Michael Jackson is dead

Sanford should send flowers to Jacko's funeral along with a thank you note for moonwalking him out of the headlines. The Ayatollah, as well, I might add.

Meanwhile at Friday prayers in Tehran, the Ayatollah says, "Allah bless the infidel Michael Jackson and his timely death for the greater glory of the Islamic Republic of Iran!"

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Sanford should send flowers to Jacko's funeral along with a thank you note for moonwalking him out of the headlines. The Ayatollah, as well, I might add.

Meanwhile at Friday prayers in Tehran, the Ayatollah says, "Allah bless the infidel Michael Jackson and his timely death for the greater glory of the Islamic Republic of Iran!"

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
LOL. I wonder if they'll be reinvited to the picnic...
OK so you so ya don't believe in a higher power, that's all well and good, me I do believe and hope if he truly molested those boys he will suffer for eternity.

Just sleeping with minors not related to him is enough for me to say good ridden s to him!

You can say whatever you wish and you can believe whatever fantasy you choose.

Neither you nor I know if he molested anyone. Personally I believe children were the only people Jackson could relate to. Was he out-of-line and crazy for sleeping with boys .. abso-fucking-lutely he was. He was not the smartest guy in the world .. but the world held no bounds for him. From childhood he could accomplish what others could only dream of .. with the exception of Prince.

Higher power?

I have no clue what that means.

Nature is the highest power humankind will ever see .. and Nature does not judge.
He had some good music and put on a good show, but to me his weird like for young boys, ruins it all...He'll have to answer to the devil for that...
So you are sure that he is in hell?

Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. (Matt. 7:1-5, ESV)
I wonder if he grabbed his crotch one last time after he realized he was dying.

he heeeee
Good question. If they could find a way to harness crotch-grabbing as an energy source Michael Jackson would have been a valuable national resource.
No, you're delusional.

People under 30 don't care about you or any shit dumped on Jackson.

They also don't care about conservative "values" or the Republican Party.

Seriously, you should get out more.

Actually 30% of american's under 30 identify themselves "conservative". and between the ages of 30 and 49 41% do. True that under 30 represents the only group where libreals have the higher percentage 39%, but it is also true:

"If you are young and conservative you have no heart and if you are old and liberal you have no brain."

More american's identufy themselves as "conservative". Liberals have the least percentage identifying themselves as such.

June 15, 2009

Conservatives” Are Single-Largest Ideological Group. Percentage of “liberals” higher this decade than in early ’90s

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thus far in 2009, 40% of Americans interviewed in national Gallup Poll surveys describe their political views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal. This represents a slight increase for conservatism in the U.S. since 2008, returning it to a level last seen in 2004. The 21% calling themselves liberal is in line with findings throughout this decade, but is up from the 1990s.


These annual figures are based on multiple national Gallup surveys conducted each year, in some cases encompassing more than 40,000 interviews. The 2009 data are based on 10 separate surveys conducted from January through May. Thus, the margins of error around each year's figures are quite small, and changes of only two percentage points are statistically significant.

To measure political ideology, Gallup asks Americans to say whether their political views are very conservative, conservative, moderate, liberal, or very liberal. As has been the case each year since 1992, very few Americans define themselves at the extremes of the political spectrum. Just 9% call themselves "very conservative" and 5% "very liberal." The vast majority of self-described liberals and conservatives identify with the unmodified form of their chosen label.


Party-Based Ideology

There is an important distinction in the respective ideological compositions of the Republican and Democratic Parties. While a solid majority of Republicans are on the same page -- 73% call themselves conservative -- Democrats are more of a mixture. The major division among Democrats is between self-defined moderates (40%) and liberals (38%). However, an additional 22% of Democrats consider themselves conservative, much higher than the 3% of Republicans identifying as liberal.

True to their nonpartisan tendencies, close to half of political independents -- 45% -- describe their political views as "moderate." Among the rest, the balance of views is tilted more heavily to the right than to the left: 34% are conservative, while 20% are liberal.

