Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

and they weren't 'saved' by selling out of stockholders or dealerships, right? But the US should continue on the same course?

Who should lose when a company fails Annie? I would think it would be the owners (stockholders).
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and they weren't 'saved' by selling out of stockholders or dealerships, right? But the US should continue on the same course?
Who wasn't saved? And I asked you if Detroit's woes are a recent phenomenon? Do you have any data that suggests so?
Prove it.
Unions can be credited with improved working conditions many moons ago. Additionally, child protection laws are completely unneeded now. What the unions achieved is now status quo, and serve no purpose in 2012. Therefore, I can't prove a negative. Unions are now the bastion of corruption who work to push their political agendas, funded by looting money from their minions.

Their unnecessary existence is reflected in the fact that, when given the choice, a large number of workers will opt out of them.
Ok I prooved it rune.

Nothing from you?
Or do you again ignore those posts that point out the inconvenient truth?
Unions can be credited with improved working conditions many moons ago. Additionally, child protection laws are completely unneeded now. What the unions achieved is now status quo, and serve no purpose in 2012. Therefore, I can't prove a negative. Unions are now the bastion of corruption who work to push their political agendas, funded by looting money from their minions.

Their unnecessary existence is reflected in the fact that, when given the choice, a large number of workers will opt out of them.

Whether or not unions are needed wil not be known until after they are gone.
Nonetheless, you can't prove your statement, it is not a fact, just your opinion.
Whether or not unions are needed wil not be known until after they are gone.
Nonetheless, you can't prove your statement, it is not a fact, just your opinion.
Only 7% of the US is in a union, which says a lot. Businesses value human capital and safe working conditions are status quo.

What are they needed for? Please elaborate.
You spin like a top. You think you have a right to a job? Someone owes you a job? What an entitled, spoiled little fuck stick you are. You are a pathetic excuse of a man

I think if a person is doing their job they should not be dismissed because the boss has a friend who needs a job or the boss doesn't like the employee's political views. What a tyrannical little despot you are or, rather, you aspire to be.
I think if a person is doing their job they should not be dismissed because the boss has a friend who needs a job or the boss doesn't like the employee's political views. What a tyrannical little despot you are or, rather, you aspire to be.

Nice strawman dude. If you are going to argue for unions at least make a real argument. That isn't it.
Grow up and stop acting like a baby. If you make outlandish claims, you should able to support them in some manner.

Or, just run away and look foolish.

No one 'ran away', dullard. You simply continue to demonstrate what an uniformed idiot you are when you purport that the need for collective bargaining is "outlandish".
Only 7% of the US is in a union, which says a lot. Businesses value human capital and safe working conditions are status quo.

What are they needed for? Please elaborate.

7% of the private sector, which only says that anti-union forces have been very successful.

When the last union is gone and wages plumment and benefits are eliminated you will understand, but it will be too late. Why do you support those who opress you?
No one 'ran away', dullard. You simply continue to demonstrate what an uniformed idiot you are when you purport that the need for collective bargaining is "outlandish".

Ballgazer has been called a dullard more times than any other poster by more posters that I know of as well as a racist by more black posters than any other poster I know of, which kinda goes hand in hand if you ask me.

A fringe right neocon teabagger parrot of Beck, Limbaugh, beitbart.com, the Libertarian gay bath house scene in Chicago, and any other neocon teabagger that's devoid of original thought.
Ballgazer has been called a dullard more times than any other poster by more posters that I know of as well as a racist by more black posters than any other poster I know of, which kinda goes hand in hand if you ask me.

A fringe right neocon teabagger parrot of Beck, Limbaugh, beitbart.com, the Libertarian gay bath house scene in Chicago, and any other neocon teabagger that's devoid of original thought.

Exactly. She brings nothing new here. All the talking-point horseshit is the same with all righties, and we've heard it all a dozen times already. BORING.