Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

now that you've outed yourself as a statist jackboot.......and a coward as well, it will be easier to lay bare your ignorance.
You nailed that one. Anyone who cries to a moderator about skeery words on their screens is a craven coward. And that's all this stalker-esque troll has ever done before she obessively followed me to this board. LOL
now that you've outed yourself as a statist jackboot.......and a coward as well, it will be easier to lay bare your ignorance.

Nope, I'm not a statist either nor am I an anarchist or a liberal or a conservative or any other dumb ass groupthink herd instinct bitchy Paulbot labels but most importantly, I'm not a treasonous bitch posting about rising up against the very country you'd once served (even though you served like a girl)...

You're the limp wristed fuck that opted for a girl's job in the Marines like a fuck'n coward...a girl scout selling Smoas door to door has more courage than you do.
You nailed that one. Anyone who cries to a moderator about skeery words on their screens is a craven coward. And that's all this stalker-esque troll has ever done before she obessively followed me to this board. LOL

lol, you're still butt hurt I made you lose your shit and go on a "ni**er" posting tirade of a meltdown for an entire day...

...I was the one that advocated on your behalf that you shouldn't get banned (I didn't know you were a scumbag welcher yet).
He's a threeper...you'll get none of that from him.

I laugh when the really devout lower enlisted Paulbots start spouting off at the mouth their vagina laden propaganda when they get dishonorably discharged, it's even funnier when the mid level Noncoms or Officers get the axe because they should've known better...it's kind of like the Darwin Awards but for the military.
Ahh no, there are laws against this. These laws don't just apply to union members. although im sure that what a lot of the unions would want. why would a union lack membership if they are providing such a good service? why do you think every employer is out to screw over the people that they depend on?

They don't screw over the people they depend on. They use people as they would use a machine.
Yet these same 'freedom fighters' have no qualms about controlling a woman's choices regarding her body...
You nailed that one. Anyone who cries to a moderator about skeery words on their screens is a craven coward. And that's all this stalker-esque troll has ever done before she obessively followed me to this board. LOL

OMG, again with your stupid drama. It's fucking BORING. Get over it already, loser.
Yet these same 'freedom fighters' have no qualms about controlling a woman's choices regarding her body...

And on the same line of reason, you support the woman's choice regarding 'her body' , but not a workers choice regarding union membership.....

freedom for "your side" but not for the "other side", huh....

you just don't get it, do you
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OMG, again with your stupid drama. It's fucking BORING. Get over it already, loser.
What's fucking boring is the intelligible, painfully written 500 word posts your illiterate, English language executioner troll manages to transmit from her keyboard.

A normal person reads it and thinks "what the fuck does that mean?"

Bee-Jew reads it, thinks the same things but says "why, errr, you certainly have a flair for yada, yada, yada.".

Too fucking funny.

What's fucking boring is the intelligible, painfully written 500 word posts your illiterate, English language executioner troll manages to transmit from her keyboard.

A normal person reads it and thinks "what the fuck does that mean?"

Bee-Jew reads it, thinks the same things but says "why, errr, you certainly have a flair for yada, yada, yada.".

Too fucking funny.


No one gives a shit about your stupid drama on another board, loser. Get a clue. You're shit's BORING.
No one gives a shit about your stupid drama on another board, loser. Get a clue. You're shit's BORING.
Awww, what a valiant defense of your little illiterate, crybaby troll, but you aren't shutting me up. She can follow me around the world and I will never respond.

But please do say "errrr, what a flair you have for blah blah blah" after that retard pounds out another grotesquely verbose, illiterate post filled with unintelligible vulgarities such as 'fist fuckin' and the like. LOL.

It cracks me up how you rolled that turd in sugar -- and called it a confection.
Awww, what a valiant defense of your little illiterate, crybaby troll, but you aren't shutting me up. She can follow me around the world and I will never respond.

But please do say "errrr, what a flair you have for blah blah blah" after that retard pounds out another grotesquely verbose, illiterate post filled with unintelligible vulgarities such as 'fist fuckin' and the like. LOL.

It cracks me up how you rolled that turd in sugar -- and called it a confection.

Actually, what's funny is how much Zombie Jesus lives in your head, loser. BTW, no one cares if you need to keep whining about it. The notion that anyone needs to 'shut you up' is more delusional self-importance on your part. It's funny to watch you make a complete ass of yourself. Your boring drama interests exactly no one here.
Actually, what's funny is how much Zombie Jesus lives in your head, loser. BTW, no one cares if you need to keep whining about it. The notion that anyone needs to 'shut you up' is more delusional self-importance on your part. It's funny to watch you make a complete ass of yourself. Your boring drama interests exactly no one here.
Not nearly as funny as watching that stalker troll do everything but have a conniption fit to get a response, only to get none.

You sound like as big a crybaby as she is. Waaaah. Don't like what I write, I suggest you keep on scrolling.
Not nearly as funny as watching that stalker troll do everything but have a conniption fit to get a response, only to get none.

You sound like as big a crybaby as she is. Waaaah. Don't like what I write, I suggest you keep on scrolling.

I don't give a shit what you write, loser. Your self-absorbed board bs makes you look stupid. Your contributions define you. Keep reinforcing it, idiot. :rofl2:
I don't give a shit what you write, loser. Your self-absorbed board bs makes you look stupid. Your contributions define you. Keep reinforcing it, idiot. :rofl2:
Then stop replying and let the illiterate crybaby continue to flail in the wind with her incomprehensible diatribes. Ya know, "....flair"

LOL. Huge.
"My, uh, errrr.......you say that with such flair. "

Translation: "What the fuck does THAT mean?"


Works every time. :D

And on the same line of reason, you support the woman's choice regarding 'her body' , but not a workers choice regarding union membership.....

freedom for "your side" but not for the "other side", huh....

you just don't get it, do you

Then there is the other side of the coin, those companies who want skilled, trained, qualified laboreres, because these workers, generally mean a job well done, within budget and on time, they come together with the unions to make a contract, you up ply qualified people, we supply good pay and benefits.

My friend ran a non union in house bakery for the Holiday chain of gas stations. He quit there and wnt to a union affiliated food service job because he said the skill level of the employees was horrendous! The turnover was horrible. He is very happy at his union affiliated job now. So much less stress.

You have unions to ensure worker qualifications. The unions provide training and certify skill level after your training, in return, you, as a worker pay for this with dues, but you have a right with a vote to make decisions regarding your welfare.

If you don't want to pay a fee to receive services from the union, then you should not receive the benefits that the unions have agreed to supply you in return for you fee.

It is business.