Gallup trends show a slight increase since 2008 in the percentages of all three party groups calling themselves "conservative," which accounts for the three percentage-point increase among the public at large.


Thus far in 2009, Gallup has found an average of 36% of Americans considering themselves Democratic, 28% Republican, and 37% independent. When independents are pressed to say which party they lean toward, 51% of Americans identify as Democrats, 39% as Republicans, and only 9% as pure independents.

Ideological tendencies by leaned party affiliation are very similar to those of straight partisan groups. However, it is worth noting the views of pure independents -- a group usually too small to analyze in individual surveys but potentially important in deciding elections. Exactly half of pure independents describe their views as moderate, 30% say they are conservative, and 17% liberal.


As reported last week on Gallup.com, women are more likely than men to be Democratic in their political orientation. Along the same lines, women are more likely than men to be ideologically "moderate" and "liberal," and less likely to be "conservative."

Still, conservatism outweighs liberalism among both genders.


The pattern is strikingly different on the basis of age, and this could have important political implications in the years ahead. Whereas middle-aged and older Americans lean conservative (vs. liberal) in their politics by at least 2 to 1, adults aged 18 to 29 are just as likely to say their political views are liberal (31%) as to say they are conservative (30%).


Future Gallup analysis will look at the changes in the political ideology of different age cohorts over time, to see whether young adults in the past have started out more liberal than they wound up in their later years.

Bottom Line

Although the terms may mean different things to different people, Americans readily peg themselves, politically, into one of five categories along the conservative-to-liberal spectrum. At present, large minorities describe their views as either moderate or conservative -- with conservatives the larger group -- whereas only about one in five consider themselves liberal.

While these figures have shown little change over the past decade, the nation appears to be slightly more polarized than it was in the early 1990s. Compared with the 1992-1994 period, the percentage of moderates has declined from 42% to 35%, while the percentages of conservatives and liberals are up slightly -- from 38% to 40% for conservatives and a larger 17% to 21% movement for liberals.

Survey Methods

Results are based on aggregated Gallup Poll surveys of approximately 1,000 national adults, aged 18 and older, interviewed by telephone. Sample sizes for the annual compilations range from approximately 10,000 to approximately 40,000. For these results, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±1 percentage point.

In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.
Actually 30% of american's under 30 identify themselves "conservative". and between the ages of 30 and 49 41% do. True that under 30 represents the only group where libreals have the higher percentage 39%, but it is also true:

"If you are young and conservative you have no heart and if you are old and liberal you have no brain."

More american's identufy themselves as "conservative". Liberals have the least percentage identifying themselves as such.

June 15, 2009

Conservatives” Are Single-Largest Ideological Group. Percentage of “liberals” higher this decade than in early ’90s

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thus far in 2009, 40% of Americans interviewed in national Gallup Poll surveys describe their political views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal. This represents a slight increase for conservatism in the U.S. since 2008, returning it to a level last seen in 2004. The 21% calling themselves liberal is in line with findings throughout this decade, but is up from the 1990s.


These annual figures are based on multiple national Gallup surveys conducted each year, in some cases encompassing more than 40,000 interviews. The 2009 data are based on 10 separate surveys conducted from January through May. Thus, the margins of error around each year's figures are quite small, and changes of only two percentage points are statistically significant.

To measure political ideology, Gallup asks Americans to say whether their political views are very conservative, conservative, moderate, liberal, or very liberal. As has been the case each year since 1992, very few Americans define themselves at the extremes of the political spectrum. Just 9% call themselves "very conservative" and 5% "very liberal." The vast majority of self-described liberals and conservatives identify with the unmodified form of their chosen label.


Party-Based Ideology

There is an important distinction in the respective ideological compositions of the Republican and Democratic Parties. While a solid majority of Republicans are on the same page -- 73% call themselves conservative -- Democrats are more of a mixture. The major division among Democrats is between self-defined moderates (40%) and liberals (38%). However, an additional 22% of Democrats consider themselves conservative, much higher than the 3% of Republicans identifying as liberal.

