Michael Jackson is dead

It's not about making me feel better dude, it's about highlighing how ridiculously arrogant you are. You skip around this board making elitist posts about posters and conservatives that are so full of hyperbole and are factually incorrect so often that I decided to take just one of your stupid statements and prove it wrong, which I did. 30% of American's under 30 are conservative in their values. That you have such a need to spin this simple and factual information to kingdom come in order to "be right" further highlights your ridiculous and unjustified arrogance...

If I appear arrogant to you, then by all means, kiss my ass. You have plenty of opportunity to challange any "hyperbole" I post, but unfortunately all you can come up with is crap like the long ass post you made that demonstrated nothing.

If you don't recognize the problem the Republican Party is having with the under 30 vote, then this has nothing to do with my "arrogance" and everything to do with the fact that you're simply a moron.

30% and a 2 to 1 loss in a presidential election by the next gneration IS A PROBLEM whether you acknowledge that or not .. and if it will make you feel more comfy .. less victimized by my incredible arrogance .. I can post the comments of more than a few CONSERVATIVE and REPUBLICAN thinkers who will tell you the same thing.

And, make no mistake about it, I hope you challange that, just as I hope you challenge everything I say. What is revealed is not my arrogance, but that neither you or your moron compatriots have any clue what the fuck you're talking about.

Your move .. the challenge is that I cannot post comments of CONSERVATIVES and REPUBLICANS that echo the problem of the under 30 vote.
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If I appear arrogant to you, then by all means, kiss my ass. You have plenty of opportunity to challange any "hyperbole" I post, but unfortunately all you can come up with is crap like the long ass post you made that demonstrated nothing.

If you don't recognize the problem the Republican Party is having with the under 30 vote, then this has nothing to do with my "arrogance" and everything to do with the fact that you're simply a moron.

30% and a 2 to 1 loss in a presidential election by the next gneration IS A PROBLEM whether you acknowledge that or not .. and if it will make you feel more comfy .. less victimized by my incredible arrogance .. I can post the comments of more than a few CONSERVATIVE and REPUBLICAN thinkers who will tell you the same thing.

And, make no mistake about it, I hope you challange that, just as I hope you challenge everything I say. What is revealed is not my arrogance, but that neither you or your moron compatriots have any clue what the fuck you're talking about.

Your move .. the challenge is that I cannot post comments of CONSERVATIVES and REPUBLICANS that echo the problem of the under 30 vote.

The POINT and the FACT is that you said NO ONE under 30 cares about conservative values. And though you make verbose post after verbose post to spin it away from what you said...well, like I said, I just wanted to prove what a loud mouthed arrogant bloviating dude you are here.
The POINT and the FACT is that you said NO ONE under 30 cares about conservative values. And though you make verbose post after verbose post to spin it away from what you said...well, like I said, I just wanted to prove what a loud mouthed arrogant bloviating dude you are here.

Let me help you out sister.

I suspect the word you're reaching for isn't arrogance, but "uppity."

Does that help?

How dare I know shit that you don't. :0)

You didn't come here to be embarrassed by an uppity.

But guess what? .. I'm finna' (eb) embarrass you again.

In response to Topspin's comment that people shit on icons graves .. I responded with this ..

post #35

But the beauty is that they don't count.

Michael Jackson is the lead story on every news channel on the planet.

Who actually cares about the shit-takers?

TuTu responded with this ..

post #39

People under 30

I repilied with this ..

post #46

No, you're delusional.

People under 30 don't care about you or any shit dumped on Jackson.

They also don't care about conservative "values" or the Republican Party.

Seriously, you should get out more.

You responded with a bunch of dumb shit that had nothing to do with Michael Jackson .. and my point has already been proven that people under 30 don't give a damn about shit thrown on his legacy . proven by they've already sold out of his music .. further proven by he's still the lead story in on many outlets .. further proven by history evidenced by Elvis. No one remembers or cares that he died while sitting on his toliet trying to take a dump or that he was also a heavy prescription drug user. No one cares nor should they.

I DID NOT SAY "NO ONE" .. get a brain, stop lying, bend over and take this ass-spankin' :1up:

My comment about people under 30 not caring about the Republican Party or conservative values is echoed by republicans and conservatives .. and it does not go without notice that you didn't pick up the challenge .. you resorted to challenging something I did not say.

