Military Service

That was not runes allegation, he said GWB went AWOL to avoid being deployed to Vietnam.
He hasn't supported that claim.

Can you prove your claim that GWB joined the TANG to avoid duty?

Isn't service in the NG duty?
Now you are contradicting yourself!!!
I don't know what you are going on about!

I suppose that is one thing we have in common!!
You don't know what you are talking about either!

Funny, but in one thread you demean people for their violent opposition and suggest they live & let live. But here you rant and rave.

Its also funny that you demand others provide evidence to back up their claims. But you will not even provide evidence of something you claim was said in this very thread.

That is called hypocrisy.
007 is an ignorant twit who can't back up his claims, lies, and prefers name-calling to actual debate or discussion. So his post is not surprising.
You got your answer, you just ignored it!!
You crying about name calling?
I did no such thing.
For name calling, look to your own posts, liberal whiner!
Did so already, you are a dishonest deceitful liberal fanatic obamacultist and will keep asking the same question over and over again?
I refer you to the answer I gave.

The answer you gave was not evidence, it was your own interpretation of the motive behind my posts. I am not responsible for your misinterpretations of my simple posts.

You specifically called me a liar. Show where I lied. You have not done that.
Funny, but in one thread you demean people for their violent opposition and suggest they live & let live. But here you rant and rave.

Its also funny that you demand others provide evidence to back up their claims. But you will not even provide evidence of something you claim was said in this very thread.

That is called hypocrisy.

Where I rant or rave?
I type, you cannot rant in prose.
I provided the evidence.
You ignored it and continued with menacing and abusive posts.

GWB did not go AWOL to avoid service in nam.
To say he did is a lie.
You got your answer, you just ignored it!!
You crying about name calling?
I did no such thing.
For name calling, look to your own posts, liberal whiner!

Yep, I did call you names. But if you look back over the thread you will see numerous times you have called me a liberal, a liar, and more.

I have not ignored any answer to my question. You called me a liar. I have repeatedly asked you to point out any lie I have told. You have not done so.

Point out where I lied or admit you are a liar. It should be rather simple. But I can see that your limited intellect might have difficulty with it.
Where I rant or rave?
I type, you cannot rant in prose.
I provided the evidence.
You ignored it and continued with menacing and abusive posts.

GWB did not go AWOL to avoid service in nam.
To say he did is a lie.

You claimed I lied. The answer you gave was to claim that I posted what I did to divert the conversation. So now you have called me a liar, refused to show where I lied, and invented your own version of my motivations to try and save face. Pathetic.
The answer you gave was not evidence, it was your own interpretation of the motive behind my posts. I am not responsible for your misinterpretations of my simple posts.

You specifically called me a liar. Show where I lied. You have not done that.
Dozens of lies from you!
You can't help it, you are a liberal obamacult fanatic.
You claimed I lied. The answer you gave was to claim that I posted what I did to divert the conversation. So now you have called me a liar, refused to show where I lied, and invented your own version of my motivations to try and save face. Pathetic.
You supported verbally and by thanking runes post claiming that GWB went AWOL to avoid service in Vietnam.
You attempted to change the focus of the topic by arguing semantics.
That is dishonesty, that is a lie!
You are a liar.
You supported verbally and by thanking runes post claiming that GWB went AWOL to avoid service in Vietnam.
You attempted to change the focus of the topic by arguing semantics.
That is dishonesty, that is a lie!
You are a liar.

I corrected the misconceptions people posted concerning AWOL and desertion.

Oh, and now my THANKING him for a post is lying??? LMAO!!! Too funny. Care to give post numbers for these "Thank" lies?
Dozens? And yet, you cannot show me one lie in this thread?

The longer you try and maintain this the more ridiculous you look. Come on, tard, show me one lie.

Ok, you said you are not a liberal
You repeated that lie.
You called me numbnuts, my nuts are not numb.
You called me a tard, my IQ measures at 146, a tards iq would be borderline between 70 and 80, definite below 70.

Many many other lies and obfuscations on your part.
I corrected the misconceptions people posted concerning AWOL and desertion.

Oh, and now my THANKING him for a post is lying??? LMAO!!! Too funny. Care to give post numbers for these "Thank" lies?
You supported his lie, therefore being a party to that lie
Like an accomplice to a crime, after the fact.
You lied.
Ok, you said you are not a liberal
You repeated that lie.
You called me numbnuts, my nuts are not numb.
You called me a tard, my IQ measures at 146, a tards iq would be borderline between 70 and 80, definite below 70.

Many many other lies and obfuscations on your part.

Thats it?? No great revelations about lies on the topic??? That is fucking pitiful.

I have never voted for a democratic candidate. Most of my votes have been cast for libertarian candidates, which are true conservatives not these wannabes with their social agendas. I am pro-gun, pro-tax reform, against bigger gov't and against gov't intrusion into our lives. THAT, you pompous ass, is certainly not liberal. And I have posted numerous times stating all those thing.

"Numbnuts" is an old school insult. If you want to take it literally you are a fool.

I called you a "tard". That is slang and a sarcastic and demeaning term, but not a scientific measurement of your IQ.

So try again.
You supported his lie, therefore being a party to that lie
Like an accomplice to a crime, after the fact.
You lied.

How did I support his lie? You make these accusations but you will not provide the evidence you continually demand from others.

Give me post numbers so we can see this "proof".
I don't know if any of his unit went to Vietnam, so I don't know about that. But Bush was AWOL.

Since he was in the National Guard they wouldn't have treated it as seriously. It was a weekend warrior missing drills.

I don't know of a deserter that got an honorable. He didn't desert, he went AWOL.

No he didn't.
Shithead; He joined the National Guard to avoid service in Vietnam.
Then, he couldn't even keep that low key commitment and went AWOL.

Kerry served with distinction, and you have yet to produce ANY EVIDENCE AT ALL that he was a "turn coat" (traitor). Nothing could be further from the truth,

Your lying is despicable. You are human feces.

Bush did not go AWOL and Kerry is a proven liar.
Just facts.

Then you must have access to the Militaries decison, concerning Bush; because those are the only FACTS that matter.
Go ahead and post the documentation, regarding their decision on Bush and please highlight where they determined that he was AWOL.
Then you must have access to the Militaries decison, concerning Bush; because those are the only FACTS that matter.
Go ahead and post the documentation, regarding their decision on Bush and please highlight where they determined that he was AWOL.

I already posted them and they indicate that he was technically AWOL.