True to their nonpartisan tendencies, close to half of political independents -- 45% -- describe their political views as "moderate." Among the rest, the balance of views is tilted more heavily to the right than to the left: 34% are conservative, while 20% are liberal.

Gallup trends show a slight increase since 2008 in the percentages of all three party groups calling themselves "conservative," which accounts for the three percentage-point increase among the public at large.


Thus far in 2009, Gallup has found an average of 36% of Americans considering themselves Democratic, 28% Republican, and 37% independent. When independents are pressed to say which party they lean toward, 51% of Americans identify as Democrats, 39% as Republicans, and only 9% as pure independents.

Ideological tendencies by leaned party affiliation are very similar to those of straight partisan groups. However, it is worth noting the views of pure independents -- a group usually too small to analyze in individual surveys but potentially important in deciding elections. Exactly half of pure independents describe their views as moderate, 30% say they are conservative, and 17% liberal.


As reported last week on Gallup.com, women are more likely than men to be Democratic in their political orientation. Along the same lines, women are more likely than men to be ideologically "moderate" and "liberal," and less likely to be "conservative."

Still, conservatism outweighs liberalism among both genders.


The pattern is strikingly different on the basis of age, and this could have important political implications in the years ahead. Whereas middle-aged and older Americans lean conservative (vs. liberal) in their politics by at least 2 to 1, adults aged 18 to 29 are just as likely to say their political views are liberal (31%) as to say they are conservative (30%).


Future Gallup analysis will look at the changes in the political ideology of different age cohorts over time, to see whether young adults in the past have started out more liberal than they wound up in their later years.

Bottom Line

Although the terms may mean different things to different people, Americans readily peg themselves, politically, into one of five categories along the conservative-to-liberal spectrum. At present, large minorities describe their views as either moderate or conservative -- with conservatives the larger group -- whereas only about one in five consider themselves liberal.

While these figures have shown little change over the past decade, the nation appears to be slightly more polarized than it was in the early 1990s. Compared with the 1992-1994 period, the percentage of moderates has declined from 42% to 35%, while the percentages of conservatives and liberals are up slightly -- from 38% to 40% for conservatives and a larger 17% to 21% movement for liberals.

Survey Methods

Results are based on aggregated Gallup Poll surveys of approximately 1,000 national adults, aged 18 and older, interviewed by telephone. Sample sizes for the annual compilations range from approximately 10,000 to approximately 40,000. For these results, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±1 percentage point.

In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.

Identifying yourself as "conservative" often has very little to do with political party as the term "conservative" means just about anything one wants it mean.

Most African-Americans identify themselves as conservative .. republicans get 8% of that vote.

Hispanics are "conservative" .. say bye-bye to the hispanic vote.

Thus, your argument based on "conservative" is a false one. Just 30% of the under 30 demographic identify themselves as republican, compared to 44% who identify as democrat .. AND, Obama won the under 30 vote 2-1.

The obvious conclusion that is backed by the evidence is that your party is shrinking. In fact, you have more than the under 30 crowd to consider as the Republican Party is losing every demographic except those who go to church every week.

.. good luck.

Now, in regards to Michael Jackson .. which is where this argument came from, I have no doubt that the majority of those under 30 who mourn him today couldn't give a rat's ass about those who shit on his legacy.
Identifying yourself as "conservative" often has very little to do with political party as the term "conservative" means just about anything one wants it mean.

Most African-Americans identify themselves as conservative .. republicans get 8% of that vote.

Hispanics are "conservative" .. say bye-bye to the hispanic vote.

Thus, your argument based on "conservative" is a false one. Just 30% of the under 30 demographic identify themselves as republican, compared to 44% who identify as democrat .. AND, Obama won the under 30 vote 2-1.

The obvious conclusion that is backed by the evidence is that your party is shrinking. In fact, you have more than the under 30 crowd to consider as the Republican Party is losing every demographic except those who go to church every week.

.. good luck.

