Michael Steele becomes first black RNC chairman

I do. To me, a women has to be fit in order to be beautiful. After all, beauty is a simply a implication of health and long-term viability. A gal that is mildly plump at 17 is likely to blow up into Jabba the Hut after age 30.
And this means what to you? Some girl you will never meet may have a BMI you don't like? Seriously, the only point I see here is an attempt to harvest some reaction from Solitary. (Not necessarily bad, mind you, harvesting reactions). I'm just trying to see where you are going with this.
And this means what to you? Some girl you will never meet may have a BMI you don't like? Seriously, the only point I see here is an attempt to harvest some reaction from Solitary. (Not necessarily bad, mind you, harvesting reactions). I'm just trying to see where you are going with this.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this board invited individual opinions. I must have mistaken this for the "aren't my fat kids beautiful", or perhaps the "kumbaya" board.
Somebody else didn't read Sol's comments that redirected this conversation from politics to children.

Awww, did you get upset about the way things went in this thread?

I have no problem with your comments, SM. I will not be asked to model Speedos, and neither will my sons. But we are all healthy, active, and (most importantly) intelligent people.

Do you think I have not looked at the pic I posted? Do you think, if the question of BMI bothered me, that I would post the pics? Carry on and keep trying. I am as proud of my kids as a father can be.

In fact, maybe its time for more bragging?
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this board invited individual opinions. I must have mistaken this for the "aren't my fat kids beautiful", or perhaps the "kumbaya" board.

His daughter is not fat SM. Perhaps you have those extra bumps on her confused for fat because you invest your attraction in teenaged boys. Girls get those bumpy bits when they reach a certain age. You dont have to look at them if you dont like them. Just look them in the eyes when you talk to them instead.
Ok, how about a story about my oldest?

When he was about 9 or 10, he and his siblings were outside playing. One of the neighbors knocked on the door, mad as hell. She was standing there with her son who is a year younger than my oldest. The kid had obviously been crying and had a bloody nose.

"YOu son beat up my son" was what the lady was yelling. I went out and found J (my oldest) and asked him if he had beat up the kid. I didn't ask for any reasons or whatever, just a straight forward question.

He admitted that he had. I sent him home and told him to wait for me. (I have always preached to them that violence is never the answer)

But knowing my gentle son, I knew there had to be more. He hadn't offered any excuses. So I went to the playground and started asking the kids what happened.

Apparently the kid had been being picked on by some local bullies and was mad. So, rather than fight the bullies, he ran away and found someone else to pick on. He found two little girls (younger than him) playing jacks and started hitting and kicking one of them.

Turns out, the little girl was my daughter. My son had promptly gone over and stopped the kid, the kid took a swing at him and my son popped him one.

I am not condoning the violence. But I am bragging that this little boy, not only defended his little sister, but was not offering excuses or reasons when it came time to answer for what he did.

I'll brag more later.
Ok, how about a story about my oldest?

When he was about 9 or 10, he and his siblings were outside playing. One of the neighbors knocked on the door, mad as hell. She was standing there with her son who is a year younger than my oldest. The kid had obviously been crying and had a bloody nose.

"YOu son beat up my son" was what the lady was yelling. I went out and found J (my oldest) and asked him if he had beat up the kid. I didn't ask for any reasons or whatever, just a straight forward question.

He admitted that he had. I sent him home and told him to wait for me. (I have always preached to them that violence is never the answer)

But knowing my gentle son, I knew there had to be more. He hadn't offered any excuses. So I went to the playground and started asking the kids what happened.

Apparently the kid had been being picked on by some local bullies and was mad. So, rather than fight the bullies, he ran away and found someone else to pick on. He found two little girls (younger than him) playing jacks and started hitting and kicking one of them.

Turns out, the little girl was my daughter. My son had promptly gone over and stopped the kid, the kid took a swing at him and my son popped him one.

I am not condoning the violence. But I am bragging that this little boy, not only defended his little sister, but was not offering excuses or reasons when it came time to answer for what he did.

I'll brag more later.

Was your son bigger than this kid? If so your son was the bully.
Was your son bigger than this kid? If so your son was the bully.

My son was stopping the kid from beating up a little girl. Then the other kid swung at him.

No, he was not a bully. Recheck the definition of the word.
My son was stopping the kid from beating up a little girl. Then the other kid swung at him.

No, he was not a bully. Recheck the definition of the word.

Since the other kid had a bloody nose that is evidence that your son, a year older and looking at the size of him now, probably much bigger, punched him in the nose. He should have chosen another method to control the situation, worst case simply holding the kid's hands.

My son, on the other hand, was attacked by three other kids in the neighborhood. He did exactly what I told him to do in that situation, grab the biggest of them, who in this case happened to be the same size as my son, get him between himself and the others, and beat the crap out of him.

Your son, since he exercised excessive force on a smaller kid, was the bully. My son. since he fought back against three others, defeated the bully.
Since the other kid had a bloody nose that is evidence that your son, a year older and looking at the size of him now, probably much bigger, punched him in the nose. He should have chosen another method to control the situation, worst case simply holding the kid's hands.

My son, on the other hand, was attacked by three other kids in the neighborhood. He did exactly what I told him to do in that situation, grab the biggest of them, who in this case happened to be the same size as my son, get him between himself and the others, and beat the crap out of him.

Your son, since he exercised excessive force on a smaller kid, was the bully. My son. since he fought back against three others, defeated the bully.

