Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

Your two cents?
It ain't with 2 cents!

What isn't "with" two cents?

You do get that it's an idiom right?

I've got a bunch of limey friends who were or still are in the Royal Marines, some of them are sharp - quick of wit, even dangerous, not to be trifled with...then there are others who're dumber than a tree stump - slow of wit, are dangerous to themselves, and tears to your eyes funny good times make'n fun of them.

You should know that you're slower than the tree stumps.
So your assertion is that EVERY company is the same....no chance that the specific company/management you worked for were just a bunch of shitheads, but all companies/management is that way.

My assertion is every company can dismiss an employee for any or no reason if there's no union. That's the point. It only takes one shithead supervisor to make life hell for someone. That's the point.
So it does not bother you that the only reason you got a raise was because of a contract agreement and not that you earned it on merit?
Where is the incentive to excell in your job if everybody gets paid the same?

The place in question was a hospital. A private hospital run by a charity although under the same laws as any other hospital. The difference being it paid less than any other hospital. What incentive was there to excel in ones job when the government would pay that hospital the same price for operations/services as any other hospital but the hospital paid the employees less than other hospitals? Is that fair?
The place in question was a hospital. A private hospital run by a charity although under the same laws as any other hospital. The difference being it paid less than any other hospital. What incentive was there to excel in ones job when the government would pay that hospital the same price for operations/services as any other hospital but the hospital paid the employees less than other hospitals? Is that fair?

So now you claim that nurses and hospital staff do inferior work because they get lower pay.....?
So it stands to reason, that if they got a big raise they would do better work, huh ?

And your reasoning is what /....the nurses were at the bottom of their graduating class.....?....the doctors failed vet. school so they truned to MD degrees instead....?
They just don't care what they are doing ?.....They're lazy.....?

Your lack of intelligence is nothing short of spectacular.......
I've experienced that but only it was religious descrimination. I was raised in a region that's about 95% German Catholic and we were one of the few Methodist families in town. Needless to say it was made perfectly clear by the Catholic majority that not only was I of lower social standing (even though my father was a physician with an upper middle class income) but that I was really less than a life form.

That reminded me when I was a teenager and I asked my best friend why his parents didn't really like me. They never said anything, in fact they were rather quite pleasant to me, but it was formal. He told me it was because I was Protestant and they were Catholic and Catholics weren't supposed to spend a lot of time around Protestants. :lol:

I had no idea. In any case I was Protestant in name only. I stopped going to church immediately after joining it.
So now you claim that nurses and hospital staff do inferior work because they get lower pay.....?
So it stands to reason, that if they got a big raise they would do better work, huh ?

And your reasoning is what /....the nurses were at the bottom of their graduating class.....?....the doctors failed vet. school so they truned to MD degrees instead....?
They just don't care what they are doing ?.....They're lazy.....?

Your lack of intelligence is nothing short of spectacular.......

Talking about a spectacular lack of intelligence you're the classic example. I never claimed anything. I asked you if it was fair?

Now go back, review what I wrote and leave a reasoned response.
There you go. That's why unions are necessary.

Yeah....the union would go to just about go to any length to hold on to an incompetent worker....and even more so if that worker is a minority....

That is the #1 reason we see shoddy and inferior work in the workplace..... tenure and seniority protect lazy and inferior workers....
Talking about a spectacular lack of intelligence you're the classic example. I never claimed anything. I asked you if it was fair?

Now go back, review what I wrote and leave a reasoned response.

Asking about fairness was stupid in itself.....

Is what fair....who the fuck are you to determine what is fair for other people.....its none of your business what others get paid or what they agree to work for and
what work they agree to do for that wage.....its just none of your business.....its between the employee and employer......
If someone wants to join a union and others do not want to....thats none of your business.....
If you don't like hospital A , or barber B, don't go there....go somewhere else
Apple has experienced socialized medicine and so have several others here. None of them have complained about it like you.

Thats great for them.....just as long as they don't FORCE what they like into my life....its none of their business.....they have no right to
interfere with the the lives of others....so many things are none of their business but they INSIST I must have it....we all must have it their way, or else.

If you would all mind your own business, we'd all get along.....
What isn't "with" two cents?

You do get that it's an idiom right?

I've got a bunch of limey friends who were or still are in the Royal Marines, some of them are sharp - quick of wit, even dangerous, not to be trifled with...then there are others who're dumber than a tree stump - slow of wit, are dangerous to themselves, and tears to your eyes funny good times make'n fun of them.

You should know that you're slower than the tree stumps.

That's right, but I can pay my way on my own merits, I survived 16 years in the army and in that time led my men without a single casualty.
Yeah....the union would go to just about go to any length to hold on to an incompetent worker....and even more so if that worker is a minority....

That is the #1 reason we see shoddy and inferior work in the workplace..... tenure and seniority protect lazy and inferior workers....
I agree. Unions used to guarantee well trained workers. Over the decades, they created an air of entitlement, and many union workers are lazy, and often incompetent.

Some aspects are changing now, as more and more unions are finally making concessions in the bad economy. It's still virutally impossible to fire incompetent workers, until they screw up so badly, they've exhausted all of their warnings, etc..

I've never been pro union, despite my father being a shop steward for decades. I do, however, support their right to collectively bargain.
I've experienced that but only it was religious descrimination. I was raised in a region that's about 95% German Catholic and we were one of the few Methodist families in town. Needless to say it was made perfectly clear by the Catholic majority that not only was I of lower social standing (even though my father was a physician with an upper middle class income) but that I was really less than a life form.

are you sure it wasn't just because you were an asshole?........
They die, it is called "Natural Selection". People that want to be covered keep coverage "ALL" their lives not just after they find out they are sick.

Too bad for you then, you could flip a few more trailers and go to Botswana...point being, the U.S. won't be regressing backwards, adapt or die...bang'n fat chicks like ballgazer while wearing a ballgag and a gimp suit with a dog collar on, you're gonna need more than just insurance if you and the Cow get tangled up...you're gonna a good funeral home director as well...
MI Politician Says Of Right-To-Work Effort: ‘There Will Be Blood’


I believe we need more calls to violence from our politicians; especially in Michigan. If more idiots in Michigan off'd themselved the U.S,. and quite frankly the world, would be a much better place.

In my opinion Unions are too powerfull, SO are large Corporations.

Power to the individual is my creed. Unions were great in principal when they started, but they became nothing more than the mirror of the large corporations they were invented to fight.