Now, in regards to Michael Jackson .. which is where this argument came from, I have no doubt that the majority of those under 30 who mourn him today couldn't give a rat's ass about those who shit on his legacy.

You are definitely one of the most stiff necked posters around.

You made the claim no one under 30 cares about conservative values...you were wrong. Blacks are the group of conservatives that passed prop 8 in Ca. That they vote democrat has a lot to do with institutional "my family has always voted democrat" and less to do with their values. It is obvious that when values are assessed MOST americans, including black and hispanic american's, are conservative and not liberal. Remember this was not a republican VS democrat opinion, but a liberal VS conservative one.

Conservative values still drive this country's thinking no matter that our media elite shovel progressive liberal thought down our throats.

And BTW it is not "my argument".
You are definitely one of the most stiff necked posters around.

You made the claim no one under 30 cares about conservative values...you were wrong. Blacks are the group of conservatives that passed prop 8 in Ca. That they vote democrat has a lot to do with institutional "my family has always voted democrat" and less to do with their values. It is obvious that when values are assessed MOST americans, including black and hispanic american's, are conservative and not liberal. Remember this was not a republican VS democrat opinion, but a liberal VS conservative one.

Conservative values still drive this country's thinking no matter that our media elite shovel progressive liberal thought down our throats.

And BTW it is not "my argument".

I'm sure you're one of the countries foremost experts on black people .. but as an actual black person I'd just like to add that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. African-Americans vote democratic because they percieve democrats as their allies, republicans as their enemies. In other words, they vote their percieved interests, just like every other American does.

You are certainly free to banter on about how cherished conservative values are .. whatever the fuck that me be .. but the cold reality is that the conservative party is shrinking faster than ice cubes in Hell.

Gay rights are gaining all over the country, in spite of homophobic black people and religious nut cases.

And besides, you people on the right should get your story straight and figure out which is which. One day you claim the country is going all socialist and Limbaugh claims that people are jumping off roofs and taking jaunts to Argentina because everything is just so lost. The liberals and socialists are taking over. Oh woe is you, all is lost ..

Now here you are pretending that America is a bastion of conservative "values" .. even though straight marriage is declining and gay marriage is on the rise.

And who are the absolute worst in marriage .. CHRISTIANS

The highest divorce rates are in the Bible Belt: "Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama and Oklahoma round out the Top Five in frequency of divorce...the divorce rates in these conservative states are roughly 50 percent above the national average" of 4.2/1000 people. Nine states in the Northeast (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Maryland) have the lowest divorce rates, averaging just 3.5/1000 people.

... good luck selling that bullshit.

.. get back to me, let me know how it comes out.
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I'm sure you're one of the countries foremost experts on black people .. but as an actual black person I'd just like to add that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. African-Americans vote democratic because they percieve democrats as their allies, republicans as their enemies. In other words, they vote their percieved interests, just like every other American does.

You are certainly free to banter on about how cherished conservative values are .. whatever the fuck that me be .. but the cold reality is that the conservative party is shrinking faster than ice cubes in Hell.

Gay rights are gaining all over the country, in spite of homophobic black people and religious nut cases.

And besides, you people on the right should get your story straight and figure out which is which. One day you claim the country is going all socialist and Limbaugh claims that people are jumping off roofs and taking jaunts to Argentina because everything is just so lost. The liberals and socialists are taking over. Oh woe is you, all is lost ..

Now here you are pretending that America is a bastion of conservative "values" .. even though straight marriage is declining and gay marriage is on the rise.

And who are the absolute worst in marriage .. CHRISTIANS

The highest divorce rates are in the Bible Belt: "Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama and Oklahoma round out the Top Five in frequency of divorce...the divorce rates in these conservative states are roughly 50 percent above the national average" of 4.2/1000 people. Nine states in the Northeast (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Maryland) have the lowest divorce rates, averaging just 3.5/1000 people.

... good luck selling that bullshit.

.. get back to me, let me know how it comes out.

