Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

Unexpected comments.....they're not unexpected to me....I see that shit every day.....idiot comments from lefties are normal.....

go back and search some if you doubt it.....

YOU, Bijou the moron, along with pRune, Haiku, Rana and now ZOMBIE JESUS are all freakin' idiots....just read over your own posts....
what more proof do you need...........
'zombie Jesus'.....the name alone proves this is a moron.....a moron with a computer

You nailed it, they make Bush Jr. look really smart
Canada? Australia? What about Norway? They've had government medical since 1912! Single payer, no less. Germany, since 1941. Belgium, since 1945. Sixty years plus is not bad for a system that supposedly fails.

Check the statisitcs. Medical costs are lower in every country with government medical. Your examples have nothing to do with medical costs.

You die in Canada waiting for surgery that is easy to get here.
(Originally Posted by 007)
And absolutely filthy, shitty service, in foul insanitary hospitals, with crappy staff and under qualified doctors.

Again, an outright lie, with no proof.

The strange thing is the people who use those "absolutely filthy, shitty service, in foul insanitary hospitals, with crappy staff and under qualified doctors" live longer than the people in the US. Maybe the average American is being killed by cleanliness and too much service? :dunno:

I'll have to check with 007. :rolleyes:
perhaps you simply misunderstood the claim......it was that business HAD moved to Indiana since it became a right to work state.......just as it was very easy to identify companies that opened there since the law passed it ought to be very easy for you to determine the wages they pay......thus, rather than insinuate about something you know nothing about, why don't you educate yourself.......

Also, it is indisputable that everything the gobblement touches is more expensive.
Find out how much it costs to send a letter to Alaska via UPS/FED EX. I believe it's about 8 bucks.

It is hilarious that you libtardiots claim that we need Ofuckfacecare because of all of the freeloaders who go to hospitals for non reimbursed care. Yet you fail to note that the reason that is allowed to occur is because of a law passed by the federal gobblement.

Thank Reagan
And absolutely filthy, shitty service, in foul insanitary hospitals, with crappy staff and under qualified doctors.
Hah! Medicare hospitals/doctors?
Unexpected comments.....they're not unexpected to me....I see that shit every day.....idiot comments from lefties are normal.....

go back and search some if you doubt it.....

YOU, Bijou the moron, along with pRune, Haiku, Rana and now ZOMBIE JESUS are all freakin' idiots....just read over your own posts....
what more proof do you need...........
'zombie Jesus'.....the name alone proves this is a moron.....a moron with a computer

lol, are you crying? Did Jesus not rise from the dead? If not for Lazarus, Jesus would've been the first zombie (OZ)...go play the victim somewhere else little fella.
You nailed it, they make Bush Jr. look really smart

You put a bag over Ballgazer's head yet or what dogshit? I bet you did you sly dog you...then in turn her fat ass made you wear a ballgag and a gimp suit with a collar attachment.

For fuck's sakes, you two sick fucks really ought to just come out of the closet already.
France, Portugal, Iceland, Spain, Greece, the UK, Cuba, Russia.

Absurd meening inconvenient to your blind dogma!

Burma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Nigeria...all are teetering on the brink of financial collapse or have already toppled over - one thing they've all got in common - no universal healthcare systems.

Basically you're a fuck'n dolt that couldn't argue your way out of a telephone booth...incidentally, China (where all your blue collar jobs have been relocated) has a shitty healthcare system as well...

France will recover, so too will Spain, Iceland, Greece, the UK, and Portugal over time (hopefully not any time soon, I've got some positions that're dependent on the Euro staying between 1.26 - 1.32 to the dollar).
Unions vow political payback for right-to-work law


Canada? Australia? What about Norway? They've had government medical since 1912! Single payer, no less. Germany, since 1941. Belgium, since 1945. Sixty years plus is not bad for a system that supposedly fails.

Check the statisitcs. Medical costs are lower in every country with government medical. Your examples have nothing to do with medical costs.
All of those countries have the population of states. To compare any one with the results of a federal system covering close to 350 million people is non-proportional. There isn't one which exists. Single payer has consistently been a failed model in the larger countries, as well as most of the smaller ones.
And absolutely filthy, shitty service, in foul insanitary hospitals, with crappy staff and under qualified doctors.

Obviously none of the posters lauding a model of collective shithole healthcare has seen the inside of a hospital or doctors' office which is run by the gubmint.
Burma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Nigeria...all are teetering on the brink of financial collapse or have already toppled over - one thing they've all got in common - no universal healthcare systems.

Basically you're a fuck'n dolt that couldn't argue your way out of a telephone booth...incidentally, China (where all your blue collar jobs have been relocated) has a shitty healthcare system as well...

France will recover, so too will Spain, Iceland, Greece, the UK, and Portugal over time (hopefully not any time soon, I've got some positions that're dependent on the Euro staying between 1.26 - 1.32 to the dollar).
First of all, we are discussing the civilized world, that rules out Burma, DRC, Djibouti and Nigeria.
Your literacy standards are dropping.
Unless you consider the use of Nigerian neckties to be civilized ?
Perhaps you are ignorant as to the existence of these?

All the backward countries you mention may well recover , as austerity measures are put in place .
Often those measures require a more American approach to government economics.

Whilst you liberal totalitarians still insist the failed European methods are the way of the future ! !
Canada? Australia? What about Norway? They've had government medical since 1912! Single payer, no less. Germany, since 1941. Belgium, since 1945. Sixty years plus is not bad for a system that supposedly fails.

Check the statisitcs. Medical costs are lower in every country with government medical. Your examples have nothing to do with medical costs.
Germany's 1941 reforms were initiated by Hitler.
I note your support for nazism. It's deffo a liberal trait.

Norway has state controlled oilfields, profits from which are used to fund this system and others .
It's like a reverse taxation.
People pay little in but get a lot back.
Norway breaks the mold, I know , spent a lot of time there , Bergen is my second home, sandviken to be exact(a mile away). Norway though is a sparsely populated nation with access to massive amounts of oil , can't compare it with the USA !
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: Those anti-ObamaCare folks really got to you, huh? :(

33 years in the UK, I know the danger , I've lived it, seen it , experienced it, even worked for it!!
I know from experience how bad socialised MEDCINE really is!
First of all, we are discussing the civilized world, that rules out Burma, DRC, Djibouti and Nigeria.

Okay, in the civilized world - China's healthcare system, like you, sucks balls.

Singapore (not even close to going bankrupt) which has the third highest purchasing power parity (civilized) in the world also has one of the best universal healthcare systems.

You should've posted first world countries then little fella, and discarded Cuba as one your examples. At least employ a smidgen more "try hard" fella...

Your literacy standards are dropping.
Unless you consider the use of Nigerian neckties to be civilized ?
Perhaps you are ignorant as to the existence of these?

Are you retarded, like slow for real? Not able to follow along the flow the discussion perhaps?

All the backward countries you mention may well recover , as austerity measures are put in place .
Often those measures require a more American approach to government economics.

lol, I thought for sure your were gonna put Austrian Economics up on a pedestal...I'm sure there's more than a few pseudo Doomsday aficionados who love themselves some Austrian Economic schools of thought on this board, Paulbots aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, never have been either.

Backward? Because they're in Europe? lol, you really are a tool aren't ya?

Whilst you liberal totalitarians still insist the failed European methods are the way of the future ! !

I'm not a liberal, nor am I a conservative for that matter...if anything I'm politically agnostic. Again, you've gotta put some "umph" in your "try hard" if you're gonna keep up.
The strange thing is the people who use those "absolutely filthy, shitty service, in foul insanitary hospitals, with crappy staff and under qualified doctors" live longer than the people in the US. Maybe the average American is being killed by cleanliness and too much service? :dunno:

I'll have to check with 007. :rolleyes:
That had already been covered.
Prople in the USA travel further to work, a commute of more than 10 miles causes massive health problems , according to experts.
Few in forign lands commute the distances many Americans do.

My commute distance in the USA would take me into 2 different countries had I remained in Europe.

Of course a 40 hour week in Europe is a 40 hour week.
Americans salaried yo a 40 hour week often work. 60, 70 or more hours each week, all impacting on their health.

Those fantastic European nations have such great health care?

Care to explain how Ruby Owen and many other children have been cured in the USA from conditions their national healthcare systems have called untreatable, incurable and terminal?