Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views

You can but if you are debating you lose a point; it's called "straw man". That is, you can't make a reasonable argue about your opponent's actual position so you make one up and argue against that.

Since when are you interested in debate? You don' just want to throw around your hate like you do the HOA.
Since when are you interested in debate? You don' just want to throw around your hate like you do the HOA.

In the HOA deal I won the debate, thus eliciting hatred from those who I defeated. It's the same thing here. It's the libs who do the hatin'.
Not up to me to prove you wrong; up to you to prove you right.

Also you don't get to accuse of being a hate site without warrant or dismiss it because of your false accusation.

Of course they're a hate site, silly racist!

For the past week, the American Conservative Union, which founded and is the primary organizer of CPAC, has showcased on its website an article from its newsletter, the Conservative Battleline, headlined "Debating Liberal Tactics" and written by Robert Weissberg. The ACU identifies Weissberg as a professor from Cornell and the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign and the author of 11 books. What it doesn't mention is that Weissberg has long been affiliated with a pseudo-think tank called the New Century Foundation. This foundation publishes a magazine called American Renaissance and hosts conferences under the same name, promoting the theory of "scientific racism" and providing a forum in which Klan members, neo-Nazis, and David Duke followers can mix it up with the intellectuals of the white-nationalist movement. The Southern Poverty Law Center describes the foundation's founder and American Renaissance editor, Jared Taylor, as a "courtly" white supremacist, who once wrote in American Renaissance, "Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization—any kind of civilization—disappears."

Weissberg has been writing for Taylor's magazine for years and has spoken at American Renaissance conferences. The Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights (IREHR), a nonprofit social-justice organization that tracks far-right groups, has been sounding the alarm about Weissberg this week and first called attention to his work on the ACU website. It has assembled a history of his racist work here. Among the highlights—or lowlights—is a speech Weissberg delivered at a 2012 American Renaissance conference on a "Politically Viable Alternative to White Nationalism," in which he argued that white racism needed an image update. He suggested that white people retreat into "Whitopias" that carry zoning codes and other subtle requirements that would keep out the "undesirables," according to IREHR.

IREHR dug up a video of Weissberg, who is Jewish, giving a speech in 2000 entitled "Jews and Blacks: Everything the Goyim Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask," in which he puzzled over Jewish support for civil rights—a problem he dubbed "an affliction"—and suggested that non-Jewish whites and Jews should team up to fight against the blacks and what he termed

The Southern Poverty Law Center describes the foundation's founder...

Excellent example of the Straw Man logical fallacy.

Interesting video. The presenter is pointing out how Jewish liberals denigrate blacks. You undoubtedly thought that he was denigrating Jews, or blacks, or perhaps both!
Excellent example of the Straw Man logical fallacy.

Interesting video. The presenter is pointing out how Jewish liberals denigrate blacks. You undoubtedly thought that he was denigrating Jews, or blacks, or perhaps both!

No, dipstick. He was wondering why Jews supported civil rights.

This is of course, the same fool who thinks whites are more intelligent than blacks and wants to create "Whiteopia's". I'm sure you pray before him.

University of Illinois professor emeritus Robert Weissberg has been dropped from the roster of conservative commentators on the rolls at National Review. According to editor Rich Lowry, the editorial staff at NR became aware of a “noxious talk about the future of white nationalism,” and was forced to take action.

Unbeknownst to us, occasional Phi Beta Cons contributor Robert Weissberg (whose book was published a few years ago by Transaction) participated in an American Renaissance conference where he delivered a noxious talk about the future of white nationalism. He will no longer be posting here. Thanks to those who brought it to our attention.
Dylan Byers at Politico notes that Weissberg was speaking to the American Renaissance conference in Tennessee on March 19 about “viable alternatives” to white nationalism including the creation of “Whitetopias.”

“This approach to maintaining whiteness has the advantage that people can make a living catering to whites in their enclaves,” reads a recap of Weissberg’s speech on the conference’s website. “Prof. Weissberg went on to argue that liberals are beyond reason when it comes to race, that explaining the facts of IQ or the necessity of racial consciousness for whites “is like trying to explain to an eight-year-old why sex is more fun than chocolate ice cream.”