My son stopped a bully. He did not instigate the violence, and was not much bigger than the other kid. Only one year older. Try reading the details.

But the point of the story (since I have to explain it to you) was not the fight itself.
My son stopped a bully. He did not instigate the violence, and was not much bigger than the other kid. Only one year older. Try reading the details.

But the point of the story (since I have to explain it to you) was not the fight itself.
A year older and you admit bigger, therefore he had other options. Regardless of the other kid being a bully to a third kid, yours was still a bully.
A year older and you admit bigger, therefore he had other options. Regardless of the other kid being a bully to a third kid, yours was still a bully.

A bully picks the fight. A bully is the instigator. And when a kid tries to stop the fight and gets punched, punching back is not being a bully. I am not (and did not) accept the violence as a good thing.

But my son was not the bully.

I'm proud of my son. All of my kids are great kids.

Is this the best you can do for insults and attempt to get back at me for making you look foolish?? lmao
A bully picks the fight. A bully is the instigator. And when a kid tries to stop the fight and gets punched, punching back is not being a bully. I am not (and did not) accept the violence as a good thing.

But my son was not the bully.

I'm proud of my son. All of my kids are great kids.

Is this the best you can do for insults and attempt to get back at me for making you look foolish?? lmao

By your definition, a cop that uses excessive force on a violent offender is not a bully.

Whatever have you wrote that made me look foolish? I think you're imagining again.
By your definition, a cop that uses excessive force on a violent offender is not a bully.

Whatever have you wrote that made me look foolish? I think you're imagining again.

My son was neither a cop nor an adult.

But lets look at another grown up scenario. If someone who is slightly smaller than you takes a swing at you, you would do what???

A bully is the one who instigates the violence or starts the trouble.

When have I made you look foolish?? lmao

Well, the long thread about you & MM, the thread about gay marriage, the thread we are talking in now, the thread where you said abortion is killing an innocent and therefore a christian who supports it is lying but its not unchristian to support war or capital punishment.

If you have read these forums, you have seen me admit when I am wrong.

You, on the other hand......well.....
My son was neither a cop nor an adult.

But lets look at another grown up scenario. If someone who is slightly smaller than you takes a swing at you, you would do what???

A bully is the one who instigates the violence or starts the trouble.

When have I made you look foolish?? lmao

Well, the long thread about you & MM, the thread about gay marriage, the thread we are talking in now, the thread where you said abortion is killing an innocent and therefore a christian who supports it is lying but its not unchristian to support war or capital punishment.

If you have read these forums, you have seen me admit when I am wrong.

You, on the other hand......well.....

Your son is something like 6-3 and overweight now as an adult, so its safe to assume that he was significantly larger than the other boy who was younger, and who you already admit was getting bullied from some other kid. Nah, I think your son could have handled the situation differently.

OIC, so basically any thread where you and I have a disagreement, I look foolish. Now that we have that rule established.... And here I was thinking about correct vs. incorrect, or cornering you into a position where you have no reasonable justification for your opinions, regardless of your inability to admit same.
Your son is something like 6-3 and overweight now as an adult, so its safe to assume that he was significantly larger than the other boy who was younger, and who you already admit was getting bullied from some other kid. Nah, I think your son could have handled the situation differently.

OIC, so basically any thread where you and I have a disagreement, I look foolish. Now that we have that rule established.... And here I was thinking about correct vs. incorrect, or cornering you into a position where you have no reasonable justification for your opinions, regardless of your inability to admit same.

My son was around 9 years old at the time. And he was skinny as a rail. But thanks for your insightful attempts at twisting the truth. Miserable failure, but thanks for the attempt nonetheless.

No, you look foolish when your position in the debate is shown to be ridiculous. The perfect example is the "abortion is unchristian because it is killing innocents, but war (although killing innocents too) is not unchristian.
My son was around 9 years old at the time. And he was skinny as a rail. But thanks for your insightful attempts at twisting the truth. Miserable failure, but thanks for the attempt nonetheless.

No, you look foolish when your position in the debate is shown to be ridiculous. The perfect example is the "abortion is unchristian because it is killing innocents, but war (although killing innocents too) is not unchristian.

Well, you can say he was skinny, but unless his diet changed drastically between age 9 and college I somehow doubt that. Regardless, He's a big kid now and a 9 year old is bigger than an 8 year old normally.

Just because I gave up on trying to convince you of Christ's teachings with respect to your question, doesn't mean that I embarrassed myself. In fact it is you who should be embarrassed. But for another clue, read Romans 13:1-7.
Well, you can say he was skinny, but unless his diet changed drastically between age 9 and college I somehow doubt that. Regardless, He's a big kid now and a 9 year old is bigger than an 8 year old normally.

Just because I gave up on trying to convince you of Christ's teachings with respect to your question, doesn't mean that I embarrassed myself. In fact it is you who should be embarrassed. But for another clue, read Romans 13:1-7.

And you can say you have a degree in engineering.

And you can say you are fit & trim.

And you can say you are married and have kids.

But without proof, who can tell?

Please don't tell me that you stayed the same, relative to others in your age group, for your entire childhood?

My son was a skinny kid. And he stopped a kid from beating up his little sister. And when the kid attacked him he punched the kid. The difference in their sizes was minimal at best.

Now the important part of my entire story is that my son made no excuses and no attempt to avoid the punishment he knew was coming to him for fighting. You see, that is what we call "honorable".

Now, having said all that. I have promised Damo that I would leave you alone.

Have a grand time with your "life". lmao