Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

Okay, in the civilized world - China's healthcare system, like you, sucks balls.

Singapore (not even close to going bankrupt) which has the third highest purchasing power parity (civilized) in the world also has one of the best universal healthcare systems.

You should've posted first world countries then little fella, and discarded Cuba as one your examples. At least employ a smidgen more "try hard" fella...

Are you retarded, like slow for real? Not able to follow along the flow the discussion perhaps?

lol, I thought for sure your were gonna put Austrian Economics up on a pedestal...I'm sure there's more than a few pseudo Doomsday aficionados who love themselves some Austrian Economic schools of thought on this board, Paulbots aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, never have been either.

Backward? Because they're in Europe? lol, you really are a tool aren't ya?

I'm not a liberal, nor am I a conservative for that matter...if anything I'm politically agnostic. Again, you've gotta put some "umph" in your "try hard" if you're gonna keep up.
Well your Obama wants it so we love it approach leaves me a little, cynical.

You see, let me just point this out AGAIN!!!!


You have not SUFFERED the degradation of SOCISLISED healthcare.

It sounds great , but it don't work!
Come back to me when you have EXPERIENCED SOCISLISED healthcare.

I have experienced both socialised healthcare and quality healthcare.

Quality wins.
In the USA we have quality.
OBAMADONTCARE will end that.

The Canadian Medical Association Journal reports that in one year, 71 Ontario patients died while waiting for coronary bypass surgery and over one hundred more became “medically unfit for surgery.” The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reports that “109 people had a heart attack or suffered heart failure while on the waiting list. Fifty of those patients died.”


Canada gets a “C” grade and ranks 13th among 17 peer countries. In 2004—the most recent year of published data for Canada—there were 169 deaths due to cancer per 100,000 population. That rate fell to an estimated 161 deaths per 100,000 population in 2009.4

The top performer—Finland—had 129 deaths per 100,000 due to cancer, while the worst performer—Denmark—had 193 people die of cancer for every 100,000 population.

After rising for nearly three decades, deaths due to cancer fell in Canada and in most peer countries in the 1990s. The number has continued to decrease, but not as quickly in Canada as in some other countries. In 1997, for example, the U.S. and Canada experienced an almost equal number of deaths due to cancer, at 178 and 177 per 100,000 people, respectively. But the U.S. rate has since decreased much more quickly, resulting in a considerable gap between Canadian and U.S. cancer mortality rates.

Well your Obama wants it so we love it approach leaves me a little, cynical.

Wants what limey? Universal healthcare?

You see, let me just point this out AGAIN!!!!

If you must, knock yourself out...


But you're a limey...you fuckers drive on the wrong side of the road and eat shit food. I suspect your experiences don't mean fuck all in the grand scheme of things to do with American hospitality...

You have not SUFFERED the degradation of SOCISLISED healthcare.

I've suffered two of your posts in reply, that's gotta count for something right? Like anything worth doing, we're gonna dance to our own tune, what works for us probably wouldn't work for you nancy boys across the pond the same way with what works for your Euro neighbors in Scandinavia wouldn't do well in the land of fish & chips.

BTW, fuck the UK, god damned Piccadilly Circus is fuck'n stupid - it's no wonder you don't know any better.

It sounds great , but it don't work!

Yeah, but the insurance companies are gonna make out like fat cats, and at the end of the day - that's all that matters...that and lil Timmy get'n his spline removed because he was covered even though he had a preexisting condition...
The Canadian Medical Association Journal reports that in one year, 71 Ontario patients died while waiting for coronary bypass surgery and over one hundred more became “medically unfit for surgery.” The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reports that “109 people had a heart attack or suffered heart failure while on the waiting list. Fifty of those patients died.”


Canada gets a “C” grade and ranks 13th among 17 peer countries. In 2004—the most recent year of published data for Canada—there were 169 deaths due to cancer per 100,000 population. That rate fell to an estimated 161 deaths per 100,000 population in 2009.4

The top performer—Finland—had 129 deaths per 100,000 due to cancer, while the worst performer—Denmark—had 193 people die of cancer for every 100,000 population.

After rising for nearly three decades, deaths due to cancer fell in Canada and in most peer countries in the 1990s. The number has continued to decrease, but not as quickly in Canada as in some other countries. In 1997, for example, the U.S. and Canada experienced an almost equal number of deaths due to cancer, at 178 and 177 per 100,000 people, respectively. But the U.S. rate has since decreased much more quickly, resulting in a considerable gap between Canadian and U.S. cancer mortality rates.


Really, how many patients in the US died because they couldn't afford the surgery that would've saved their lives? Our mortality rate for cancer is 184.9 by the way...worse than Canada and these are the stats prior to the Affordable Care Act.
Wants what limey? Universal healthcare?

If you must, knock yourself out...

But you're a limey...you fuckers drive on the wrong side of the road and eat shit food. I suspect your experiences don't mean fuck all in the grand scheme of things to do with American hospitality...

