Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views

I would guess that he enjoys the intimacy of a skiing encounter.
Actually it went almost exactly as your sports challenge to me:

1. Eager for any kind of win, you claim to be a good golfer, so of course challenged me to a golf match. I suck at golf, but am a good skier, so I offered you the very reasonable challenge to compare your golf handicap with my NASTAR (NAtion STandard [ski] RAce) handicap. You, predictably, spun your ass off, wimping out.

2. Topspin has stated several times that he wrestled in high school or college. He's 5'7" and about that wide. Me, being on the tall, lanky side, haven't wrestled competitively since middle school because it ain't my thing. Eager for any kind of win, he of course he challenges me to a wrestling match. I told him to meet me at the top of a ski resort during season, and if he could make it down the hill alive then I'd wrestle him. Predictably, he spun his ass off, wimping out.

May I assume you no longer defend his use of drones to murder americans without due process, an issue I have been raising since long before the election?

I support Obama 100% on drones. But I pulled the lever for Johnson, which means I actually have offered him far less physical support than you have offered.
Science like this is interesting but proving anything more than a coorelation is hard. I think ultimately their is some truth to it. Conservatism is about maintaining structures, and if you have power already you have all the more reason to support it. Essentially this is merely confirmation of theories and musing. I don't see why some are so hostile to something expected.

EDIT: Oops, responded to the first page.
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No it's not. It's about limited government and personal responsibility.

No it's not. It is about maintaining the status quo, the oligarchy, keeping the present day form of wage slavery intact, maintaining rule by the descendants of the Royal Family, and if possible rolling back any gains made by society, such as unions or Social Security to the time of the robber barrons.
Yes it is. Read through for what conservatives believe, not what Rachael Maddow tells you.

Prove me wrong with your own words not some lying hater site, and I have never once seen or heard Rachael Maddow.

She must really have something going on though, since you are far from the only conservatard who has accused me so.
Prove me wrong with your own words not some lying hater site, and I have never once seen or heard Rachael Maddow.

She must really have something going on though, since you are far from the only conservatard who has accused me so.
Not up to me to prove you wrong; up to you to prove you right.

Also you don't get to accuse of being a hate site without warrant or dismiss it because of your false accusation.
Not up to me to prove you wrong; up to you to prove you right.

Also you don't get to accuse of being a hate site without warrant or dismiss it because of your false accusation.

Yes I do. I am an internet cartoon character you moron. I can say whatever the fuck I want about
Yes it is. Read through for what conservatives believe, not what Rachael Maddow tells you.

Conservatism is all about every man for himself. Sorry if you are in the minority...most people believe in safety nets and a degree of social justice....some believe in LOTS of it...but they are at the other end of the spectrum from fact, if you extend your hand to the right? You'll probably shake hands with one(that's how far to the right you are).
The modern conservative is all about limited government and personal responsibility, except when it wants the gov't to protect their investments or protect what they perceive as a religious institution.

Their rule is the gov't should not interfere in private affairs......well except for making privately owned businesses nonsmoking whether the owners want that or not.....or in zoning laws so they don't lose money on their house.......(and whatever else we decide is in our best interest)
Conservatism is all about every man for himself. Sorry if you are in the minority...most people believe in safety nets and a degree of social justice....some believe in LOTS of it...but they are at the other end of the spectrum from fact, if you extend your hand to the right? You'll probably shake hands with one(that's how far to the right you are).
Sorry but you don't get to say what conservatives believe either. Why not go to, pick an issue you disagree with and debate that instead of making shit up?

Are you afraid?
Sorry but you don't get to say what conservatives believe either. Why not go to, pick an issue you disagree with and debate that instead of making shit up?

Are you afraid?

Oh....I do get to's America. I get to say any fucking thing I want to. BTW...I was using your post to base mine off of.
Oh....I do get to's America. I get to say any fucking thing I want to. BTW...I was using your post to base mine off of.

You can but if you are debating you lose a point; it's called "straw man". That is, you can't make a reasonable argue about your opponent's actual position so you make one up and argue against that.