Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

Works every time. :D


Imitation is the highest form of flattery, but it's not too original.

Next time, use your own material -- if you can muster any. :rofl2:
What's fucking boring is the intelligible, painfully written 500 word posts your illiterate, English language executioner troll manages to transmit from her keyboard.

A normal person reads it and thinks "what the fuck does that mean?"

Bee-Jew reads it, thinks the same things but says "why, errr, you certainly have a flair for yada, yada, yada.".

Too fucking funny.


Even other posters from other boards know that you're a loser Ballgrazer.

You're not a normal person, you're piece of shit racist that gets owned daily on the internet of all places, basically that's the same as saying you're not qualified to post on the behalf of the normal person.

You can't even think for yourself much less others.

Yeah, you're funny alright...funny ha, ha, ha, laugh at your retarded scumbag loser ass funny - not with you.