Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork


Keeps It Simple
Right To Work: Both chambers of the Michigan legislature pass bills banning union dues as a condition of employment as a Detroit city councilwoman wonders when the pork will arrive. The choice is growth vs. stagnation.

Reports of the GOP's demise may be greatly exaggerated, at least at the state level, as Michigan, birthplace of the modern labor movement and unionism, stands poised to become the nation's 24th right-to-work (RTW) state. If it goes ahead, it will join recent addition Indiana in challenging union power as Gov. Scott Walker successfully did in Wisconsin.

Michigan's Republican governor, Rick Snyder, is poised to sign the landmark legislation. Both GOP-controlled chambers approved measures prohibiting private unions from requiring dues.

The senate quickly followed by voting to impose the same requirement on most public unions. Because of rules requiring a five-day delay between votes in the two chambers on the same legislation, final enactment could not take place until Tuesday at the earliest.

As in Wisconsin, news of the latest challenge to union power met with throngs descending on the state capitol in Lansing. Hell hath no fury like union leaders threatened with a cutoff of union dues needed to fund the political campaigns of their benefactors.

The benefits of RTW laws and the need of Michigan to become an RTW state is self-evident. In an interview with the Associated Press, Snyder, governor of a state with a seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 9.3%, said one reason for his support of the RTW legislation was reports that some 90 companies have decided to locate next door in Indiana since that state adopted right-to-work legislation.

Right To Work: Both chambers of the Michigan legislature pass bills banning union dues as a condition of employment as a Detroit city councilwoman wonders when the pork will arrive. The choice is growth vs. stagnation.

Reports of the GOP's demise may be greatly exaggerated, at least at the state level, as Michigan, birthplace of the modern labor movement and unionism, stands poised to become the nation's 24th right-to-work (RTW) state. If it goes ahead, it will join recent addition Indiana in challenging union power as Gov. Scott Walker successfully did in Wisconsin.

Michigan's Republican governor, Rick Snyder, is poised to sign the landmark legislation. Both GOP-controlled chambers approved measures prohibiting private unions from requiring dues.

The senate quickly followed by voting to impose the same requirement on most public unions. Because of rules requiring a five-day delay between votes in the two chambers on the same legislation, final enactment could not take place until Tuesday at the earliest.

As in Wisconsin, news of the latest challenge to union power met with throngs descending on the state capitol in Lansing. Hell hath no fury like union leaders threatened with a cutoff of union dues needed to fund the political campaigns of their benefactors.

The benefits of RTW laws and the need of Michigan to become an RTW state is self-evident. In an interview with the Associated Press, Snyder, governor of a state with a seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 9.3%, said one reason for his support of the RTW legislation was reports that some 90 companies have decided to locate next door in Indiana since that state adopted right-to-work legislation.


And when people start getting fired for not kissing the boss's butt and we hear the whining across the State it should be interesting to see what transpires.
And when people start getting fired for not kissing the boss's butt and we hear the whining across the State it should be interesting to see what transpires.
I think people should have options. Just as the people in Wisconsin, when given a choice, chose to keep their money versus lining the pockets of union mob bosses.

There was a time and place for unions, but that purpose has been served and unions aren't needed in the year 2012.
There was a reason unions came into being and the reason is still there. Unfortunately, some people never learn from the past.

Nobody is denying people right to join union. They are just giving them the freedom to join or not to join.

Again do you support forcing people to do things they don't want to do? By opposing right to work that is what you are doing.

Spare me your 1900s rhetoric. Times have changed remember? We have "progressed" remember?

Just answer the question. It is really simple.
Nobody is denying people right to join union. They are just giving them the freedom to join or not to join.

Again do you support forcing people to do things they don't want to do? By opposing right to work that is what you are doing.

Spare me your 1900s rhetoric. Times have changed remember? We have "progressed" remember?

Just answer the question. It is really simple.

Yes, I do support workers supporting other workers. Lack of membership weakens the union. What happens if a strike is called? Do the ones who opted out keep working? If/when the union members get a raise do the ones who opted out get the raise as well?

We may have progressed but the employer still has the right to dismiss anyone for any reason if they are not unionized. A friend needs a job? The boss doesn't like someone's political view? The boss can state any "politically correct" reason if not those mentioned.

We're eliminating the position of Warehouse Manager. Good bye. Two weeks later they decide to open a new position of VP Assistant. Guess what his/her duties are?
There was a reason unions came into being and the reason is still there. Unfortunately, some people never learn from the past.

And nothing is stopping peolpe from joining or forming unions. However, by the same token, nothing is forcing them to join a union either.
Yes, I do support workers supporting other workers. Lack of membership weakens the union. What happens if a strike is called? Do the ones who opted out keep working? If/when the union members get a raise do the ones who opted out get the raise as well?

We may have progressed but the employer still has the right to dismiss anyone for any reason if they are not unionized. A friend needs a job? The boss doesn't like someone's political view? The boss can state any "politically correct" reason if not those mentioned.

We're eliminating the position of Warehouse Manager. Good bye. Two weeks later they decide to open a new position of VP Assistant. Guess what his/her duties are?

You spin like a top. You think you have a right to a job? Someone owes you a job? What an entitled, spoiled little fuck stick you are. You are a pathetic excuse of a man
It would seem to me there is an advantage to the unions in this that no one mentions.......it should no longer be necessary to have a vote on whether to unionize.....if 20% of the workforce wants to make a union they simply do it.......
Anyone who thinks unions are needed in 2012 is further behind than that.........

Unions are the epitome of corruption and completely unneeded.

Nope. They're needed more than ever, thanks to the race to the bottom. Anyone claiming otherwise has their head buried in their rectum. How's the air in there?
Sorry, but if you need that explained to you, then you're beneath this discussion.
You stated unions are needed now more than ever.

If you can't explain why, you're not interested in having a discussion. You're just repeating myths you cannot support with facts.
You stated unions are needed now more than ever.

If you can't explain why, you're not interested in having a discussion. You're just repeating myths you cannot support with facts.

Not 'can't'. 'Won't'. I gave up trying to convince brain-dead righty diehards a long time ago. I have no interest in the futile pursuit of meaningful discussions with them because they're incapable of it. The facts are plentiful, easily accessed and available. It is you who is spewing memes and myths here; your whole purpose is to muddy the message for political purposes, and your side uses lies, misinformation and wholesale horseshit to do accomplish this. Your many stupid threads here, including this one, is a perfect example of it.