As the saying goes, “twice is a coincidence; three is a trend.” The ongoing house cleaning at National Review of contributors who regularly give voice to racially insensitive sentiments is contributing to the appearance of a trend.
No, dipstick. He was wondering why Jews supported civil rights.
Actually, he was explaining why liberal jews support affirmative action forever, not civil rights...

You really should look at the video you posted yourself instead of relying on what some other liberal says about is.
Actually, he was explaining why liberal jews support affirmative action forever, not civil rights...

You really should look at the video you posted yourself instead of relying on what some other liberal says about is.

Yeah...keep thinking that. So why did the National Review fire him?
"You really think this is going to help... all these laws... all these affirmative action policies... things like that?"

You cannot honestly tell me that he meant affirmative action only by that statement, and not civil rights legislation in general.
Yeah...keep thinking that. So why did the National Review fire him?

I've never heard of the guy until now. If that's him in the video that you posted, he's explaining that liberal Jews that he knows denigrate blacks and believe in Affirmative Action Forever because blacks 'are inferior so need the help'. Deny it all you want but that's exactly what he's saying in that video.

Why did NR fire him? I have no idea.
"You really think this is going to help... all these laws... all these affirmative action policies... things like that?"

You cannot honestly tell me that he meant affirmative action only by that statement, and not civil rights legislation in general.

Unlike you I take what people say at face value unless I know them well enough to read more into it. It's part of my unassuming nature.

Especially in this case because civil rights has always been the hallmark of the GOP, starting with its inception, and conservatives align themselves with the GOP and strive to influence its policies. In fact Affirmative Action was a GOP initiative; Affirmative Action Forever was never it's original intent as it makes the problem that it was intended to solve worse over time.
Unlike you I take what people say at face value unless I know them well enough to read more into it. It's part of my unassuming nature.

Especially in this case because civil rights has always been the hallmark of the GOP, starting with its inception, and conservatives align themselves with the GOP and strive to influence its policies. In fact Affirmative Action was a GOP initiative; Affirmative Action Forever was never it's original intent as it makes the problem that it was intended to solve worse over time.

Is there a way to indicate rolling on the floor, dying from laughter?

Keep up this level of bullshit and I really will expire early.
Is there a way to indicate rolling on the floor, dying from laughter?

Keep up this level of bullshit and I really will expire early.

Unlike you I take what people say at face value unless I know them well enough to read more into it. It's part of my unassuming nature.

Especially in this case because civil rights has always been the hallmark of the GOP, starting with its inception, and conservatives align themselves with the GOP and strive to influence its policies. In fact Affirmative Action was a GOP initiative; Affirmative Action Forever was never it's original intent as it makes the problem that it was intended to solve worse over time.
Unlike you I take what people say at face value unless I know them well enough to read more into it. It's part of my unassuming nature.

Especially in this case because civil rights has always been the hallmark of the GOP, starting with its inception, and conservatives align themselves with the GOP and strive to influence its policies. In fact Affirmative Action was a GOP initiative; Affirmative Action Forever was never it's original intent as it makes the problem that it was intended to solve worse over time.

Like a broken record.
Excellent example of the Straw Man logical fallacy.

Interesting video. The presenter is pointing out how Jewish liberals denigrate blacks. You undoubtedly thought that he was denigrating Jews, or blacks, or perhaps both!

alternative reality?

why is it your party cant get any of the votes of minorities in this country?

because your the racist party.

that makes you the stupid party
alternative reality?

why is it your party cant get any of the votes of minorities in this country?

because your the racist party.

that makes you the stupid party

It's human nature to support someone who gives you free stuff. It's also human nature to slack off when your basic needs are provided for. The Democrat Party has exploited these human traits and focused them on blacks; this strategy has been much more successful than their past initiatives (slavery, segregation, terrorism) at destroying black families.

The Democrat Party's strategy works with any special interest group, be it gays, illegals, blacks, unions, corporations, etc. Give a group special privileges and individuals in that group will overwhelmingly support you.
It's human nature to support someone who gives you free stuff. It's also human nature to slack off when your basic needs are provided for. The Democrat Party has exploited these human traits and focused them on blacks; this strategy has been much more successful than their past initiatives (slavery, segregation, terrorism) at destroying black families.

The Democrat Party's strategy works with any special interest group, be it gays, illegals, blacks, unions, corporations, etc. Give a group special privileges and individuals in that group will overwhelmingly support you.'re no racist....why don't fuckers just admit your racism and embrace it?