You did not prove me to be a loud-mouth, but someone who knows what I'm talking about .. that's what you proved .. and in the interm, you've proved yourself to be the moron I know you to be.

Feel free to "prove me" anytime you choose.

Now .. was that arrogant or was it uppity.?

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Oh boy .. I knew this would happen ...


We've learned Michael Jackson was not the biological father of any of his children. And Debbie Rowe is not the biological mother of the two kids she bore for Michael. All three children were conceived in vitro -- outside the womb.

Multiple sources deeply connected to the births tell us Michael was not the sperm donor for any of his kids. Debbie's eggs were not used. She was merely the surrogate, and paid well for her services in the births of Michael Jr. and Paris.

Though Michael Jackson was wed to Prince and Paris' mother, Debbie Rowe, their biological father is Arnold Klein, Jackson's L.A.-based dermatologist and Rowe's former boss, multiple sources confirm to the new issue of Us Weekly.

"He is the dad," says a Jackson insider. "He and Debbie signed an agreement saying they would never reveal the truth."

The biggest non-secret in the world gets revealed.
It's quite obvious that he was. But why does his race continue to embrace him if he rejected them?

In my opinion Jackson rejected himself more than he rejected his race. He has always maintained close ties to the black community, and perhaps, in his own insane way, he thought his morphing into white was somehow proof that we're all the same.

No one may ever know the source of his dementia.

He may be the most famous person to ever live .. that nobody would want to be.
In my opinion Jackson rejected himself more than he rejected his race. He has always maintained close ties to the black community, and perhaps, in his own insane way, he thought his morphing into white was somehow proof that we're all the same.

No one may ever know the source of his dementia.

He may be the most famous person to ever live .. that nobody would want to be.
It seems to me that his ties were only close when he got himself into an indefensible position, like his pedophilia. Otherwise he was content to hang out with his sham wife and Liz Taylor, both whites. I'm surprised that the black community accepts being used like that.
It seems to me that his ties were only close when he got himself into an indefensible position, like his pedophilia. Otherwise he was content to hang out with his sham wife and Liz Taylor, both whites. I'm surprised that the black community accepts being used like that.

There is some truth to that comment ... but the black communtiy, myself included, also believe he was victimized and used by the monied interests around him. Once he left the guardianship of his family he was pulled into a world that ultimately destroyed him.

With Jackson, it was always hard to tell where the line was. Was he just a victim, or did he create his own madness.

Either way, the black community has a great capacity for forgiveness, and they adored him for the very same reasons the world adored him. He was an incredibly gifted child that grew into an incredibly gifted and bizarre man who was quite possibly insane.

Dumping on him now serves no genuine purpose.

It would be the same as dumping on Elvis who was dead by 42.
southerntool is a racist mutha,
cause he hangs out with whites the black community is obligated to hate on him. WTF
In my opinion Jackson rejected himself more than he rejected his race. He has always maintained close ties to the black community, and perhaps, in his own insane way, he thought his morphing into white was somehow proof that we're all the same.

No one may ever know the source of his dementia.

He may be the most famous person to ever live .. that nobody would want to be.
Dude, he was on the way to Sleestak...


Sleestak wears HIS pin!


Here we have Michael Jackson.
There is some truth to that comment ... but the black communtiy, myself included, also believe he was victimized and used by the monied interests around him. Once he left the guardianship of his family he was pulled into a world that ultimately destroyed him.

With Jackson, it was always hard to tell where the line was. Was he just a victim, or did he create his own madness.

Either way, the black community has a great capacity for forgiveness, and they adored him for the very same reasons the world adored him. He was an incredibly gifted child that grew into an incredibly gifted and bizarre man who was quite possibly insane.

Dumping on him now serves no genuine purpose.

It would be the same as dumping on Elvis who was dead by 42.

It seems to me that claiming that he was a victim of some unnamed "monied interests" is a cop out.
It seems to me that claiming that he was a victim of some unnamed "monied interests" is a cop out.

You can take it however you want. It makes no difference.

I'll leave the speculation about his madness to those who enjoy that kind of thing .. which are usually people who've never accomplished anything of note in their own lives.