Michigan, Florida, and The Hypocrites

The entire party-says-whose-votes-count fiasco is utter bullshit. No national party, republican nor democrat, should be allowed the authority to tell states whether they can move their primary date or not. No party should be allowed the authority to disenfranchise a voter under ANY circumstances. The state governments pass LAWS, and have the authority to do so under the Constitution of the United States of America. The parties have RULES which have ZERO legal authority. But the people are sitting by with their thumbs up their butts with their feet dangling down, letting party RULES over ride state law. It is ridiculous.

Every voter whose delegates are being given less weight (or being outright banned) because the party says so should be fucking SCREAMING at the top of their lungs. Are we so beholden to political parties we cannot recognize when the parties themselves are corrupting the democratic process?
The entire party-says-whose-votes-count fiasco is utter bullshit. No national party, republican nor democrat, should be allowed the authority to tell states whether they can move their primary date or not. No party should be allowed the authority to disenfranchise a voter under ANY circumstances. The state governments pass LAWS, and have the authority to do so under the Constitution of the United States of America. The parties have RULES which have ZERO legal authority. But the people are sitting by with their thumbs up their butts with their feet dangling down, letting party RULES over ride state law. It is ridiculous.

Every voter whose delegates are being given less weight (or being outright banned) because the party says so should be fucking SCREAMING at the top of their lungs. Are we so beholden to political parties we cannot recognize when the parties themselves are corrupting the democratic process?
They have the authority to tell their party when to hold it. The States have no power to change the party's decision because it is 1st Amendment stuff. The right to assemble covers this as well as congregating elsewhere to plan protest.

In this case it is the State that really hasn't the authority to change any decision made by the party.
Well care, Obama wasn't on the ballot. Do you want to give him no votes? Exit polls are historically (by historically I mean pre-bush years) very accurate. Other than a re-vote, this seems like a decent compromise.

You know what Darla,

I am sick as heck over people that continue to promote this implied LIE....

Obama, for his own political posturing and purposes, strategic purposes, thought it would be better for him to take his name off of their ballot.

This was NOT part of Pledge he made.

This was not part of the Dnc Sanction.

This WAS A POLITICAL MOVE of Obama's and Obama's alone for his own purposes.

He also CHOSE NOT to add himself as a Write in Candidate according to Michigan voter Law requirement. He REFUSED....

Not for any reason other than reasons of his own....

The people that did go out and vote, and LEGALLY mark that ballot or flipped that lever, BEHIND THE CURTAIN with their SECRET BALLOT are the ONLY VOTES that should EVER COUNT...

In near all elections in our HISTORY more that 50% of the voters registered to vote, do NOT VOTE....

We never, take a voter that did not LEGALLY CAST A VOTE, and add them to the State Count of LEGALLY CAST VOTES.....

Even if they SAY they wanted to vote for someone....

Yes, this election was screwed up in more ways than one, but to do what the DNC just did, was WRONG, WRONG WRONG and gives the DNC the power to change the SECRET BALLOT to what they THINK the voters really wanted, for Christ sake and dimminished the vote of the voters that LEGALLY VOTED and were certified by law as to be accurate...


The reason we have a secret ballot is because people often feel pressures in the world that make them say ONE THING on a poll as example and DO ANOTHER THING behind the Curtain....that's why we have a curtain, to vote in private.

YES, YES....alot of people may not have come out and cast their legal vote...

BUT WHAT MAKES YOU THINK....that the amount of people that did not come out and vote, were not proportionate to who did come out and vote?

Clinton had ALOT of voters that did not come out and vote for her either you know, and so did Biden and so did Edwards...

This election is not all ABOUT OBAMA you know?

The DNC just snookered all of you, in to them deciding on how the people of michigan voted....they took away actual votes of the citizen and right before our eyes they said, the citizen REALLY DIDN'T CAST THAT VOTE.....but what WE THINK, IS THE VOTE THAT WAS CAST... that's stealing from those that legally came out to vote....

they kept the number the 600k that voted, they did not add 600k more votes to their tally???? They just took the 600k that did cast a vote and said NOPE, THEY DID NOT CAST THAT SECRET VOTE THAT WAY, I think they voted in this manner and litterally took votes that hillary received away from her.
How is it a lie? He wasn't on the ballot. What difference does it make why he wasn't on the ballot care?

