Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

Cancer survival rates are higher in the USA!

Ruby Owen?

No ?

I rest my case!!

Then where? Canada? Nope...Finland? Again, nope...what about Denmark? Why yes, cancer mortality rates are higher in Denmark if the source dogshit posted is right (dogshit's sources aren't always the best sources) then they are in the U.S.. It's a matter of greater than less than - as basic as it gets limey.

You don't have a case to rest, I'm sorry but your "try hard" really isn't all that much of a "try hard," it's more of a "why even bother" at this rate...
Then where? Canada? Nope...Finland? Again, nope...what about Denmark? Why yes, cancer mortality rates are higher in Denmark if the source dogshit posted is right (dogshit's sources aren't always the best sources) then they are in the U.S.. It's a matter of greater than less than - as basic as it gets limey.

You don't have a case to rest, I'm sorry but your "try hard" really isn't all that much of a "try hard," it's more of a "why even bother" at this rate...
Ok, no sources will be provided to you then, you ignore all that don't support your opinions.

Fact is still, all your liberal ideas have been tried and have failed elsewhere.
What makes you thing they will work in the USA?
Ok, no sources will be provided to you then, you ignore all that don't support your opinions.

Why, because dogshit's sources have been shit sources in the past? Even using his sources (which I still accounted for, I did post a disclaimer though for the obvious reasons) still proves my point and lessens yours limey.

Fact is still, all your liberal ideas have been tried and have failed elsewhere.

It's not a fact that I'm a liberal or have liberal ideals nor is it a fact that liberal ideals always fail, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't, more or less it's more about human error than it is the ideal.

What makes you thing they will work in the USA?

Show me where I posted that I they will work in the USA? I recall posting what will work here won't necessarily work there and what works elsewhere and so on...if you're not able to keep up on a message board might I suggest your retarded ass takes up legos or Connect Four - anything at this rate that would do some work on your critical thinking skill sets might be an advantage...(?) - food for thought limey...
33 years in the UK, I know the danger , I've lived it, seen it , experienced it, even worked for it!!
I know from experience how bad socialised MEDCINE really is!

I've lived longer than that in Canada and I know what socialized medicine is, also. I spent 3 months in the system and had 3 elderly family members in hospital. I've never seen or experienced anything like what I hear here.
That had already been covered.
Prople in the USA travel further to work, a commute of more than 10 miles causes massive health problems , according to experts.
Few in forign lands commute the distances many Americans do.

My commute distance in the USA would take me into 2 different countries had I remained in Europe.

Of course a 40 hour week in Europe is a 40 hour week.
Americans salaried yo a 40 hour week often work. 60, 70 or more hours each week, all impacting on their health.

Those fantastic European nations have such great health care?

Care to explain how Ruby Owen and many other children have been cured in the USA from conditions their national healthcare systems have called untreatable, incurable and terminal?

Well, I guess if Americans are working 70 or more hours a week their lifestyle sure as hell can't be considered better, right? Reminds me of Bush when talking to a lady who said she worked three jobs to support her family and Bush said something to the effect that's what makes American life great. Of course, there's all those companies who are cutting hours to less than 30/week. That should save a lot of lives.
Well, I guess if Americans are working 70 or more hours a week their lifestyle sure as hell can't be considered better, right? Reminds me of Bush when talking to a lady who said she worked three jobs to support her family and Bush said something to the effect that's what makes American life great. Of course, there's all those companies who are cutting hours to less than 30/week. That should save a lot of lives.
its called freedom, the freedom to choose how you live.
Foreigners have forgotten what freedom is.
Their lives consist of waiting for the next instruction from the government.
The Canadian Medical Association Journal reports that in one year, 71 Ontario patients died while waiting for coronary bypass surgery and over one hundred more became “medically unfit for surgery.” The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reports that “109 people had a heart attack or suffered heart failure while on the waiting list. Fifty of those patients died.”


If an American does not have medical insurance how long do they wait for a coronary bypass? It says here (http://www.healthcarebluebook.com/page_Results.aspx?id=29&dataset=hosp) the cost is about $63,648. Suppose the person doesn't have 63 grand available. What happens?

Canada gets a “C” grade and ranks 13th among 17 peer countries. In 2004—the most recent year of published data for Canada—there were 169 deaths due to cancer per 100,000 population. That rate fell to an estimated 161 deaths per 100,000 population in 2009.4

The top performer—Finland—had 129 deaths per 100,000 due to cancer, while the worst performer—Denmark—had 193 people die of cancer for every 100,000 population.

