Michael Jackson is dead

Is anybody else tired of Michael Jackson news? MJ 24/7 is boooooring. I've seen Thriller cuts more often than I did when it was vogue.
Is anybody else tired of Michael Jackson news? MJ 24/7 is boooooring. I've seen Thriller cuts more often than I did when it was vogue.

Been working in the garden's and renting movies for the evenings...I was tired of it the first night and figured it would take up programing for the next week or so....imagine his poor family having to hear all of it.
No, you're delusional.

People under 30 don't care about you or any shit dumped on Jackson.

They also don't care about conservative "values" or the Republican Party.

Seriously, you should get out more.

I don't know how many years you've lived, or if the fact that you have fathered children who are in their 20's makes you believe you have the wisdom of Moses, but your arrogance is astounding and quite frankly more than a little boring.

You may have made your mark on this little political message board, but in the big pond of life you are just another minnow swimming around and staying out of the way of the BIG FISH.

But a hunk of black coal in it! :gives:
If we were once republicans, then became democrats when we got a better deal .. what does that tell you? Does that not tell you that we vote our percieved best interests, not what our parents did?

If blacks were Republican before FDR's New Deal in 1933, and you have to be 18 to vote, that would mean you need to be 94-years-old to NOT have voted the way your parents did.

More importantly, why in the world would you have ANY confusion why African-Americans don't vote republican? Can you answer that for me?

I can tell you exactly why. With the New Deal, Democrats learned they could give black people shit, and they would vote Democrat. Republicans believe we are ALL Americans, and it is patronizing to give black people shit that others don't get.

Affirmative Action is a good example, Democrats back this, and black people perceive it a "getting something" so they support the Democrats. Republicans see AA as reverse discrimination, and two wrongs don't make a right. It is also patronizing to the black race, to assume they are too ignorant, uneducated, unequal to compete on a level field without AA. It's not about discrimination, we already had laws regarding that. Black people can't be discriminated against because of race, it's the law. Affirmative Action was about much more, it was one of the "carrots" dangled for black people to vote Democrat. I just wonder how it feels to know the white men who dangled that carrot were racist to the core, and in their hearts, they believed black people are inferior as a race, therefore, they need AA to help them be "equal" to whites? Or maybe you just look at it as "getting something" and nothing else? Let me also ask you, has AA made a real difference in the black community? Do blacks get better jobs, more income, less poverty, through Affirmative Action? Results seem to indicate things are no better for blacks, and in some cases, even worse.

But blacks perceive "getting something for nothing," and that is good enough reason for them to vote Democrat, that's the bottom line. It doesn't seem to matter that what blacks get, is yet another ball and chain, in the form of props by the government.

It's called the "plantation mentality" and I am sure you've heard of it. Did you realize, for many years, the majority of slaves did not support abolition? It's true! Think about it a moment, if every slave alive in the US had vehemently opposed slavery and demanded freedom, it would have been impossible for slavery to have existed. The fact was, a good many slaves were comfortable with what their master had given them, and didn't care to change the dynamic. plantation owners (smart ones) knew the best way to remain productive and efficient, was to keep the slaves happy, so they routinely gave them something for their hard work and effort. The Modern Democrat Party is nothing more than a smart plantation owner, and their voters (all colors) are the slaves.

'spankin' that ass

Don't like it ..



Grow a brain motherfucker .. then maybe you can actually DEBATE what's said .. not stomp around and whine like a baby.

Now you want her to fuck your mother!!

What makes you think Tutu is bi and how long has your mother been bi??
What healing process? I'm confused. Each time I hear it again it reminds me of why I just hate pop music.

LOL, typical Damo. Too cool for school!

I've been enjoying all the tributes and non stop MJ music on the radio.
LOL, typical Damo. Too cool for school!