You believe he wasn't on the ballot because of political maneuvering. Even if that were true, so what? He's a politician. I'm just thoroughly amazed over what I see as this transformation among extremist partisans. I see extremist obama partisans as sounding like Richard Mellon Scaife! They KNOW the evil thoughts and murderous intentions of the insides of Hillary's mind. And you Hillary extremists are no better. You start using right wing talking points against Obama. He's a sexist, his church is racist, he's dirty.

I really just want someone to wake me up in November at this point. I can't take it anymore. I'm voting for him Care. If you don't want to, then don't.
The entire party-says-whose-votes-count fiasco is utter bullshit. No national party, republican nor democrat, should be allowed the authority to tell states whether they can move their primary date or not. No party should be allowed the authority to disenfranchise a voter under ANY circumstances. The state governments pass LAWS, and have the authority to do so under the Constitution of the United States of America. The parties have RULES which have ZERO legal authority. But the people are sitting by with their thumbs up their butts with their feet dangling down, letting party RULES over ride state law. It is ridiculous.

Every voter whose delegates are being given less weight (or being outright banned) because the party says so should be fucking SCREAMING at the top of their lungs. Are we so beholden to political parties we cannot recognize when the parties themselves are corrupting the democratic process?

I see, so the rest of the country should just sit still while Michigan and Florida position themselves to have an undue influence on a national election? Please explain to me how that is Democratic?
I see, so the rest of the country should just sit still while Michigan and Florida position themselves to have an undue influence on a national election? Please explain to me how that is Democratic?
Why not, we sit and allow Iowa and new Hampshire to have Undue Influence?

We really should have a Primary on one day in May for all states...

But the Campaign Candidates could be prohibitted from campaigning in the larger states for the first 2 months or so, if you want them to visit smaller states....still and we do have the electoral college protecting smaller states too...no?

Right now, any latter state....is the state that has been disenfranchised under a normal election, because the candidate for the nomination is ALREADY chosen before they get a chance to cast their vote...

The DNC needs to get off their Butts and change the way primaries are done, PERIOD.

And all of us, will be THANKING florida and Michigan some day down the road for what they did....their own revolution! GOD BLESS THEM!

ENOUGH of the PARTIES telling us that our LEGAL VOTES AND CERTIFIED DELEGATES do not count in OUR, paid for by taxes, elections.

And, on top of this, the DNC CHARTER, was ignored by this rules committee, THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED TO remove all of florida and michigan's delegates in the first place...

Because the convention can not start, to select a presidential nominee, without ALL DELEGATES FROM ALL 50 STATES seated, YES SEATED, WHICH MEANS THEY have a vote.... AND it says the 50 state delegates SHALL be seated mottley, not MAY... shall means MUST, there was and is NO LEEWAY for this DNC committee to strip these delegates from their seats at the convention.....but they ignored this out of arrogance, and because they did, is why everything is so messed up now.

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You all DO REALIZE that IF the DNC does not do something to change their primary rules, that in 2012 the SAME FIASCO WILL TAKE PLACE in Michigan and in florida because by the LAW of their states, their primaries will be held in January....

And their citizens will continue to be disenfranchised of their vote, for the nomination of who they think, should be their president.

The primary is not for a nomination of President of the DNC or President of the RNC....

I see, so the rest of the country should just sit still while Michigan and Florida position themselves to have an undue influence on a national election? Please explain to me how that is Democratic?
How does moving their primaries up give them "undue" influence? Do the other states with early priomaries have "undue influence" also? If so, why are they not punished for it?

Or is "undue" defined as "more than the DNC thinks they should have"?

Many people believe that all primaries be held simultaneously to avoid ANY state having "undue influence" on the nomination process. I agree.

We have that fucker Bush in office now because he gained a lead in early primaries that heavily influenced later primaries. Without that early influence it is doubtful Bush would have had the republican nomination in 2000.

Kerry became the democratic nominee by the same error of process - and again we have Bush, where a different democrat would probably have won.