Michael Jackson is dead


The Force is With Me

LOS ANGELES — Pop giant Michael Jackson, who took to the stage as a child star and set the world dancing to exuberant rhythms for decades, died on Thursday after being taken ill at his home, the Los Angeles Times said. He was 50.

"Pop star Michael Jackson was pronounced dead by doctors this afternoon after arriving at a hospital in a deep coma, city and law enforcement sources told The Times," the newspaper reported on its website.

The paper's report followed news of Jackson's death first reported by the TMZ entertainment website.

There was no immediate comment from spokespersons for Jackson, who was known as the "King of Pop," for hit albums that included "Thriller" and "Billie Jean."

He had been scheduled to launch a comeback tour from London next month.

TMZ said on its website that "Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back."
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never knew whether to feel sorry for the guy or loathe him for alleged crimes. he was a legend when i was growing up. then he lost it. with all the turmoil in that guys life, not surprising.....
Growing up in the entertainment industry seems to be child abuse.

The entertainment industry should have to go by the same labor laws as all other industries.
He wasn't always a strange person. The sad part is he never had a chance to live a normal life.

depends on what normal is.... though according to him, his dad was pretty harsh, at least that is what i remember from some info on him. the guy had everything, money, connection to powerful people, friends with powerful and famous people, yet wanted to be somebody else. doesn't matter who you are, famous, rich, poor, unknown, if you're not yourself, you will lose yourself.

will be interesting to see what happens to his memory now, he was basically the elvis of the 80s
Growing up in the entertainment industry seems to be child abuse.

The entertainment industry should have to go by the same labor laws as all other industries.

child abuse...wtf....do you really think all child stars think their lives were abuse? and no, labor laws do not apply to all industry across the board, so your comment is useless and uninformed. do you want them working accordign to farm labor laws....

the thing is, they stand a chance to make a lot of money and fame. i think what you're saying is, should the child be a more active participant in making the entertainment decisions. you might have a point. many parents push their kids in order to make a buck in that industry.
depends on what normal is.... though according to him, his dad was pretty harsh, at least that is what i remember from some info on him. the guy had everything, money, connection to powerful people, friends with powerful and famous people, yet wanted to be somebody else. doesn't matter who you are, famous, rich, poor, unknown, if you're not yourself, you will lose yourself.

will be interesting to see what happens to his memory now, he was basically the elvis of the 80s

His father was very domineering and wanted him to be a star at an early age. He missed the normal life of most kids. With all the fame and money he had, he was a very lonely man.
His father was very domineering and wanted him to be a star at an early age. He missed the normal life of most kids. With all the fame and money he had, he was a very lonely man.

What can we say? Things would have been different if he had a good woman by his side.
His father was very domineering and wanted him to be a star at an early age. He missed the normal life of most kids. With all the fame and money he had, he was a very lonely man.

He also had a bizzare affinity for young boys...I am sorry for his family's loss, but The King of Pop lost my adoration when it became evident something wasn't right in Neverland.
Farah Fawcett is also dead... Same day.

She was 62, Michael Jackson was 50. I feel sad for "his" kids.
He also had a bizzare affinity for young boys...I am sorry for his family's loss, but The King of Pop lost my adoration when it became evident something wasn't right in Neverland.


Whether he was a pedophile or just liked sleeping with young boys he was a weirdo,he will answer to a higher power now, no more bribes!
His father was very domineering and wanted him to be a star at an early age. He missed the normal life of most kids. With all the fame and money he had, he was a very lonely man.

there are plenty of parents that are domineering and want this or that for their kid. many kids miss this so called normal life....don't sell yourself on this theory as an excuse.
there are plenty of parents that are domineering and want this or that for their kid. many kids miss this so called normal life....don't sell yourself on this theory as an excuse.

I owe ya Yurt, must spread them, no excuses for how weird this guy was

LOS ANGELES — Pop giant Michael Jackson, who took to the stage as a child star and set the world dancing to exuberant rhythms for decades, died on Thursday after being taken ill at his home, the Los Angeles Times said. He was 50.

"Pop star Michael Jackson was pronounced dead by doctors this afternoon after arriving at a hospital in a deep coma, city and law enforcement sources told The Times," the newspaper reported on its website.

The paper's report followed news of Jackson's death first reported by the TMZ entertainment website.

There was no immediate comment from spokespersons for Jackson, who was known as the "King of Pop," for hit albums that included "Thriller" and "Billie Jean."

He had been scheduled to launch a comeback tour from London next month.

TMZ said on its website that "Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back."

It's kind of strange when a figure larger than life like that dies.