Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

That's interesting your take that those who believe the free market and competition are what the health care industry needs are 'unevolved knuckledraggers'. To each his own but with that type of mindset this country would never have been founded.

No, I think that those who genuflect before the Church of the Free Market which dictates that only thems with MONEY will get healthcare because it's a for-profit enterprise are unevolved knuckledraggers. There's no such thing as a 'free market'. Put the kool-aid pitcher down and wake the fuck up. Or, don't - and join the seethe-party of knuckledraggers. Either way, the genie's out of the bottle now, and it's about time.
No, I think that those who genuflect before the Church of the Free Market which dictates that only thems with MONEY will get healthcare because it's a for-profit enterprise are unevolved knuckledraggers. There's no such thing as a 'free market'. Put the kool-aid pitcher down and wake the fuck up. Or, don't - and join the seethe-party of knuckledraggers. Either way, the genie's out of the bottle now, and it's about time.

Wake up? I'm pretty wide awake thank you. Having an open market which allows for competition and the ability for health care plans to meet the wide and varying needs of the American public isn't something 'which dictates only thems with money will get healthcare'.
What is the qualification for a union job?
Knowing the right person?
I've been unionised, years ago.
I was ejected from laborers local 223because I was English, 223 apparently is an Irish union.
Of course the Irish owned company I worked for, rehired me in a management role.
Doubled my income by getting out of the union trap!!
Best thing that ever happened to me!

All it takes to be a union worker is a weak mind and the ability to melt an ice cube in your mouth.
Wake up? I'm pretty wide awake thank you. Having an open market which allows for competition and the ability for health care plans to meet the wide and varying needs of the American public isn't something 'which dictates only thems with money will get healthcare'.

There is zero need for the health insurance industry. They are 100% unncessary pimps having nothing to contribute in the way of care. They'll go the way of the dodo eventually. The sooner, the better.

Health care as a profit-making enterprise is uncivilized.
There is zero need for the health insurance industry. They are 100% unncessary pimps having nothing to contribute in the way of care. They'll go the way of the dodo eventually. The sooner, the better.

Health care as a profit-making enterprise is uncivilized.

Same as growing food or making clothes for profit, we understand lazy fuck.
Right to work ???

Who should lose when a company fails Annie? I would think it would be the owners (stockholders).

But they didn't 'fail.' Bin Laden is dead, GM survives.'

If the normal consequences had been allowed to proceed, the 'rich' would have been hit. Yes, the workers too. But more important than either, the economy wouldn't be mired in a quick sand pit.
Who wasn't saved? And I asked you if Detroit's woes are a recent phenomenon? Do you have any data that suggests so?


Bing says he knows bankruptcy, emergency manager possible for Detroit; 'I haven't given up'
3:39 PM, December 7, 2012

A candid Detroit Mayor Dave Bing said this afternoon that he knows deeper state intervention is a possibility for the city he leads -- and possibly a municipal bankruptcy -- but he’s doing everything he can to avoid such dire consequences.

“I’m a realist, and I know that’s a real possibility,” Bing said today amid threats from the state that it could appoint an emergency financial manager for Detroit and growing speculation that bankruptcy is inevitable. “But I’m also a fighter, and I haven’t given up.”

Bing lamented a lack of progress on reforms and professed frustration with his office’s efforts to implement structural changes in city government and deeper divisions with the City Council over how to get Detroit fixed.

Exactly. She brings nothing new here. All the talking-point horseshit is the same with all righties, and we've heard it all a dozen times already. BORING.

I'm curious. You want all the 'righties' to go away? Just leaving all of you lefties to speak with one another? I pretty much thought that too, which is why I stopped posting here for quite awhile. If that's the consensus, I'll go with no problem.
Does this mean you don't support the teachers' union?

Ask Rune?

Actually I support the ideas underlying tenure, but the union? Not so much. Tenure is to ensure that teachers that have proven they can teach, are allowed to do so, without pressure from parents or administrators or even other teachers. Superior teachers are often at odds with others, due to their expectations and even some lesson plans.

That's in 'theory.' In reality, tenure, certainly the unions, protect bad teachers. That's wrong.
Same as growing food or making clothes for profit, we understand lazy fuck.

Again, we? Do you post for multiple people? Are you simply too ignorant to understand the definition of we, or are you just so freaking arrogant as to assume you correctly speak for others as well?

