Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

Thats great for them.....just as long as they don't FORCE what they like into my life....its none of their business.....they have no right to
interfere with the the lives of others....so many things are none of their business but they INSIST I must have it....we all must have it their way, or else.

If you would all mind your own business, we'd all get along.....

There's two principals at work here. One is "mind your own business" and the other is "respect people's choices" and the people chose Obama and ObamaCare. When you choose to be part of a group, in this case a citizens of the US, you go along to get along and that means you dig in your pocket and contribute to the group's medical care or get your ass out of the group.

It's really a simple concept.
There's two principals at work here. One is "mind your own business" and the other is "respect people's choices" and the people chose Obama and ObamaCare. When you choose to be part of a group, in this case a citizens of the US, you go along to get along and that means you dig in your pocket and contribute to the group's medical care or get your ass out of the group.

It's really a simple concept.

It must have been hard for you to avoid the word "FREEDOM" when talking aobut being a citizen of the United States......

Its the only single word that can be used to fully describe our nation in a single word......FREE.

Why do you not respect other peoples choices ? Why won't YOU mind your own business ?

I don't choose to be part or YOUR group....respect that.
I don't choose to believe what you believe....respect that....
I don't choose to live by your what you fancy is the "right" way....respect that.

Sorry Fool, we don't go along to get along.....we are ....FREE INDIVIDUALS....as was intended by the Constitution at the country's birth......free
especially in our personal beliefs how we choose to live within that original document.....no....we don't go along to get along....never have and never will.....

Someone once said, Live free or die"......a powerful notion, ain't it....
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There's two principals at work here. One is "mind your own business" and the other is "respect people's choices" and the people chose Obama and ObamaCare. When you choose to be part of a group, in this case a citizens of the US, you go along to get along and that means you dig in your pocket and contribute to the group's medical care or get your ass out of the group.

It's really a simple concept.

except we had already been the part of the group when the idea to have a group medical plan came up......the ones who wanted group medical care should have gone and joined YOUR group up in Kanukia....
except we had already been the part of the group when the idea to have a group medical plan came up......the ones who wanted group medical care should have gone and joined YOUR group up in Kanukia....

From the election results it appears some of your group members decided to join the other group. I suppose YOUR group members could join those in Somalia. :)
It must have been hard for you to avoid the word "FREEDOM" when talking aobut being a citizen of the United States......

Its the only single word that can be used to fully describe our nation in a single word......FREE.

Why do you not respect other peoples choices ? Why won't YOU mind your own business ?

I don't choose to be part or YOUR group....respect that.
I don't choose to believe what you believe....respect that....
I don't choose to live by your what you fancy is the "right" way....respect that.

Sorry Fool, we don't go along to get along.....we are ....FREE INDIVIDUALS....as was intended by the Constitution at the country's birth......free
especially in our personal beliefs how we choose to live within that original document.....no....we don't go along to get along....never have and never will.....

Someone once said, Live free or die"......a powerful notion, ain't it....

No more powerful than "help others get medical care or we'll force you to do it." And, yes, my constitutionally challenged friend the intent of the Founders is quite clear.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Watching ones fellow citizens suffer and die because one is too cheap to provide medical care is not the way to form a more perfect union or promote the general welfare and needless suffering and death is not considered securing the blessings of liberty."
No more powerful than "help others get medical care or we'll force you to do it." And, yes, my constitutionally challenged friend the intent of the Founders is quite clear.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Watching ones fellow citizens suffer and die because one is too cheap to provide medical care is not the way to form a more perfect union or promote the general welfare and needless suffering and death is not considered securing the blessings of liberty."
Foreigners have no say in constitutional law.
Keep your nose out of what don't concern you.
Do Americans constantly try to force your sovereign nation to adopt a private health system?
So you, hater of Americans , do refrain from trying to Americans to suffer under a crappy rationed healthcare system.

No one dies in the way you describe, or for the reasons you describe.
Filthy anti American UN propaganda!
Nope. They're needed more than ever, thanks to the race to the bottom. Anyone claiming otherwise has their head buried in their rectum. How's the air in there?
you're such an idiot for not realizing that liberal craptastic policies like this started the race to the bottom
Then you found one of the few good ones, the one I have to use is the Dayton VAMC and they have had 70+ malpractice lawsuits filed against them.
The last time I was there the CHIEF of Ortho told me that there was nothing wrong with my knee, would not look at the MRI DVD I had, nor read the MRI report. Said the only reason the Civ. Dr. wanted to do surgery was so he could get paid.....
A month later I had my 5th knee surgery, but nothing was wrong with it.

So your assertion is that EVERY VA hospital is the same....no chance that the specific Chief of Ortho you went to for was just a shithead, but all companies/management is that way.
So it does not bother you that the only reason you got a raise was because of a contract agreement and not that you earned it on merit?
Where is the incentive to excell in your job if everybody gets paid the same?

That (the incentive) would be getting paid well, something non-union workers seldom enjoy.
They die, it is called "Natural Selection". People that want to be covered keep coverage "ALL" their lives not just after they find out they are sick.

You alone are enough to cause doubt about the veracity of the theory of natural selection.