Mina - 12b Banned 1 Month


Staff member
Mina has been banned for 12b.

Originally I warned them that they were violating the rule and that if they did it again they would be banned. They then informed me that they refuse to follow the rule and told me that I may as well permanently ban them. I have, accordingly, done so.

I have a list of rules you agree to before you sign up, if you are unwilling to follow them and refuse it will not let you sign up. Since this person signed up under false pretenses and clearly indicates that they plan to continue to troll folks against the rules we are willing to let them go.
She was far too intelligent, rational, and logical for the RWers here anyways. Except when it comes to this, apparently.

Mina was a great poster

I never even saw that poster do any of that

What a shame

Rules are rules
Advice to Liberals:

Right wingers purposely write insults in order to notify the moderator and get you banned.

Hey, I will let her back in if she simply asks and says she'll follow the rule. I just know what I have seen happen when I don't enforce it and allow folks to just keep on with it, it was ugly and will not happen again.

I even know what she was doing with that.
Mina has been banned for 12b.

Originally I warned them that they were violating the rule and that if they did it again they would be banned. They then informed me that they refuse to follow the rule and told me that I may as well permanently ban them. I have, accordingly, done so.

I have a list of rules you agree to before you sign up, if you are unwilling to follow them and refuse it will not let you sign up. Since this person signed up under false pretenses and clearly indicates that they plan to continue to troll folks against the rules we are willing to let them go.
Mina was quite the interesting one... apparently she has no regard for the forum rules just as she has no regard for learning anything about anything.

Good riddance.
She was far too intelligent, rational, and logical for the RWers here anyways. Except when it comes to this, apparently.
LMFAOOOOOOOOO... Mina was FARRRRRRRRR from any of those things...

She was, on the other hand, extremely wordy about saying very little that was in any way meaningful.
Yea. This comes as a surprise. So be it.
Came as a surprise to me too, but oh well...

She spoke the same meaningless gibberbabble as any other liberal on here does, but she apparently thought that being very wordy about it made her more intelligent... Meh.