Michigan: Right to Work defeats Right to Pork

Don't flatter yourself. No one cares about *you*; it's the collective *you* and all the rest of the retards on the right that're being laughed at and disproven, dullard.
Great, then address the topic. All you do is share your opinions/feelings on me and my ideology. Nothing personal, but I don't care what you think about me. Not here to make friends.

Debate something for once, if you are capable, which I am beginning to doubt.

Whining about me is the pinnacle of boring.
Great, then address the topic. All you do is share your opinions/feelings on me and my ideology. Nothing personal, but I don't care what you think about me. Not here to make friends.

Debate something for once, if you are capable, which I am beginning to doubt.

Whining about me is the pinnacle of boring.

I've addressed the topic to the extent that your stupid thread warrants it. I don't debate *you* and the rest of the retards on the right for reasons already explained. No one cares what you 'doubt', dullard.
Unions can be credited with improved working conditions many moons ago. Additionally, child protection laws are completely unneeded now. What the unions achieved is now status quo, and serve no purpose in 2012. Therefore, I can't prove a negative. Unions are now the bastion of corruption who work to push their political agendas, funded by looting money from their minions.

Their unnecessary existence is reflected in the fact that, when given the choice, a large number of workers will opt out of them.

You've been saying nobody can refute your points yet you make this sweeping generalization about all unions. So my refutation is that your points are illogical.
You've been saying nobody can refute your points yet you make this sweeping generalization about all unions. So my refutation is that your points are illogical.

Logic has never been a priority with the righties. Stargazer (or any of the rest of them) doesn't question whether or not the agenda she's promoting is factual, because all that matters is burying the opposition which, in this case, is the middle class. The wealthy's wholesale dismantling of all that benefits and promotes prosperity for the middle class is the Right's agenda, and they have legion retards among their followers who are dumb enough to believe it. The Stargazers/Bravos/RazorXs are prompted by having their racism stoked - it worked beautifully. They will carry whatever water the Right wants because of it.
Anyone who thinks unions are needed in 2012 is further behind than that.........

Unions are the epitome of corruption and completely unneeded.

Uh-huh. Massey Energy forced out unions and they're running one of the most corrupt industries ever. Surely it's not okay that miners die and safety infractions pile up just to keep CEO's like Blankenship in champagne and caviar?

"Massey forced the unions out, and now non-union coal miners have died in a coal mine cited for 600 violations in the past 18 months, so does the lack of a union contribute to safety concerns? "

I've addressed the topic to the extent that your stupid thread warrants it. I don't debate *you* and the rest of the retards on the right for reasons already explained. No one cares what you 'doubt', dullard.
What are unions needed for?

And why are you so angry? This isn't a personal attack on 'Bijou'. Can you distinguish the difference?
You've been saying nobody can refute your points yet you make this sweeping generalization about all unions. So my refutation is that your points are illogical.
It is my opinion unions are unnecessary. I have asked what their purpose currently serves, and haven't gotten a single answer. Perhaps you can be the first?
What are unions needed for?

And why are you so angry? This isn't a personal attack on 'Bijou'. Can you distinguish the difference?

No one's angry. You don't have that kind of power, here or elsewhere. Additionally, you don't have the intellect on this subject to engage me. But keep trying, dullard. It's humourous. :)
Nice strawman dude. If you are going to argue for unions at least make a real argument. That isn't it.

That is the real argument. Have you never heard of "personality conflict"? An employer can dismiss an employee for any reason or no reason. While they can't come out and say, "I fired employee #6 because she is a woman" or "I dismissed employee # 5 because he's a homosexual" they don't need to state any reason. The employer is not required to prove the employee didn't do their job and that is absurd in this day and age.

I've witnessed Town Councils remove an employee and replace them with a friend of theirs. Do you not think businesses do the same thing? Nobody's job should be conditional on the whims of their supervisor. And, no, the world is not going to change over night but unions are an employee's protection. No union and you're on your own against management and I've been on both sides of the fence. I've seen enough discrimination to make me vomit. And it wasn't just racial or sexual. On one occasion an employee broke their wrist or bones in their hand on a weekend. When they returned to work the following Monday and the boss saw the cast the boss deliberately told the rest of the employees to leave all the jobs that required flexibility, such as assembling a hospital baby monitor with small screws, for the employee with the broken hand knowing he wouldn't be able to do it. Because the employee hadn't finished his 6 month probation he was soon dismissed.

Things like that happen all the time. I know the tricks management can play and one time, while being part of management, I was privy to dirty tricks and immediately walked off the job. No, I didn't change the world but I sure as hell refused to be part of the disgusting tactics and for anyone to suggest that doesn't happen today, they're either liars or deluded.

As a final note ObamaCare is one giant step to remove medical care from the power of the employer and that's a very good thing.
No one's angry. You don't have that kind of power, here or elsewhere. Additionally, you don't have the intellect on this subject to engage me. But keep trying, dullard. It's humourous. :)
When you can share the one integral purpose all unions serve, let me know. It's obvious you know they are unnecessary but you can't defend such an absurd premise.

Whining about me only makes you appear more clueless than you seem to already be.
It is my opinion unions are unnecessary. I have asked what their purpose currently serves, and haven't gotten a single answer. Perhaps you can be the first?

Uh-huh. Massey Energy forced out unions and they're running one of the most corrupt industries ever. Surely it's not okay that miners die and safety infractions pile up just to keep CEO's like Blankenship in champagne and caviar?

"Massey forced the unions out, and now non-union coal miners have died in a coal mine cited for 600 violations in the past 18 months, so does the lack of a union contribute to safety concerns? "

When you can share the one integral purpose all unions serve, let me know. It's obvious you know they are unnecessary but you can't defend such an absurd premise.

Whining about me only makes you appear more clueless than you seem to already be.

The only thing that's obvious is that you're an uninformed dullard. You've brilliantly driven that point home. Congratulations. :)
Uh-huh. Massey Energy forced out unions and they're running one of the most corrupt industries ever. Surely it's not okay that miners die and safety infractions pile up just to keep CEO's like Blankenship in champagne and caviar?

"Massey forced the unions out, and now non-union coal miners have died in a coal mine cited for 600 violations in the past 18 months, so does the lack of a union contribute to safety concerns? "

Then perhaps a union serves a purpose for 'miners'. This doesn't explain why teachers, automobile industry, etc. need unions.

The people should be able to decide if they want to join a union. I suspect all the miners would, and many in other industries would opt out, as we saw in Wisconsin.
Then perhaps a union serves a purpose for 'miners'. This doesn't explain why teachers, automobile industry, etc. need unions.

The people should be able to decide if they want to join a union
. I suspect all the miners would, and many in other industries would opt out, as we saw in Wisconsin.

And it's really too bad that they are usually intimidated or fired when they try. I'll let you go research that one on your own, dullard.
When you can share the one integral purpose all unions serve, let me know. It's obvious you know they are unnecessary but you can't defend such an absurd premise.

Whining about me only makes you appear more clueless than you seem to already be.

One integral purpose? Sure. Job security.