Michigan, Florida, and The Hypocrites

If you ever wanted to see an example of the hypocrisy of the left, take a look at the current Democrat debacle over Michigan and Florida. For weeks, we have heard this back and forth debate among the pinhead dems... the delegates shouldn't be seated... the delegates should be seated... every vote should count... they should've followed the rules... let's have a re-vote... maybe we can count HALF the delegates... maybe Hillary will quit or Obama will run away with it, and it won't matter.... OH WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT FLORIDA AND MICHIGAN????

If the votes in Florida and Michigan were between a Republican and Dem, would there be any "debate" over the delegates? Or would we hear the Dems in resounding screams for every damn vote to count? Would we have this long drawn-out philosophical discussion of the rules and who did what to cause all of this, or would we be bombarded with 10 million insane conspiracy theories and accusations of Republicans trying to steal the election?

We have history to provide the answers to those questions, and it illustrates just how hypocritical the Democrats are. Suddenly, it doesn't seem to matter who voted, or if their vote will ultimately be counted. If they can come up with some way to appease all sides and have a lovely convention where they all "come together as one" then it doesn't matter if a few million voters in Florida and Michigan were disenfranchised. Democrats don't really care about democracy, or every vote counting, they care about winning power.

It's fun to watch the Dems struggle with this, along with the Hillary vs. The Black Man show. It prompts me to think Rush was wrong (*gasp* ---dixie says rush was wrong?) Yep... Absolutely wrong! It's not Operation Chaos at all... it's more like Specatcle Chaos, and Republicans should just sit back and watch the show. We don't need to try to derail any candidate, they are doing a splendid job of it all by themselves. Give the Dems enough rope, and they will nullify and disqualify their own nominee before the election starts.
...Here's an idea for Florida and Michigan Dems....

Why don't you just recount all the dangling, dimpled and impregnated chads? File a few Federal Court orders in LiberalLand, and maybe by November you can determine who is the legitimate winner, then you just re-certify the results and move on. We've got time to wait for you to sort it all out, and the most important thing is every vote counting, including the intentions of the voter, right? I mean, that was what we were told you believed a few years ago, have you changed your position on that?
Dixie I'll give you credit for having what the Jew's call "Chutzpah". Why Republican might as well be a synonym for hipocrit these days. I can sum up right wing philosophy quite succinctly.

"Were all for freedom and liberty, unless you actually practice it."
The situations aren't comparable at all. No one had already ruled in 2000 that the votes in FL were not going to count, so people went to the polls actually thinking that their votes would count. This is just the usual desperate spin from the usual desperate right wing hacks.

Obama still wins by 5%+ over the old short guy in November. Keep those wishful thinking threads coming, though...
The situations aren't comparable at all. No one had already ruled in 2000 that the votes in FL were not going to count, so people went to the polls actually thinking that their votes would count. This is just the usual desperate spin from the usual desperate right wing hacks.

Obama still wins by 5%+ over the old short guy in November. Keep those wishful thinking threads coming, though...


So Democrats actually went and voted, knowing it didn't matter, and wouldn't count for anything? Are they really that stupid in Florida and Michigan?
Another thing Oncie, who decided and when, that some Democrats get a vote and some don't matter? It really seems these Michigan and Florida Democrats are taking disenfranchisement well, they weren't this passive about it in 2000. Back in those days, the Dems were going to go to every extreme to insure every single vote counted as it was intended to count. Now, they are voting when they know full well their vote doesn't count? Something sure changed, I am just curious as to what it was.
Another thing Oncie, who decided and when, that some Democrats get a vote and some don't matter? It really seems these Michigan and Florida Democrats are taking disenfranchisement well, they weren't this passive about it in 2000. Back in those days, the Dems were going to go to every extreme to insure every single vote counted as it was intended to count. Now, they are voting when they know full well their vote doesn't count? Something sure changed, I am just curious as to what it was.

It's pretty evil to continue to bring this up you know. Demanding that every vote count was pretty a pretty damn convincing and passionate battle cry that shriveled up and died when the tables were turned.
It's pretty evil to continue to bring this up you know. Demanding that every vote count was pretty a pretty damn convincing and passionate battle cry that shriveled up and died when the tables were turned.

Yes it was a passionate argument, and it will be again, this is how hypocrites operate. If the opponent is a republican, it doesn't matter how impossibly ridiculous they sound, all that is of concern, is that every vote (and intended vote) be counted. But this can be suspended for Demo on Demo action. Then, it only matters that they nominate who the elites of the DNC want, fuck who the people actually voted for.

Evil? Since when did "Honesty" become "Evil?"

So Democrats actually went and voted, knowing it didn't matter, and wouldn't count for anything? Are they really that stupid in Florida and Michigan?

No, but I guess they ARE that stupid in Alabama.

You do realize that both states also had initiatives on the ballot that people went out to vote for, correct?

No, but I guess they ARE that stupid in Alabama.

You do realize that both states also had initiatives on the ballot that people went out to vote for, correct?


Ahhh... "selective democracy?" They got to vote on the local stuff, but to hell with their constitutional rights to vote on a presidential candidate? Is that it? I still think they took disenfranchisement well, I didn't hear a single protest, and where were all the self-righteous democrat leaders who so fervently insisted we must count every single vote and every intended vote in 2000? I guess they were too busy to speak up for Michigan and Florida voters this time, because I don't remember the outrage and anger over these poor disenfranchised voters.

In fact, your attitude seems fairly nonchalant, you don't seem to mind a bit that people were denied their right to vote. Not only that, you contend they didn't really mind either, they just voted anyway, knowing it wouldn't count. So this means, even IF the Democrats decide to count the delegates now, they can't be counted, because... hey, who the hell knew they were going to be counted? If they had known, perhaps they would have cast a serious vote, but thinking it didn't matter, no telling who they pulled the lever for. Knowing it wasn't going to count, they may have just as well written in "donald duck" ...it doesn't matter, right? And how many people just pulled the lever and didn't pay attention to who they were voting for... it didn't matter, not like it was going to actually count... So, you guys need to go back and study the dangling chads and see if you can determine who these people intended to vote for. It's the only fair thing to do at this point.

Seriously, this is about the most ridiculous and un-American argument I have ever heard stated on a board. My initial point was, how the Democrats don't really give a shit about democracy or every voter having their vote count... your rebuttal is... they knew when they voted it wasn't going to count. Kind of like the blacks who tried to vote before 1964. I can't think of a better way to illustrate my point, you have done an exceptional job! Thanks!!!