Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

Not 'can't'. 'Won't'. I gave up trying to convince brain-dead righty diehards a long time ago. I have no interest in the futile pursuit of meaningful discussions with them because they're incapable of it. The facts are plentiful, easily accessed and available. It is you who is spewing memes and myths here; your whole purpose is to muddy the message for political purposes, and your side uses lies, misinformation and wholesale horseshit to do accomplish this. Your many stupid threads here, including this one, is a perfect example of it.
It's simple. You have nothing to support your statement and this is your way of backing out of it.

If unions were needed, the employees wouldn't opt out of contributing to them every time they're given the opportunity. There is no need for protection for child workers or safety conditions, as employers must provide this if they want to be competitive and retain good employees. Unions run companies into the ground because they are unaffordable.
It's simple. You have nothing to support your statement and this is your way of backing out of it.

If unions were needed, the employees wouldn't opt out of contributing to them every time they're given the opportunity. There is no need for protection for child workers or safety conditions, as employers must provide this if they want to be competitive and retain good employees. Unions run companies into the ground because they are unaffordable.

Wrong. Your post is full of shit and I refuse to bother debating about turds. Your assessment of why unions are no longer needed is antiquated and ignorant. Why would I bother wasting my time discussing your stupidity? Talk to yourself about it, dullard. I'm done here.
Wrong. Your post is full of shit and I refuse to bother debating about turds. Your assessment of why unions are no longer needed is antiquated and ignorant. Why would I bother wasting my time discussing your stupidity? Talk to yourself about it, dullard. I'm done here.
If my post were full of shit, you could refute it.

Your opinions on me are not an argument. Drop the emotion and infantile behavior and debate something.
The point is not whether unions are needed or not needed.....the point is FREEDOM TO CHOOSE

Surprising pinheads aren't more familiar with that phrase.
If my post were full of shit, you could refute it.

Your opinions on me are not an argument. Drop the emotion and infantile behavior and debate something.

The truth on the ground refutes your horseshit in spades; I don't need to.

It isn't about *you*, but the point of view you present here. Get over yourself.
The truth on the ground refutes your horseshit in spades; I don't need to.

It isn't about *you*, but the point of view you present here. Get over yourself.
Grow up and stop acting like a baby. If you make outlandish claims, you should able to support them in some manner.

Or, just run away and look foolish.
It's simple. You have nothing to support your statement and this is your way of backing out of it.

If unions were needed, the employees wouldn't opt out of contributing to them every time they're given the opportunity. There is no need for protection for child workers or safety conditions, as employers must provide this if they want to be competitive and retain good employees. Unions run companies into the ground because they are unaffordable.

And companies that are successful and unionized? Bad management can be just as bad as a bad union. A good union can promote a system of rewards and protection that fosters better employees.
The president of the engineering union at Boeing that my friend worked in, which is currently on strike, is holding out for a $20 Million bonus. He's like failed CEO.
A good union can promote a system of rewards and protection that fosters better employees.

and yet, in experience, we see the unions do the exact opposite.....


Sharkey said the main topic of discussion today was the evaluations. He expressed frustration that the latest offer from the city would, according to him, leave 28 percent of Chicago teachers in jeopardy of losing their jobs within the next two years.

“The idea that 28 percent of our teachers could be fired due to poor performance is really an insult to the profession,” he said.

how about the concept that being a lousy teacher is the real insult to the profession, not the concept that a lousy teacher ought to be let go......
All you have to do is visit Dearborn and you realize this was need a decade ago

Indeed. Today Detroit is working out the finer points of bankruptcy. This in spite of having the Obama administration claim to have saved the auto industry, at a hefty price tag. Oh yeah, another fail.
Indeed. Today Detroit is working out the finer points of bankruptcy. This in spite of having the Obama administration claim to have saved the auto industry, at a hefty price tag. Oh yeah, another fail.
So Detroit's woes are a recent phenomenon?
There was a reason unions came into being and the reason is still there. Unfortunately, some people never learn from the past.

Motivated meritorious workers should be protected from murderous union thugs.
Meritorious workers are more productive than union layabouts.
'Union mob bosses'.


Someone's stuck in the '50's....like the rest of the GOP...
Daily unions threaten and violently assault non union workers.
But you lot agree with it!
Workers should know their place, right?

Unions threaten our kids, our families, they are the real enemy of the USA, the enemy within!
I think people should have options. Just as the people in Wisconsin, when given a choice, chose to keep their money versus lining the pockets of union mob bosses.

There was a time and place for unions, but that purpose has been served and unions aren't needed in the year 2012.

Prove it.
Daily unions threaten and violently assault non union workers.
But you lot agree with it!
Workers should know their place, right?

Unions threaten our kids, our families, they are the real enemy of the USA, the enemy within!

Prove it.