Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

Isn't puzzling to you that everything the gobblement touches always gets more expensive?

A list of the top 10 countries that spend the most on health care. Check it out and take note of the ones that have government health care.

BTW who is you personal gobblement worker who knows all of your personal needs and provides them?

Government agencies set up for that purpose. If one requires help do they go to their neighbor with supporting documents or to a government agency?
A list of the top 10 countries that spend the most on health care. Check it out and take note of the ones that have government health care.

Government agencies set up for that purpose. If one requires help do they go to their neighbor with supporting documents or to a government agency?

You said the gobblement knows you personally and what you need. How is that?

Also, it is indisputable that everything the gobblement touches is more expensive.

It is hilarious that you libtardiots claim that we need Ofuckfacecare because of all of the freeloaders who go to hospitals for non reimbursed care. Yet you fail to note that the reason that is allowed to occur is because of a law passed by the federal gobblement.

So we need a gobblement fix for a gobblement created problem and somehow in your twisted brain that makes sense.
You said the gobblement knows you personally and what you need. How is that?

Also, it is indisputable that everything the gobblement touches is more expensive.

It is hilarious that you libtardiots claim that we need Ofuckfacecare because of all of the freeloaders who go to hospitals for non reimbursed care. Yet you fail to note that the reason that is allowed to occur is because of a law passed by the federal gobblement.

So we need a gobblement fix for a gobblement created problem and somehow in your twisted brain that makes sense.

Bullshit. The gov runs medicare with a 6% administrative cost. Compare that to private HMO costs of 30%, liar.
Its all they have.

They screwed up the entire world economy AGAIN!

just like these same stupid ideas did in the first Great depresssion.

Now while we yet AGIAN have to clean up the mess they made they blame us for not doing it instantly.

All they have left is to blame the entire thing on the people who have to clean up after them.

This time no one believes them if they are paying attention.

Fox news cant compete with the internets ability to provide the facts and the videos of their leaders like robmoney telling their REAL employers what they really believe.

There will always and forever be bartenders, foodservers, maids, valets whereever these rich fucks meet to talk shit about the American voter.

They cant live without being waited on hand and foot.

Good to see I wasn't the only one drunk posting last night. Hope you feel better than I do today.
You're not obligated to stay. I stay for the entertainment value here. I hate to inform you, but I've been on many forums and have met less than one hand's worth of reasonably well-informed right-leaners worthy of a decent discussion. The vast majority are talking-point-screeching imbeciles which, while funny for a few minutes, dumb down discussions and prohibit any meaningful exchanges of ideas. That's been my experience. I don't waste any time in futile attempts at a mutually-enlightening discussion with such types. Furthermore, they all parrot the same horseshit and every catchphrase is easily traced to one of their stupid pundits. Yawn. But sometimes it's funny, and the meltdowns are hilarious. That's what these forums are for: Entertainment.

After reading the above, think about the quotes below....tell me about the 'well informed' pinheads, the lefties worthy of a decent discussion...the talking point screeching imbeciles Democrat leaners that think they're funny....that dumb down discussions....that parrot bullshit....

Not my fault you are a moron.

As usual, rocket dick is just plain wrong.

Who cares about the wealth opportunities for the health insurance pimps?

It's about the brainwashing hyperbole that you swallow whole, moron.

You're an idiot. :rofl2:

As long as it doesn't melt in the scotch all is fine. That's why there's whiskey stones.:)

Prove it...Documentation please.

Here they are in all their glory.....uninformed, unfunny and parroting bullshit.....

Like I pointed out in another thread, its the lefty tactic.....
Blame the the right for posting bullshit, lying, obfuscating, mis-characterizing, etc. etc.
Then watch the pinheads do EXACTLY what they accuse the right of doing.....
Bullshit. The gov runs medicare with a 6% administrative cost. Compare that to private HMO costs of 30%, liar.
So much for ignoring me rune, you didn't last 10 mins!!!
Oh and refer back to the list of nations I posted!
All teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, all have socialised MEDCINE.