After rising for nearly three decades, deaths due to cancer fell in Canada and in most peer countries in the 1990s. The number has continued to decrease, but not as quickly in Canada as in some other countries. In 1997, for example, the U.S. and Canada experienced an almost equal number of deaths due to cancer, at 178 and 177 per 100,000 people, respectively. But the U.S. rate has since decreased much more quickly, resulting in a considerable gap between Canadian and U.S. cancer mortality rates.


Let's take a pensioner getting the median Social Security payment amount of $15,700 and requiring lung cancer treatment. It says here (http://www.healthcarebluebook.com/page_Results.aspx?id=28&dataset=hosp&g=Lung Surgery) the average cost is $26,419. What happens? Do they get the operation free? Do they pay so much a month? Do they go on a waiting list?

As a side note I've noticed some car companies offer financing for 84 months. For a few extra dollars a month one can ensure the loan so it's paid off if the person dies. If that deal is still going when I'm 80 I'm going to finance a new car. :)
its called freedom, the freedom to choose how you live.

So people choose to work 70 hours a week because they love their job? That woman in question really enjoys having 3 jobs? If so, why did she say she works 3 jobs to make ends meet? Why not just say she enjoys it?

Foreigners have forgotten what freedom is.
Their lives consist of waiting for the next instruction from the government.

Not just foreigners but the majority of American citizens know exactly what freedom is. It's freedom from worrying about medical care. That's why Obama is still behind the desk at the White House. The majority of the people wanted ObamaCare to be indelibly stamped in the Republican mind.

Hopefully, the Repubs will learn what freedom is.
So people choose to work 70 hours a week because they love their job? That woman in question really enjoys having 3 jobs? If so, why did she say she works 3 jobs to make ends meet? Why not just say she enjoys it?

Not just foreigners but the majority of American citizens know exactly what freedom is. It's freedom from worrying about medical care. That's why Obama is still behind the desk at the White House. The majority of the people wanted ObamaCare to be indelibly stamped in the Republican mind.

Hopefully, the Repubs will learn what freedom is.
Ok let em have OBAMADONTCARE.
One complaint from them afterwards will be nullified by their vote!

This election was won by fear and hate, all the talk about the one percent.
We will all pay more tax, as I have shown elsewhere.
Of course no liberal is prepared to discuss that point!!

We will end up where Ireland, Iceland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and the UK are today !

The fanatical liberal totalitarians will of course continue their I blame bush mantra!
Come back to me when you have EXPERIENCED SOCISLISED healthcare.

I have experienced both socialised healthcare and quality healthcare.

Quality wins.
In the USA we have quality.
OBAMADONTCARE will end that.

Apple has experienced socialized medicine and so have several others here. None of them have complained about it like you.
Cancer survival rates are higher in the USA!

Ruby Owen?

No ?

I rest my case!!

They're equally as high in Japan and France under gasp! socialized medicine.

And Ruby Owen? She got treatment in the US in 2010 and her cancer came back. So the problem is not with the medical care in either the UK or the US.
I think if a person is doing their job they should not be dismissed because the boss has a friend who needs a job or the boss doesn't like the employee's political views. What a tyrannical little despot you are or, rather, you aspire to be.

And of course you have some proof that this happened. Oh and a link to a pro union website....nah don't think so. A link from a news source would work.
They're equally as high in Japan and France under gasp! socialized medicine.

And Ruby Owen? She got treatment in the US in 2010 and her cancer came back. So the problem is not with the medical care in either the UK or the US.

Ruby Owen, huh.....well thats all the proof we need.....the case of Ruby Owen proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt....

I'm curious, how many believe, really, that suddenly with ACA we're all going to be better off?

I'm guessing few. Indeed, most will agree that most will be worse off, figuring it's 'worth it' if some that went untreated now are.

Here's the problem, those that went 'untreated' failed to avail themselves to what was available, mostly due to mental issues.

Those mental issues aren't going away. Nor are the laws that prohibit force of the mentally ill.

So we'll all deal with lower care, while those 'not treated' will remains so.

Lot of supposition here. At this point in time people thinking we'll be better off or worse off are just stating opinions. The future hasn't arrived yet and the law won't be fully implemented until 2014.

I guarantee you that anyone who has a pre-existing condition, or especially, a child with a pre-existing condition, is not thinking they're worse off with Obamacare.
One integral purpose? Sure. Job security.

I HAVE job security, its called DOING my job and doing it well. I have never been fired for doing my job, in fact, because I AM good at my job my boss went to bat for me when a client did not like me because I did not kiss her ass, and possibly saved my job. Imagine that, NO union either.