FYI, you couldn't possibly be more incorrect in your comparison.
But they didn't 'fail.' Bin Laden is dead, GM survives.'

If the normal consequences had been allowed to proceed, the 'rich' would have been hit. Yes, the workers too. But more important than either, the economy wouldn't be mired in a quick sand pit.

So the economy would be better right now if millions of manufacturing jobs had been lost?
Its all they have.

They screwed up the entire world economy AGAIN!

just like these same stupid ideas did in the first Great depresssion.

Now while we yet AGIAN have to clean up the mess they made they blame us for not doing it instantly.

All they have left is to blame the entire thing on the people who have to clean up after them.

This time no one believes them if they are paying attention.

Fox news cant compete with the internets ability to provide the facts and the videos of their leaders like robmoney telling their REAL employers what they really believe.

There will always and forever be bartenders, foodservers, maids, valets whereever these rich fucks meet to talk shit about the American voter.

They cant live without being waited on hand and foot.
The lesson to be learned....don't strive to be a sweathog....

Burger flippers get paid a burger flippers wages.....and has little bargining power.....

Lesson 2:
Work very hard, get a decent education, do on honest days work, save, etc....and then watch the government confiscate a disproportionate portion of your earnings to give to others...
Is that your "philosophical concept" of justice and freedom ?

Most burger flippers don't die in their uniforms. The job is a stepping stone. But in any case, somebody has to do the dirty work whether it's flipping burgers or digging coal. If every single person in the country moved up, the jobs would still be there. Maybe you can explain who should do these jobs and why they shouldn't have protections. As an example, setting the minimum wage at $2.13/hour for a waiter is unconscionable. His living depends on the generosity of the patrons. Yet people take these jobs because they have to, not because they want to.

This may be freedom but it's not justice.
I'm curious. You want all the 'righties' to go away? Just leaving all of you lefties to speak with one another? I pretty much thought that too, which is why I stopped posting here for quite awhile. If that's the consensus, I'll go with no problem.

Of course I don't want the righties to go away. This forum is for entertainment. I don't discuss anything with righties and expect to come away better informed, because it won't happen here. If I choose to engage any of them, it's for fun and laughs.
Most burger flippers don't die in their uniforms. The job is a stepping stone. But in any case, somebody has to do the dirty work whether it's flipping burgers or digging coal. If every single person in the country moved up, the jobs would still be there. Maybe you can explain who should do these jobs and why they shouldn't have protections. As an example, setting the minimum wage at $2.13/hour for a waiter is unconscionable. His living depends on the generosity of the patrons. Yet people take these jobs because they have to, not because they want to.

This may be freedom but it's not justice.

The scenario you describe is waaaay to realistic for righty retards to grasp and respond to in any meaningful way, Christie. Well done. :awesome:
That's right, Apple. There's no going back. This is the first step towards inevitable single-payer health care. Let the unevolved knuckledraggers seethe; it won't stop the wheels that are now - gratefully, finally - in motion

I'm sure ObamaCare is the main reason Repubs have taken this election so hard. They know any hope of stopping it is over. For them, it's not just a battle lost. It's a war lost. ObamaCare will expand. The people will demand it.

If the Repubs were smart they would get out in front, think of new ways to fine tune it and get to steer it. In a few years they could argue they were for really for a full plan and just against ObamaCare, specifically. It would be a crock of crap but if they come up with some good ideas to turn it into a true national plan they could snatch ObamaCare away from the Dems. As they say perception is everything. If they play it Dixie's way and simply take up space in Congress they'll be taking up a lot less space next election.
I'm sure ObamaCare is the main reason Repubs have taken this election so hard. They know any hope of stopping it is over. For them, it's not just a battle lost. It's a war lost. ObamaCare will expand. The people will demand it.

If the Repubs were smart they would get out in front, think of new ways to fine tune it and get to steer it. In a few years they could argue they were for really for a full plan and just against ObamaCare, specifically. It would be a crock of crap but if they come up with some good ideas to turn it into a true national plan they could snatch ObamaCare away from the Dems. As they say perception is everything. If they play it Dixie's way and simply take up space in Congress they'll be taking up a lot less space next election.

IF, indeed....Dixie and the others here enjoy stamping their little feet and waving their little clenched fists too much to stop. They're angry....they aren't sure why or who to aim it at but damnit they WILL be heard!!!