Well I can certainly point to other "actual black persons" who would disagree with you. I am an actual white person and yet I have plenty of room to read and listen to a black person's so called expertise on white persons. Their percieved interests are what their parents and grandparents percieved, but which are no longer real as in there is nothing new that democrats represent for balck americans. Generationally black amercians have voted democrat ever since FDR's New Deal...before that they voted republican.

YOU are the one who made the FALSE claim that those under 30 don't care about conservative values and YOU were WRONG as the poll numbers prove.

The fact that the minority elite progressives are in control of our media, our congress, and our executive branch can mean that our counrty is being taken in a socialist direction even though the majority of american's are conservative. You make false arguments and then claim you own the truth.
No, you're delusional.

People under 30 don't care about you or any shit dumped on Jackson.

They also don't care about conservative "values" or the Republican Party.

Seriously, you should get out more.

Yeah.....that is categorically untrue.

Check out these two hipsters bringing new life into the party and drawing in even more young people:


Democrats are shaking in their pants......:readit:
Well I can certainly point to other "actual black persons" who would disagree with you. I am an actual white person and yet I have plenty of room to read and listen to a black person's so called expertise on white persons. Their percieved interests are what their parents and grandparents percieved, but which are no longer real as in there is nothing new that democrats represent for balck americans. Generationally black amercians have voted democrat ever since FDR's New Deal...before that they voted republican.

YOU are the one who made the FALSE claim that those under 30 don't care about conservative values and YOU were WRONG as the poll numbers prove.

The fact that the minority elite progressives are in control of our media, our congress, and our executive branch can mean that our counrty is being taken in a socialist direction even though the majority of american's are conservative. You make false arguments and then claim you own the truth.

My problem isn't that you're listening to other people .. my problem is that you are not. There ar no statistics, data, or information that you can conjure up that demonstrates anything other than what I said.

If claiming that 30% equates to people under 30 care about conservative values makes you feel good .. then you just go right ahead and feel good. But it remains no less stupid .. and might I add, 2 to 1 Obama .. that's what under 30people did in the last national election. More importantly, if you don't know the problem the Republican (conservative) Party is having with young people under 30, then I'm not real sure you actually have enough information to be having this converstaion. I'm serious.

I know the history of African-American voting patterns very well and you are correct in when we became democrats and out affinity for the Republican Party, which was concieved as an anti-slavery party. However, it seems that only I between us have learned the lesson of your own example.

If we were once republicans, then became democrats when we got a better deal .. what does that tell you? Does that not tell you that we vote our percieved best interests, not what our parents did?

More importantly, why in the world would you have ANY confusion why African-Americans don't vote republican? Can you answer that for me?
My problem isn't that you're listening to other people .. my problem is that you are not. There ar no statistics, data, or information that you can conjure up that demonstrates anything other than what I said.

If claiming that 30% equates to people under 30 care about conservative values makes you feel good .. then you just go right ahead and feel good. But it remains no less stupid .. and might I add, 2 to 1 Obama .. that's what under 30people did in the last national election. More importantly, if you don't know the problem the Republican (conservative) Party is having with young people under 30, then I'm not real sure you actually have enough information to be having this converstaion. I'm serious.

I know the history of African-American voting patterns very well and you are correct in when we became democrats and out affinity for the Republican Party, which was concieved as an anti-slavery party. However, it seems that only I between us have learned the lesson of your own example.

If we were once republicans, then became democrats when we got a better deal .. what does that tell you? Does that not tell you that we vote our percieved best interests, not what our parents did?

More importantly, why in the world would you have ANY confusion why African-Americans don't vote republican? Can you answer that for me?

It's not about making me feel better dude, it's about highlighing how ridiculously arrogant you are. You skip around this board making elitist posts about posters and conservatives that are so full of hyperbole and are factually incorrect so often that I decided to take just one of your stupid statements and prove it wrong, which I did. 30% of American's under 30 are conservative in their values. That you have such a need to spin this simple and factual information to kingdom come in order to "be right" further highlights your ridiculous and unjustified arrogance...