Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

So your assertion is that EVERY VA hospital is the same....no chance that the specific Chief of Ortho you went to for was just a shithead, but all companies/management is that way.

Please quote where I said that EVERY VA hospital is the same...
Oh that Chief of Ortho WAS/IS a shithead...no doubt about that.
"Citizens United describes its mission as being dedicated to restoring the United States government to "citizens' control" and to "assert American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security."

Hip Hip Hooray....

It is called newspeak you ignorant freak. Like "Saving Social Security" or the "Clear Skys Initiative" The words used mean the exact opposite of their dictionary definitions, and you have fallen for it, hard. Of course, you are pretty simple, so it is not surprising.
It is called newspeak you ignorant freak. Like "Saving Social Security" or the "Clear Skys Initiative" The words used mean the exact opposite of their dictionary definitions, and you have fallen for it, hard. Of course, you are pretty simple, so it is not surprising.
newspeak like 'gun control'? or 'quantitative easing'????????
Please quote where I said that EVERY VA hospital is the same...
Oh that Chief of Ortho WAS/IS a shithead...no doubt about that.

Wow, dumber than it first appeared. Re-read the thread, you will (hopefully) see I paraphrased your own post to make my reply, in an obviously vain attempt to learn you something.
great, now how many bodies are you comfortable with as you support the government? 3 million? 13 million? 30 million?? how many bodies have to pile up before you consider the cost not being worth it?

How many bodies are you comfortable with opposing the government? Opposing helping people? Defending selfishness and greed?

The world is changing and it is going to change regardless of folks like you. Just like ObamaCare. One tries their best to get everyone on board but sometimes the only alternative is to shove it down their collective throat. Even after shoving ObamaCare down the typical Repub's throat they never learned so the election was a kick-in-the-ass reminder. Boehner and his Repub misfits, bent over the fiscal barrel with their pants down, are still shouting, "You'll never get away with this."

It's past the point of them saving face. They best concentrate on saving something else.
How many bodies are you comfortable with opposing the government? Opposing helping people? Defending selfishness and greed?

The world is changing and it is going to change regardless of folks like you. Just like ObamaCare. One tries their best to get everyone on board but sometimes the only alternative is to shove it down their collective throat. Even after shoving ObamaCare down the typical Repub's throat they never learned so the election was a kick-in-the-ass reminder. Boehner and his Repub misfits, bent over the fiscal barrel with their pants down, are still shouting, "You'll never get away with this."

It's past the point of them saving face. They best concentrate on saving something else.
so you're unwilling to face and accept that people will die in the pursuit of your agenda?
you fantasize about prison rape alot.........something missing in your life?

WTF? You're posting about insurrection, it's funny that the end result of your little shindig against Uncle Sam would result in either your head on a platter or you getting raped in the ass by a Mexican or black inmate.

Me, I'm not the one posting I'm gonna go fist to cuffs with the government.

Try posting while using logic and reason next time.

WTF? You're posting about insurrection, it's funny that the end result of your little shindig against Uncle Sam would result in either your head on a platter or you getting raped in the ass by a Mexican or black inmate.
now that you've outed yourself as a statist jackboot.......and a coward as well, it will be easier to lay bare your ignorance.
WTF? You're posting about insurrection, it's funny that the end result of your little shindig against Uncle Sam would result in either your head on a platter or you getting raped in the ass by a Mexican or black inmate.

Me, I'm not the one posting I'm gonna go fist to cuffs with the government.

Try posting while using logic and reason next time.


He's a threeper...you'll get none of that from him.
45,000 are already dying, every year, due to your agenda, not to mention the suffering and misery.
my agenda? of allowing the freedom of choice and not penalizing people?

what's 45,000 compared to 300 million? what's 45,000 compared to the 3 to 8 million you'll have to kill for your agenda?
Yes, I do support workers supporting other workers. Lack of membership weakens the union. What happens if a strike is called? Do the ones who opted out keep working? If/when the union members get a raise do the ones who opted out get the raise as well?

We may have progressed but the employer still has the right to dismiss anyone for any reason if they are not unionized. A friend needs a job? The boss doesn't like someone's political view? The boss can state any "politically correct" reason if not those mentioned.

We're eliminating the position of Warehouse Manager. Good bye. Two weeks later they decide to open a new position of VP Assistant. Guess what his/her duties are?
Ahh no, there are laws against this. These laws don't just apply to union members. although im sure that what a lot of the unions would want. why would a union lack membership if they are providing such a good service? why do you think every employer is out to screw over the people that they depend on?
7% of the private sector, which only says that anti-union forces have been very successful.

When the last union is gone and wages plumment and benefits are eliminated you will understand, but it will be too late. Why do you support those who opress you?
what makes you think he is supporting the oppressive unions?
Unions for the most part are nothing more than a tool to apply force and fund the democrat party.