I've suffered two of your posts in reply, that's gotta count for something right? Like anything worth doing, we're gonna dance to our own tune, what works for us probably wouldn't work for you nancy boys across the pond the same way with what works for your Euro neighbors in Scandinavia wouldn't do well in the land of fish & chips.

BTW, fuck the UK, god damned Piccadilly Circus is fuck'n stupid - it's no wonder you don't know any better.

Yeah, but the insurance companies are gonna make out like fat cats, and at the end of the day - that's all that matters...that and lil Timmy get'n his spline removed because he was covered even though he had a preexisting condition...

So everything British is shit, including their healthcare.
So you want to apply it here?

Think about it!!

All those well intentioned ideas that have failed repeatedly throughout history.

Liberals wish to repeat them, hoping for a different outcome.

What was it Albert Einstein said about insanity again?
Really, how many patients in the US died because they couldn't afford the surgery that would've saved their lives? Our mortality rate for cancer is 184.9 by the way...worse than Canada and these are the stats prior to the Affordable Care Act.

Hey Dumbass, only 15% of America was without insurance prior to Obamacare. damn you are stupidest fucker on any board on the plantet.
Really, how many patients in the US died because they couldn't afford the surgery that would've saved their lives? Our mortality rate for cancer is 184.9 by the way...worse than Canada and these are the stats prior to the Affordable Care Act.
They chose not to buy affordable insurance.
That's America, it's a big boys world , where you gotta take care of yourself!!

It's called freedom!!
They chose not to buy affordable insurance.
That's America, it's a big boys world , where you gotta take care of yourself!!

It's called freedom!!

ZJ is used to being treated like cattle, he does not know or want that responsibility
Hey Dumbass, only 15% of America was without insurance prior to Obamacare. damn you are stupidest fucker on any board on the plantet.
Yup, from 20 million uninsured in 08 to 50 million today!!
Fucking genius!!
Working the working man into an early grave!!
Yup, from 20 million uninsured in 08 to 50 million today!!
Fucking genius!!
Working the working man into an early grave!!

Notice everything that creates a poorer country is happening under Democratic leadership
They chose not to buy affordable insurance.
That's America, it's a big boys world , where you gotta take care of yourself!!

It's called freedom!!

How many cancer patients died because they couldn't afford the surgery that would've saved their lives in the US dogshit?

You went out of your way to cite Canada's, Finland's, and Denmark's cancer mortality rates but left out the U.S.'s prior to the ACA like an idiot...Ballgazer ain't gonna be none too happy that you're posting out of turn and fucking up at the same time - you better make that phone cal post haste gimp...
ZJ is used to being treated like cattle, he does not know or want that responsibility

How many cancer patients died because they couldn't afford the surgery that would've saved their lives in the US dogshit?

You went out of your way to cite Canada's, Finland's, and Denmark's cancer mortality rates but left out the U.S.'s prior to the ACA like an idiot...Ballgazer ain't gonna be none too happy that you're posting out of turn and fucking up at the same time - you better make that phone cal post haste gimp...
I'm curious, how many believe, really, that suddenly with ACA we're all going to be better off?

I'm guessing few. Indeed, most will agree that most will be worse off, figuring it's 'worth it' if some that went untreated now are.

Here's the problem, those that went 'untreated' failed to avail themselves to what was available, mostly due to mental issues.

Those mental issues aren't going away. Nor are the laws that prohibit force of the mentally ill.

So we'll all deal with lower care, while those 'not treated' will remains so.
How many cancer patients died because they couldn't afford the surgery that would've saved their lives in the US dogshit?

You went out of your way to cite Canada's, Finland's, and Denmark's cancer mortality rates but left out the U.S.'s prior to the ACA like an idiot...Ballgazer ain't gonna be none too happy that you're posting out of turn and fucking up at the same time - you better make that phone cal post haste gimp...
Cancer survival rates are higher in the USA!

Ruby Owen?

No ?

I rest my case!!
Nobody is denying people right to join union. They are just giving them the freedom to join or not to join.

Again do you support forcing people to do things they don't want to do? By opposing right to work that is what you are doing.

Spare me your 1900s rhetoric. Times have changed remember? We have "progressed" remember?

Just answer the question. It is really simple.

People should be free to collectively bargain for contracts with their employer that requires that people be a member of the union.
They chose not to buy affordable insurance.
That's America, it's a big boys world , where you gotta take care of yourself!!

It's called freedom!!

We should legalize theft and abolish the police, if you can't defend your property, you should have no right to it. That's America, it's a big boys world ,where you gotta take care of yourself!!

It's called freedom!!
We should legalize theft and abolish the police, if you can't defend your property, you should have no right to it. That's America, it's a big boys world ,where you gotta take care of yourself!!

It's called freedom!!

Complete shit!
Lets try to remain in the realms of reality shall we?