleasant.