Military Service

How did I support his lie? You make these accusations but you will not provide the evidence you continually demand from others.

Give me post numbers so we can see this "proof".
do it yourself.
You went on the attack in defense of his lies, used lies to attack me.
You are a proven liar.
Yep, I did call you names. But if you look back over the thread you will see numerous times you have called me a liberal, a liar, and more.

I have not ignored any answer to my question. You called me a liar. I have repeatedly asked you to point out any lie I have told. You have not done so.

Point out where I lied or admit you are a liar. It should be rather simple. But I can see that your limited intellect might have difficulty with it.
I already pointed out where you lied.
You ignored it.
You are a liar.
That is a fact.
It's not name calling, just the truth.
Your vicious abusive and menacing nature shows that you are an obsmacult member.
Bush was consistently absent from the TANG for a variety of reasons.

Bartlett, in a statement to the Globe last night, sidestepped questions about Bush's record. In the statement, Bartlett asserted again that Bush would not have been honorably discharged if he had not ''met all his requirements." In a follow-up e-mail, Bartlett declared: ''And if he hadn't met his requirements you point to, they would have called him up for active duty for up to two years."

That assertion by the White House spokesman infuriates retired Army Colonel Gerald A. Lechliter, one of a number of retired military officers who have studied Bush's records and old National Guard regulations, and reached different conclusions.
''He broke his contract with the United States government -- without any adverse consequences. And the Texas Air National Guard was complicit in allowing this to happen," Lechliter said in an interview yesterday. ''He was a pilot. It cost the government a million dollars to train him to fly. So he should have been held to an even higher standard."

Even retired Lieutenant Colonel Albert C. Lloyd Jr., a former Texas Air National Guard personnel chief who vouched for Bush at the White House's request in February, agreed that Bush walked away from his obligation to join a reserve unit in the Boston area when he moved to Cambridge in September 1973. By not joining a unit in Massachusetts, Lloyd said in an interview last month, Bush ''took a chance that he could be called up for active duty. But the war was winding down, and he probably knew that the Air Force was not enforcing the penalty."
I already posted them and they indicate that he was technically AWOL.

And you're TECHNICALLY an idiot; but that has no more bearing on this issue then your opininon does.
Show the Military decision, regarding this, or just STFU and STFD.
Something I pondered the other day when I saw Tiger Woods thank two military personnel on one of the greens:

It seems we learned about the nature of our kids when they serve in the military. Vietnam vets were shunned when they returned home, and it seems we've now learned how to discern the pawns from the policy makers.

We tend to err on the side of acceptance, knowing that these kids are just following orders, and we ought to aim our angst at Washington.

My son in law is constantly getting thanked when he goes into public in his uniform. People actually buy his meals, drinks, etc.

So I ask....In the past, we ripped our children from society, and sent them off to fight (often) unjust, heinous wars. These kids had no choice, as the draft demanded that they serve.

With no draft, and a 100% volunteer military, why do we thank our kids for service? Do we thank cops for putting their lives on the line every day?

Wouldn't a volunteer service deserve more thanks?

If you volunteer and I am drafted, who deserves thanks more? I am doing so to avoid prosecution, while you are serving without being forced.
Both deserve my thanks.

Then I'm sure both Bush 1 and Bush 2 would say Thank you....and I thank you.....along with the rest of the vets here.

You wont be hearing form Bill Clinton or Barry Obama about this matter....
Then I'm sure both Bush 1 and Bush 2 would say Thank you....and I thank you.....along with the rest of the vets here.

You wont be hearing form Bill Clinton or Barry Obama about this matter....

Oh that is just pure bs.
Rana refuses to accept the legal and lawfull decision of OJs jury.
That is because OJ is black.
This is because Rana hates blacks.

And you make baseless accusations and tell lies.

Rana is not the only one who believes that the verdict was not correct in that case.
And you make baseless accusations and tell lies.

Rana is not the only one who believes that the verdict was not correct in that case.

If I said I disagreed with the verdict, you fanatical liberal totalitarians would call me racist.
However, if I said I disagreed with the verdict, you fanatical liberal totalitarians would call me sexist!!

You liberals and your isms!!
You are funny old fish!
If I said I disagreed with the verdict, you fanatical liberal totalitarians would call me racist.
However, if I said I disagreed with the verdict, you fanatical liberal totalitarians would call me sexist!!

You liberals and your isms!!
You are funny old fish!

Why do you come here? It is obvious that you already know what everyone will say and what everyone believes (even if they don't). So why come here to have discussions if you already know what the other sides will say?

BTW, what I just wrote was sarcasm. There will be people who will call you a racist for little or no reason. I, however, have not. So do try and separate the people on these forums as individuals. What some will say is one thing, but your insistance that you know what all of us think and say is simply bullshit.