Millions of Angry, Armed Americans Stand Ready to Seize Power If Trump Loses in 2024

Hello Dutch,

OK, thought so.

The purpose of the second is national defense, not whatever some people want to read into it.

No, it isn't. Denial of the 2nd amendment. Go read it, as well as Article I, and the 9th and 10th amendments, the Declaration of Independence, and the Federalist Papers.
Thanks. This article clearly illustrates the power of propaganda.

Let us hope, for the sake of the nation and even the sake of these misguided fascists, that #TRE45ON is either dead or in prison by 2024.

TDS. Hallucination. There was no treason by Trump. There was by Biden though. He gave weapons to the enemy in time of war. That's a treasonous act.
Hello evince,

They think others will join them

They are wrong

Government bullets will end their insanity very quickly

There's a lot of big talkers out there who will say one thing now but when it comes down to actually putting themselves into a needless gunfight they will either not show up or back out of it.

Talk is easy. Dodging bullets is another thing altogether.
They think because there was no government bullets on J6 that the government will not protect the people

Trump isn’t president anymore
Hello evince,

You will see

The idiots who try to actually start your dreamed of race will will get dead real quick

Nobody from the 'equality for all' side wants a race war.

It takes two to tangle.

It's all coming from one side only.

Just a bunch of hopeless haters showing how dumb hatred is.
You can play internet lawyer all you want, dumbass.**
Buzzword fallacy.
It wasn't a tourist visit either.
It pretty much was, until the riot broke out.
There's were violent criminals who attacked and beat to the point of maiming police officers
Antifa and BLM did that.
defending the Congress of the United States.
Call it what you want, but whoever planned, funded and executed this attack should be hung as fucking traitors.
There was no treason.
Dumbass Trumpian cocksuckers like you love to twist the truth especially when it comes to covering up RW crimes.
What crimes? THEY WERE LET IN.
Unlike you, I'm not an Internet lawyer, but seeking to overthrow the US government
No one overthrew the government on Jan 6th.
seems to fit "levying war" in violation of their oaths.
No one attempted to overthrow the government on Jan 6th.
Anyone who had taken the oath and then supported the overthrow, by any means whatsoever, is a traitor and should be prosecuted as such to the full extent of the law.
No attempted to overthrow the government on Jan 6th. The oath is to the Constitution, NOT to Congress.
Anyone who has betrayed their oaths will never get any sympathy from me.
The oath is to the Constitution, NOT to Congress.
Elements of Treason
The elements of treason are the same under state and federal law:

  • the defendant owes allegiance to the government, and
    [*]the defendant intentionally betrays that allegiance by either
    [*]levying war against the government
    , or

**BTW, If you donate $10 to JPP, Damo will email you a certificate good to legally practice all over JPP. :thup:
There was no treason on Jan 6th.
Hello evince,

Nobody from the 'equality for all' side wants a race war.

It takes two to tangle.

It's all coming from one side only.

Just a bunch of hopeless haters showing how dumb hatred is.

It will be a very short “war”

The fewer racist in America the better

If they shut up and just crawl into hidey holes and leave decent Americans alone

The military won’t need to kill them
Prove that crap is true
Fox lied to you about that idiot

You dumb cunt, those are FACTS. Now run back to that padded cell and take your meds. :palm:
