Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

Precisely to the point, Apple. 'Obamacare' is the first of several steps to the goal.
Red states don't realize that their refusal to set up pools (at least, in front of the cameras) is going to accelerate the march toward the public option. In the end, they'll comply. They can't afford not to.
Red states don't realize that their refusal to set up pools (at least, in front of the cameras) is going to accelerate the march toward the public option. In the end, they'll comply. They can't afford not to.

By then, they'll be revising history and saying it's what they wanted all along but were thwarted by the Dems. :D
So if those with differing opinions are just to be ridiculed by members such as yourself, when they bother, why stay? Yep, pretty much the same place.

In any case, for now I'll thank you for the honest response and reply to your posts or not.
It appears some posters are so emotionally fragile, they interpret differing political opinions as personal attacks on them. I'll never understand that, however, yours is the right idea. Engage those who have something to offer, ignore trolls searching for an anger outlet. The Golden Rule of message boards. Thanks for reminding me of it. :)
It appears some posters are so emotionally fragile,
Take you for instance.
they interpret differing political opinions as personal attacks on them.
lol, you don't have your own opinons you god damned neocon teabagger message board succubus.
Engage those who have something to offer, ignore trolls searching for an anger outlet.
Otherwise you'll get owned and go on a "ni**er" posting tirade of a meltdown for the span of an entire day, anything to impress the Stormfront "White Power" posters, like the fat fuck'n racist Cow that you are - you'll do anything, even if it degrades an entire race of people just for a modicum of acceptance...it's really more pathetic than anything else, more so that you've dragged doghit into your little world.
The Golden Rule of message boards. Thanks for reminding me of it. :)
"Ignore is for pussies" ~ Ballgazer
Point to note.
Every country with socialized healthcare in the civilized world is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.
Who cares about the wealth opportunities for the health insurance pimps?
And every last worker in the country.
We discussed on another thread the reality of obamas punitive measures against the worker.
Not one fanatical liberal totalitarian would respond.

This is not about the wealthy, it's about totalitarians fucking with people's lives.
Creating misery!
And every last worker in the country.
We discussed on another thread the reality of obamas punitive measures against the worker.
Not one fanatical liberal totalitarian would respond.

This is not about the wealthy, it's about totalitarians fucking with people's lives.
Creating misery!

It's about the brainwashing hyperbole that you swallow whole, moron.
It's about the brainwashing hyperbole that you swallow whole, moron.
Oh brainwashing, so the very specific links I provided, of speeches made by high ranking liberal commissars, or leaders are me being brainwashed?
By liberal leaders?
I posted what THEY said, you chose to ignore it, they will increase tax on all Americans, you saw the link, you ignored it because it flies in the face of what your commissars have told you.
(Originally Posted by Bijou)That's right, Apple. There's no going back. This is the first step towards inevitable single-payer health care. Let the unevolved knuckledraggers seethe; it won't stop the wheels that are now - gratefully, finally - in motion

Have you ever experienced the reality of government controlled healthcare?

I assume you never heard my story. If interested, let me know. I've posted it a number of times.
Oh brainwashing, so the very specific links I provided, of speeches made by high ranking liberal commissars, or leaders are me being brainwashed?
By liberal leaders?
I posted what THEY said, you chose to ignore it, they will increase tax on all Americans, you saw the link, you ignored it because it flies in the face of what your commissars have told you.

You're an idiot.

I assume you never heard my story. If interested, let me know. I've posted it a number of times.
No I haven't, post your story, then get back to me on the lies you spout about obamas tax plan, despite my links on another thread!
Point to note.
Every country with socialized healthcare in the civilized world is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

Not true, not that I agree or disagree with socialized healthcare or anything, just that your premises here greatly flawed.

Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, and Canada aren't teetering on the edge of bankruptcy...there're more countries that have universal health care that aren't teetering on the edge of bankruptcy mind you, these are just a few examples.

Some are though, so are some countries that don't have universal healthcare, basically the point is that it's not in spite of universal healthcare - most countries also don't spend twenty three percent of their budgets on defense either...think it through...
All it takes to be a union worker is a weak mind and the ability to melt an ice cube in your mouth.

As long as it doesn't melt in the scotch all is fine. That's why there's whiskey stones.


You are right, because now everyone else that had coverage (85%) is in danger of losing it.

Many like me saw the largest increase in premiums over the last 5 years combined when Obama decided 26 year old adults needed to be taken care of by their parents creating a new poverty class.

How is anyone in danger of losing it? I thought there was a provision to help those who can't afford it.

As for the young adults times are different. Graduating high school at 16 or 17 and getting a job was different from today when people have to attend university for 4 or more years to get the required education. They can't even afford their education. How are they supposed to afford medical insurance? This is just one example of how times have changed. If it was normal to look after ones child until they graduated high school it's now normal to look after ones child until they graduate university or at least until they get a decent job and can continue their studies part time.

This is at the core of the Republican problem. It's like they are unable to understand times have changed. Things can't stay the same way when times are changing.
How is anyone in danger of losing it? I thought there was a provision to help those who can't afford it.

As for the young adults times are different. Graduating high school at 16 or 17 and getting a job was different from today when people have to attend university for 4 or more years to get the required education. They can't even afford their education. How are they supposed to afford medical insurance? This is just one example of how times have changed. If it was normal to look after ones child until they graduated high school it's now normal to look after ones child until they graduate university or at least until they get a decent job and can continue their studies part time.

This is at the core of the Republican problem. It's like they are unable to understand times have changed. Things can't stay the same way when times are changing.

Isn't puzzling to you that everything the gobblement touches always gets more expensive?

BTW who is you personal gobblement worker who knows all of your personal needs and provides them?