I've been enjoying all the tributes and non stop MJ music on the radio.
It just makes it suck more. All I can think about is the hospital that let him stay in the child's ward. I get to see people crying on TV and making inane "just leave Michael alone" statements... then I have to listen to crappy music on top of that. It's like watching Britney Spears. Ugh...

I'm more sad about Farah Fawcett, and I'm not too sad about her. I didn't know either of these people, and only one of them played sucky music.
It just makes it suck more. All I can think about is the hospital that let him stay in the child's ward. I get to see people crying on TV and making inane "just leave Michael alone" statements... then I have to listen to crappy music on top of that. It's like watching Britney Spears. Ugh...

I'm more sad about Farah Fawcett, and I'm not too sad about her. I didn't know either of these people, and only one of them played sucky music.

At least Britney looks 1/2 decent, lol
Is anybody else tired of Michael Jackson news? MJ 24/7 is boooooring. I've seen Thriller cuts more often than I did when it was vogue.

I agree! I was catching a bit of CNN last night. I turned on the TV around 8:45 PM and the program was about MJ. I watched till 9 to see what Larry King was up to and his program was about MJ. I decided to go back to the computer and chat with lonely gals. :-)
I don't know how many years you've lived, or if the fact that you have fathered children who are in their 20's makes you believe you have the wisdom of Moses, but your arrogance is astounding and quite frankly more than a little boring.

You may have made your mark on this little political message board, but in the big pond of life you are just another minnow swimming around and staying out of the way of the BIG FISH.

But a hunk of black coal in it! :gives:

Not sure what kind of drug you use .. but drugs you use.

I've never even slightly intimated I have the wisdom of anybody but blackascoal, especially Moses, whom I'm not sure ever existed.

If you're so impressed with my comments that you attach "Moses" to them, then you should go stand in a mirror and ask yourself why would you do that. I don't have an answer for why you did .. that you'd want to hear. :0)

Unbeknownst to you, I've made far more "marks" in life than on this message board .. but my "marks" aren't really any of your business, are they? Why would you care about them? I don't care about yours.

You just got here about 5 minutes ago and already you can determine that I haven't been swimming with "big fish."

Wrong again girlfriend.

Let me help you out and tell you how this works. We all post comments, then we debate the comments we make. Nobody here is more significant than another and our comments are judged on their merit alone .. not on how many "big fish" we've swum with .. and given that you call them "big fish" we can assume you haven't gotten your feet wet. I just call them people.

NOW, if you have something to add to the conversation that does not require your 8th grade schoolgirl psuedo-psychoanalysis, then step up to the plate dummy and let's see what you got.
Seen by very few ..

James Brown, Michael Jackson, and the ever-wierd but multi-talented Prince
[ame="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x361v9_james-brown-michael-jackson-prince_music"]Dailymotion - James Brown, Michael Jackson & Prince - une vidéo Musique@@AMEPARAM@@http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x361v9@@AMEPARAM@@x361v9[/ame]
If blacks were Republican before FDR's New Deal in 1933, and you have to be 18 to vote, that would mean you need to be 94-years-old to NOT have voted the way your parents did.

I can tell you exactly why. With the New Deal, Democrats learned they could give black people shit, and they would vote Democrat. Republicans believe we are ALL Americans, and it is patronizing to give black people shit that others don't get.

Affirmative Action is a good example, Democrats back this, and black people perceive it a "getting something" so they support the Democrats. Republicans see AA as reverse discrimination, and two wrongs don't make a right. It is also patronizing to the black race, to assume they are too ignorant, uneducated, unequal to compete on a level field without AA. It's not about discrimination, we already had laws regarding that. Black people can't be discriminated against because of race, it's the law. Affirmative Action was about much more, it was one of the "carrots" dangled for black people to vote Democrat. I just wonder how it feels to know the white men who dangled that carrot were racist to the core, and in their hearts, they believed black people are inferior as a race, therefore, they need AA to help them be "equal" to whites? Or maybe you just look at it as "getting something" and nothing else? Let me also ask you, has AA made a real difference in the black community? Do blacks get better jobs, more income, less poverty, through Affirmative Action? Results seem to indicate things are no better for blacks, and in some cases, even worse.