Back on ignore am I?
For another 30 seconds!!
Bullshit. The gov runs medicare with a 6% administrative cost. Compare that to private HMO costs of 30%, liar.
And absolutely filthy, shitty service, in foul insanitary hospitals, with crappy staff and under qualified doctors.
Given your claim that businesses are clammoring to move operations to these states, what do you think wages will start at when they open their doors?

perhaps you simply misunderstood the claim......it was that business HAD moved to Indiana since it became a right to work state.......just as it was very easy to identify companies that opened there since the law passed it ought to be very easy for you to determine the wages they pay......thus, rather than insinuate about something you know nothing about, why don't you educate yourself.......
After reading the above, think about the quotes below....tell me about the 'well informed' pinheads, the lefties worthy of a decent discussion...the talking point screeching imbeciles Democrat leaners that think they're funny....that dumb down discussions....that parrot bullshit....

Here they are in all their glory.....uninformed, unfunny and parroting bullshit.....

Like I pointed out in another thread, its the lefty tactic.....
Blame the the right for posting bullshit, lying, obfuscating, mis-characterizing, etc. etc.
Then watch the pinheads do EXACTLY what they accuse the right of doing.....

Hey, shit-for-brains - when you post something worthy of a discussion, you'll get something besides expected comments such as you quoted. Those quotes demonstrate how seriously you aren't taken. Is it sinking in yet? Didn't think so.

You said the gobblement knows you personally and what you need. How is that?

I told you. The government demands documentation and is able to verify it. If one applies for welfare they have to submit documentation of their rent, income, money in the bank, etc. The government has your income tax. How is your neighbor supposed to determine if you need help? And even if they could who is to say they would help or are able to help?

Also, it is indisputable that everything the gobblement touches is more expensive.

If you're not going to look at the links I supply there's no point continuing. Every medical plan governments touched saved money. Every one. No exception. Check it out.

It is hilarious that you libtardiots claim that we need Ofuckfacecare because of all of the freeloaders who go to hospitals for non reimbursed care. Yet you fail to note that the reason that is allowed to occur is because of a law passed by the federal gobblement.

So we need a gobblement fix for a gobblement created problem and somehow in your twisted brain that makes sense.

That's not my argument. ObamaCare is needed because everyone has to be able to obtain medical care regardless of what money they may have. Period. That's it. No other reason is needed.
Hey, shit-for-brains - when you post something worthy of a discussion, you'll get something besides expected comments such as you quoted. Those quotes demonstrate how seriously you aren't taken. Is it sinking in yet? Didn't think so.


Unexpected comments.....they're not unexpected to me....I see that shit every day.....idiot comments from lefties are normal.....

go back and search some if you doubt it.....

YOU, Bijou the moron, along with pRune, Haiku, Rana and now ZOMBIE JESUS are all freakin' idiots....just read over your own posts....
what more proof do you need...........
'zombie Jesus'.....the name alone proves this is a moron.....a moron with a computer
Point to note.
Every country with socialized healthcare in the civilized world is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

That is correct and the ones that aren't have such shitty services you die before a needed operation
Unexpected comments.....they're not unexpected to me....I see that shit every day.....idiot comments from lefties are normal.....

go back and search some if you doubt it.....

YOU, Bijou the moron, along with pRune, Haiku, Rana and now ZOMBIE JESUS are all freakin' idiots....just read over your own posts....
what more proof do you need...........
'zombie Jesus'.....the name alone proves this is a moron.....a moron with a computer

EXPECTED, dip shit.

Jesus, you're dumb.

France, Portugal, Iceland, Spain, Greece, the UK, Cuba, Russia.

Absurd meening inconvenient to your blind dogma!

Canada? Australia? What about Norway? They've had government medical since 1912! Single payer, no less. Germany, since 1941. Belgium, since 1945. Sixty years plus is not bad for a system that supposedly fails.

Check the statisitcs. Medical costs are lower in every country with government medical. Your examples have nothing to do with medical costs.