Minimum Income

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I'm Watermark

"The essay begins from the proposition that Marxism’s ultimate end is not socialism, but rather a communist society that abolishes not merely exploitation (the unjust distribution of the social product relative to work performed) but also alienation: “productive activities need no longer be prompted by external rewards.”

They then go on to sketch out a scenario in which a reform instituted under capitalism leads to communism without the intermediary stage of socialist construction. This thought experiment revolves around the achievement of an unconditional, universal basic income. Suppose, they say, “that it is possible to provide everyone with a universal grant sufficient to cover his or her ‘fundamental needs’ without this involving the economy in a downward spiral. How does the economy evolve once such a universal grant is introduced?”

Their answer is that the basic income would “twist” the capitalist drive to increase productivity, such that:

Entitlement to a substantial universal grant will simultaneously push up the wage rate for unattractive, unrewarding work (which no one is now forced to accept in order to survive) and bring down the average wage rate for attractive, intrinsically rewarding work (because fundamental needs are covered anyway, people can now accept a high-quality job paid far below the guaranteed income level). Consequently, the capitalist logic of profit will, much more than previously, foster technical innovation and organizational change that improve the quality of work and thereby reduce the drudgery required per unit of product.

If you extrapolate this trend forward, you reach a situation where all wage labor is gradually eliminated. Undesirable work is fully automated, as employers feel increasing pressure to automate because labor is no longer too cheap. Meanwhile, the wage for desirable work eventually falls to zero, because people are both willing to do it for free, and able to do so due to the existence of a basic income to supply their essential needs. As Gorz puts it in a later work, the Critique of Economic Reason, certain activities “may be partially repatriated into the sphere of autonomous activities and reduce the demand for these things to be provided by external services, whether public or commercial.”

The long-run trajectory, therefore, is one in which people come to depend less and less on the basic income, because the things they want and need do not have to be purchased for money. Some things can be produced costlessly and automatically, as 3-D printing and digital copying technologies evolve into something like Star Trek’s replicator. Other things have become the product of voluntary co-operative activity, rather than waged work. It therefore comes to pass that the tax base for the basic income is undermined—but rather than a crisis, as in the hands of basic income critics, this becomes the path to utopia."

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The most important jobs in America have been brainwashed to think that Corporations are the most important. Yet if you take a situation like the show "Revolution" where there is no power, the real important workers shine. Somehow, Corporate America has brainwashed America's best into thinking they are worthless and only important if they rely on Corporations.

Yet in a Depression I guarantee you people will want the help of a Mechanic, a Construction worker, a Farmer..........In fact, I think the Farmer might make more money than a NFL it should be...
$12 hr min wage indexed to inflation.
The sky falling republicans always miss the depression prediction on min wage increase.
$12 hr min wage indexed to inflation.
The sky falling republicans always miss the depression prediction on min wage increase.

You're missing the point. This article relies on the opinion that working and earning an livable income are human rights.

Of course, the means to attaining a society based on that prinicpal relies on the minimum income, a rapid development of technology, and the gradual restructuring of our economy.

Also, you can reason that the former of the lot is a tool for restructuring the culture of civil society - counter-hegemony, if you would.
is there a poverty standard we should NOT allow people to fall below?

Or should we allow people to starve in the streets if that is where life puts them?
Minimum wage is way too low!
Go back and look at he dire predictions about raising the min wage that never happened.
Do you agree with a level of poverty that is not allowed to exsist in this country?

Of course they don't. The poorer the population gets the more control right wing international corporatists have over their lives. Paying subsistence wages is the ultimate goal of the right. Wealth and power mean everything, starving children and bodies in the street mean nothing and it's actually their goal.

Come on right wingers, admit that society means nothing to you and that the people are to be used like cattle.
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