But blacks perceive "getting something for nothing," and that is good enough reason for them to vote Democrat, that's the bottom line. It doesn't seem to matter that what blacks get, is yet another ball and chain, in the form of props by the government.

It's called the "plantation mentality" and I am sure you've heard of it. Did you realize, for many years, the majority of slaves did not support abolition? It's true! Think about it a moment, if every slave alive in the US had vehemently opposed slavery and demanded freedom, it would have been impossible for slavery to have existed. The fact was, a good many slaves were comfortable with what their master had given them, and didn't care to change the dynamic. plantation owners (smart ones) knew the best way to remain productive and efficient, was to keep the slaves happy, so they routinely gave them something for their hard work and effort. The Modern Democrat Party is nothing more than a smart plantation owner, and their voters (all colors) are the slaves.

Did you invent the pretzel, Dixie? The reason I ask is I've never seen anyone twist things the way you can.

"Affirmative action" has been implemented in cases other than blacks and in countries other than America. Sometimes "affirmative action" is used to get females and minorities into a certain jobs/companies/professions.

Discrimination is subtle and insidious. In the late '70s, 30 years ago, I worked for a large, well-known company. There were 10 people working on punch press machines. Each day our total output was noted and used for evaluation. When a machine broke down we would wait for the supervisor to come over and correct the problem. Of course, the longer one waited for the supervisor to come over the less one produced.

There was an East Indian chap working there. I could see he had waited over 15 minutes for the supervisor to help him. The supervisor basically ignored him.

So, I shut down my machine and went to see if I could solve the problem. It was minor and the machine was up and running in less than five minutes.

Well, the supervisor gave me shit for stopping my machine. I explained the total department production was ahead by my taking the five minutes and getting the other guy's machine going as he had already waited fifteen minutes and I could see he (the supervisor) was busy.

Anyway, the next day I was chatting with the union rep who was one of the machine operators and I casually brought it up. I was told "we don't help those people." I left that company less than a month later.

While I agree "affirmative action" is reverse discrimination in some cases it is necessary. There are so many ways to discriminate that each way can not be addressed individually so one has to take a blanket approach such as affirmative action. It may be comparable to taking a sledge hammer to drive in a finishing nail but if that's all ya got....

May he find peace in death, that eluded him in life!
Did you invent the pretzel, Dixie? The reason I ask is I've never seen anyone twist things the way you can.

"Affirmative action" has been implemented in cases other than blacks and in countries other than America. Sometimes "affirmative action" is used to get females and minorities into a certain jobs/companies/professions.

Discrimination is subtle and insidious. In the late '70s, 30 years ago, I worked for a large, well-known company. There were 10 people working on punch press machines. Each day our total output was noted and used for evaluation. When a machine broke down we would wait for the supervisor to come over and correct the problem. Of course, the longer one waited for the supervisor to come over the less one produced.

There was an East Indian chap working there. I could see he had waited over 15 minutes for the supervisor to help him. The supervisor basically ignored him.

So, I shut down my machine and went to see if I could solve the problem. It was minor and the machine was up and running in less than five minutes.

Well, the supervisor gave me shit for stopping my machine. I explained the total department production was ahead by my taking the five minutes and getting the other guy's machine going as he had already waited fifteen minutes and I could see he (the supervisor) was busy.

Anyway, the next day I was chatting with the union rep who was one of the machine operators and I casually brought it up. I was told "we don't help those people." I left that company less than a month later.

While I agree "affirmative action" is reverse discrimination in some cases it is necessary. There are so many ways to discriminate that each way can not be addressed individually so one has to take a blanket approach such as affirmative action. It may be comparable to taking a sledge hammer to drive in a finishing nail but if that's all ya got....

Good for you. Not too many people would take that step.