Michael Jackson is dead

He had some good music and put on a good show, but to me his weird like for young boys, ruins it all...He'll have to answer to the devil for that...
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It's kind of strange when a figure larger than life like that dies.

funny you should say that, the girls in the office were talking non stop about his death. of course at first i was blown away, but to them he was larger than life. it is interesting because to me, when i was preteen he was actually larger than life, i WANTED his jacket and those fucking parachute pants that he probably had nothing to do with, however, they had the fucking zippers like his jacket.....................................
All his great talent doesn't excuse him for the fact that he was a child molester who had a short-lived sham marriage.
there are plenty of parents that are domineering and want this or that for their kid. many kids miss this so called normal life....don't sell yourself on this theory as an excuse.

Absolutely correct.

His life would have been different if he had stayed with his family .. and his father who gave him the gift and nurtured it.

All of his brothers lived the same structure as he did.

However, there is something often eccentric about genius.

He was larger than life and the biggest star in music history.

That's a lot of weight.

Even Elvis didn't handle it well.
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Thank you

OK so you so ya don't believe in a higher power, that's all well and good, me I do believe and hope if he truly molested those boys he will suffer for eternity.

Just sleeping with minors not related to him is enough for me to say good ridden s to him!